Status: Finished

Secret Love Letters



I froze when I heard the loud howling of wolves. If I was a human I knew good and well that my heart would've stopped right then and there. Edward had called upon the pack for help. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything ever happened to Jacob or the other's. Kris looked over at me a smiled had grown across his face.

"Looks like they brought the dogs too! Excellent!" He rubbed his hands together then walked over to the bed where I was sitting. He ripped me up to my feet. "Don't you dare make a sound" he put his hand over my mouth. Edward knew I was in here, he could smell me.

The men in the other room went silent. Moments before they had grabbed their guns to protect themselves. I listened outside as I heard Carlisle talking to the other's. He told Edward, Alice, and Jasper to go around back. Jacob and the pack would circle the side. Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, and Rosalie would go inside to try and talk it over with the cult members.

"They have guns" Alice said at once. "Be careful Carlisle"

"We will my child. Let's go, we have to make sure Maddie is safe"

I heard them walk around the house. My eyes glanced over at the dirty window, I could see Edward standing next to it. He peared inside then flung himself through the window. Kris at once let go of me and charged at Edward. I was flung down to the floor. Because of the commotion the cult in the other room began to shoot loudly. I heard so many noises that my mind was spinning. I watched as Edward grabbed Kris by his neck. He lifted him up in the air. Kris kicked Edward hard in the stomach making Edward drop him to the floor. He began to kick Edward using his only power. I got up to my feet and flung myself onto Kris's back. My teeth sank into his neck, he yelled out in pain then pushed me hard into the wall. Edward took his advantage. He grabbed Kris pulling him into a headlock. The growls became louder. Jacob and Aurelia in their wolf form jumped through the window. Jacob looked at me then turned his attention on the fight between the two vampires. He bared his fangs then charged onto Kris ripping the flesh from his body. Kris began to scream loudly. Aurelia darted over to me and began looking me over to make sure I was alright.

"I'm fine Aurelia" I told her.

With her teeth she grabbed the sleeve of my coat. I stood up to my feet as she led me to the window. We both jumped out of it. Sam, Embry, and Quil led me to the back of the house where Alice and Jasper were.

"Edward's still in the house" I said.

Jasper whizzed by me and Alice. I knew that he was going in the house to protect Edward.

"Where's Carlisle" I asked.

"He's inside"

"I told them to kill me Alice. I don't want anything to happen to you all"

"Shhh, Maddie nothing is going to happen"

"How do you know Alice? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to any of you"

The shooting of the guns finally stopped. That's when I raced into the small house, Alice tried to stop me but I wouldn't listen to her. She followed in closely after me. I didn't smell blood but I could smell death. I slowly walked throughout the house. The fight in the bedroom had stopped and so did the fight in the main room. It was quiet, very quiet.

"Carlisle" I yelled. "Carlisle" I looked around the room to see bodies lying on the floor. That's when I saw them. "Oh no"

I spotted Emmett, Rosalie, Carlisle, and Esme all sprawled out on the floor. Alice rushed over to Esme and Carlisle while I rushed over to Emmett and Rosalie. I bent down next to them, Rosalie's eyes were wide open and so were Emmett's but they weren't moving.

"Why are they not moving?" I demanded.

Alice glanced over at me then back at Carlisle.

I lifted Rosalie's shirt to see several bullets in her body. "No" I said. "It can't be" I did the same to Emmett and just like Rosalie he had bullet's all in his body. "You can't kill a vampire with bullets" I yelled. "You can't it's either decapitation or fire or both"

I placed my hands on Rosalie's stomach and closed my eyes. I prayed that she would be healed. That's when I felt something throughout my body. If felt like...magic. A burst of pink light came out of my hands. Alice stared at me with her mouth hanging open. The bullet's from Rosalie's body slowly pushed themselves out. The wounds then healed themselves up. Was I healing her? Once the last bullet came out of her body she blinked her eyes a few times then sat up. She glanced down at my hands then up at Alice.

"Healing is her power" Alice said.

"It can't be" replied Rosalie. "I've never heard of a vampire to heal"

I ignored their discussion and went on to Emmett. The bullet's did the same thing with his body, Esme was next. She didn't have nearly as much but enough to harm her for a bit. Carlisle had more than I imagined. It took all my strenght to get all the bullets out of him.

"Maddie" Carlisle said as he sat up.

The pink light shone out, my mind started to get dizzy. My whole world had went black; I passed out from the healing.