Status: Writing the Sequal (:

This town isnt home anymore


last night not knowing where he was, who he was with, if he was okay and him not answering his phone. I stumbled out of bed and over to my wardrobe. Im surprised I made it home last night. I shoved some trackies b’s on and my baggy shirt. I wasn’t planning on seeing anyone today, except maybe Luke. I thought about going to see him later and decided if it is still morning then by twelve ill go and see him. I stumbled down stairs and saw the clock on the wall; adjusting my eyes so I could read the time I saw it said 10:35. It was still morning, good. That meant I could go and see Luke later on. He made my life complete; amazingly with all the alcohol in my system last night I managed to stay away from everyone all because of him, I loved him and couldn’t stand to be away from him, if only he liked all my friends. Then he would have enjoyed the same thing I did last night. I poured myself a glass of water and pulled my socks out of the dryer and over my feet. I downed the water and walked back up to my room, I quickly grabbed my shoes and my jumper and slightly too quickly fell to the floor; landing straight on my arse.
‘Oh crap. Blood rush.’ My head started spinning but I stood up anyway, thinking of the amazing guy I would get to see if I stood up and slowly my head stopped spinning. I slowly trudged down the stairs. It was dark inside my house and looked overcast outside. Infact I think it was raining lightly. I walked into the kitchen again and filled my bottle with water before starting the search for my parents. Id need to tell one of them that I was going to Luke’s. I walked out to the study too look for my dad, but he wasn’t there. ‘Weird!’ I said to myself, he was always in the study in the morning. I walked out the study and to the dining room, no one sat there, and there was no sign of breakfast either. It was like no one was up yet. The most unlikely place! I thought that’s most proberly where they are. The living room, dad only sat there in the evening and mum only went in there to clean or to watch something important. I walked in and there sat mum, dad and Mercy, Luke’s mum.
‘Mum? What’s going on?’ I questioned at the strange sight in front of me, Mercy sat in between them, mum had her arm around her and it looked as if Mercy had been crying. I walked in further and sat on the arm of the two-seater.
‘Mercy, shall I?’ My dad spoke softly; she just nodded collapsing into my mums arms and sobbing quietly. The rain pattered on the window as my dad spoke. A lump formed in my throat as I look in the information. It was hard to believe what I was hearing. I thought I was dreaming, well having a nightmare. I thought the booze I had last night was messing with my head. Tears fell down my face, thick and fast, they thought it was for the loss of a best friend but it was much more then that. I loved that boy and he meant the world to me, I couldn’t believe he would run away. He told me he loved me and that today we would go house hunting, I text my aunt and said that I couldn’t help my cousin anymore. She understood and said not to worry. Mum and dad left me and Mercy to talk. She showed me a letter that he left her. She said she found it screwed up on his bed, he had taken his Christmas money, his debit card and the money saved for him to go to university. He took two pairs of jeans two tops one hoodie and favourite vans and the pair of converse his dad bought him before he died. She also told me his camera was missing and she asked if I had it or if I thought Luke took it with him.
‘I think Luke... took it because I know I don’t... have it. I have mine.’ I spoke between wiping the tears away. I hugged Mercy as I read the letter again.
I love you, but I can’t stay in here anymore. This town is not home, home is where you’re welcomed, and I don’t feel that here. Im sorry. Don’t bother to look, you won’t find me. I won’t be anywhere you would be able to get me. Xx Luke’

The tears fell down my face and I threw the letter on the floor as I burst out the room and took the steps three at a time in a bid to get to my room before my parents called me down. I opened my laptop and plugged in my large bass speakers. I wanted to drown out all my problems with music. I opened iTunes and went straight to Evanescence; I played Weight of the world. And put all my Evanescence onto repeat. I hacked into Luke’s computer and looked at the history on his internet. I hoped it would lead me to where he was going. He said in his letter not to bother looking as we’d never find him, looks like he was going to cover his tracks to stop us finding him as well. He had cleared his history and deleted all his pictures and music. It seemed he wasn’t planning on coming home. The only thing he left on his computer was a word document named ‘Kyle.’ I double clicked it and a small pop-up appeared. ’Would you like to open or save this file?’ I clicked save and it opened for me and saved to my desktop.
♠ ♠ ♠
OMG i nearly cried writing this chapter.

*GUYS, this is the end of this one, as soon as my laptop has the mem restored i will get to writing the sequal.. i hope you enjoyed this. and i really hope that you will love the sequal too (:*