Jonas One Shot

For SmileyTaylor16

“Do you want to go a Paramore concert?”
“Oh, you know, I have my sources.” She said secretly.
“Well what ever it is, YES, YES AND YES!” I scream. Wait. Rewind. OK, I’m 16. I have blue eyes a long curly brown hair. I am petite, and music is my life! I love it so much. Any type of music is my scene really. That is why I’m so excited to go see Paramore. Sydney and I go way back. From 3rd grade (When I moved here) to now, in freshmen year of collage. Play.
“Your welcome,” Sydney replies with a slight smile.
“Am I going to find out the source after the concert?” I asked.
“No. Well, actually Yes.”
“Ooohh! I can’t wait! When is the concert?”
“In three days,” She said meekly.
“Taylor! Chill out. I’m sure we can find your prefect outfit before then.”
“You sure?” I asked like a kid.
“Positive! Tomorrow we can go shopping. All day. Just the two of us.”
“Yea!” I jump up and down. We hadn’t had a shopping spree in a while.
The next morning I got up and got dressed very quickly in this:
Then I turned on Owl City to calm down my excitement. Of course when Sydney knocked on my door all of my excitement came racing back.
“You ready shop till we drop?” I asked.
“Heck Yes!”
“Good, cause that’s the only way you’ll be able to stop me!”
Our spree started at a few classy vintage stores. We got: This. Then we moved on to the designers. First is Abercrombie and Fitch: We got this.
After that we decided to go check out American Eagle. While we were in the store we felt the eyes of one of the cute boys working the check out line. We ended up getting a bunch of clothes from there too! Then we hit up Areopostle, and a bunch of other stores. When we were done, we had made 3 trips to our car, each trip included quite a few arm fulls of bags. We were lucky that our dads co-owned the mall, so we got major discounts.
Then we drove back to my house for practice. What we practice is our guitars, piano, dance, and anything musical really. Music is my life! I love it! So does Sydney. We are trying to start a band called Musical Sensation. I would play the drums and Sydney would be lead vocal and if I knew Sydney she would add a few dance moves in there (which means she would be dancing all the time and still be singing with a lot of diaphragm. We were hoping that we could find at least one cool person who had mad piano skills. Then we would go from there with looking for a bass guitar and any other interments we need. We are determined to at east try to make the band thing work.
After we were done practicing, Sydney had to leave so she could help make dinner for her family.
Oh my gosh! Was my first thought this morning. One more day closer to the Paramore concert. I was extraordinarily bored because honestly there is nothing to do when you are on an all day sugar high and not a lot in terms of plans for the day. So I called Syd to see if I could manage to figure out how to entertain myself.
“Sydney,” I whined into the phone.
“Taylor. Why are you calling me?”
“Because I’m bored! Are you doing anything today?”
“Yes, I’m shopping with my boy friend.”
“Ohh! Can I meet the lucky boy?”
“No you can’t. He is a very busy kid and, well I’d rather you didn’t. It’s nothing personal.”
“Sydney,” I whined again. She can’t resist my puppy dog voice.
“Ok, let me ask, but only if you promise to think clearly when you meet him, no screaming!” she said sternly.
“Umm… OK.” I said. After that Syd hung up. So I occupied myself with running around the house while making a few play lists to jump around to. Then after about 2 hours Syd called back.
“Taylor, he said OK, if you promise not to freak, then you can come with us.”
“SCORE!” I screamed. “When do we meet up?”
“How about now?”
“Wait, your at the mall already!” I accused lightly.
“Maybe. OK, yes. But come on. I wanted some time with my boyfriend that I barely see.”
“Sydney, slow down. I’m not mad. I was just messing with you,” I told her.
“Oh, well OK see you soon.”
When I got to the mall I immediately started looking for Sydney. I found her about 20 minutes later at the Coffee Café, her favorite coffee shop.
“Sydney!” I said. She turned toward me and gave a look that said ‘Shut-Up!’
“Why so uptight?” I asked as I approached her.
“I’m afraid that it’s my fault,” what I assumed is her boyfriend said. He was in this. “I asked her to help me keep a low profile. You must be the Taylor I heard about.”
“I believe I am. And you must be the mystery boyfriend,” I said in the same tone.
“Yes I am.”
“So, what’s your name?”
“Nick.” Why did he seemed scared now?
“Nick what? Wait! I know your famous right! That’s how Sydney got those tickets!”
“You know she’s smarter the you give her credit for,” Nick said to Sydney. “And my last name is Jonas.”
“THAT’S why she wouldn’t tell me who you are!” I whisper yelled
“Probably.” I like him, he seems cool.
“You know, I’ll leave you two alone,” I said in a flash of generosity. Hey, he has a crazy schedule, I don’t. So I skipped off to the closest music store I could find.
‘OH MY GOSH!!!! PARAMORE CONCERT TODAY!!! ,’ was my first thought when I woke up this morning. I was excited to say the least. I looked at the clock, it’s currently 9 o’clock, and the concert is in 12 hours! I sat down at my desk and tried concentrate on making a new song for guitar, so I could add a few vocals later, but after about an hour I got frustrated and a little too jittery, so I got up and took about another hour to take a shower to calm down. Didn’t work. But I did come out squeaky clean. So after that I decided to relax and dawdle around the house until 6.
At 6 I called Sydney for help.
“Sydney!!!! Could you come over! I need the perfect outfit!” I heard her laugh. How about you bring some possible options and then come over to my house. I can do your make up,” She got me there. She is magic with make-up.
By 8 o’clock I was dressed, and very excited.
“Sydney! You are a miracle worker! Thank you!” She merely laughed and told me it was time to get going so we can beat some traffic. We got there right at 8:58. Just in time!
Oh my gosh! That was one of the best concerts ever. As I made my way toward my car, Sydney stopped me.
“We scored some back stage passes.” At this screaming was involved. A lot of screaming.
“YOU GOT US BACKSTAGE PASSES! AAHHHH,” yes, it was me who screamed.
“Come on,” Syd said laughing. We passed some security guards who tried to stop us. When we showed them our badges they let us go. Then we stepped forward into the backstage area.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi SmileyTaylor16, I put your name as Taylor just so ya know. If you see an error I missed please tell me. This is only Part 1. Part 2 is soon to come.
