Status: Finished

Secret Love Letters

Second Letter


I opened the letter and read over it, it was the same writing from the first letter.

Dearest Maddie,

When the sun rises I'll be there to share my day with you. I'll do my best to bring you happiness each day. I'll help you treasure the kisses that we've gathered along the way. When the sun sets I'll be right there next to you. I'll sing to you and whisper how much I love you. I'll make you feel as beautiful as the stars that twinkle above in the night sky.

Love Always; Your Hearts Desire

I smile as I put the note in my locker. I got out my math book along with my binder. When I shut my locker door I was startled to see Jacob standing there.

"Shit, you scared me"

He smiled. "Sorry" he said. "Are you excited Thursdays our last day until Thanksgiving?"

"Acutally I am"

I started walking down the hall with Jacob at my side.

"Jacob, are you ever going to tell me why you don't want me hanging aroud the Cullen's?"

"Because, they're dangerous"


"Nows not the time to tell you"

"Will you ever tell me?"


Jacob smiled at me then walked off. I shrugged. Maybe he was jealous of me hanging around Edward. That couldn't be it thought, there was something both of them weren't telling me. I walked into my first hour class. Alice was usually there but today she wasn't. I waited for her to show up but she never did. Neither did Edward.

Wednesday passed and so did Thursday. The Cullen's never showed up. I got so woried that I asked Mrs. Wiggins where they were at.

"Oh, they went to visit family in Alaska" she said.

I looked at her confused. She normally wasn't this friendly. Maybe, she got some from her husband last night.

"Thanks, have a happy Thanksgiving"

"You too Maddie"

I left the office feeling rather sad. I wouldn't get to see Edward for another week and my hearts desire has yet to write me another letter. I stopped dead in my tracks. It couldn't be him could it? Nah, It couldn't be Edward writing me the letters. I left the school glad I would be away from it for a while.

*Edward's POV*

Alice stared over at me; we were all visiting the Denali Clan for the holidays. I did not want to go to Alaska at all. A part of me really missed Maddie. I felt bad that I didn't tell her where I was going. Hopefully, she wouldn't be mad. I also didn't want to leave her with that dog.

"I'm fine Alice, quit looking at me like that" I told her.


Tanya wouldn't stop looking at me either. She had been one of the vampires who wanted me to be her mate. I was a gentleman to her and refused. She took it rather hardly but got over it; at least I hoped she did.

Later that night I stood out on the balcony just staring at the stars. Tanya came out after me.

"Who is the girl?" she asked.




She scoffed. "I'm losing you to a human?"

"You would firstly have to have me to lose me and you don't"

"True, this Maddie girl must be special to have your heart"

"She is"

Tanya smiled then left me alone. I couldn't stop thinking about Maddie.