Status: Active, a little slow but surely active ;]

Seduction Leads to Destruction

I've Never Made a Bet, But We Gamble With Desire

The girls watched as Jodie pulled John into the house. Some of them a little worried of what might happen.

“come on guys she’s gonna be fine.” Jess looked at all the girls with a reassuring smile.

“right?” She looked at Stephie for a second opinion.

“Yeah for sure.” She smiled at them. “Now come on lets party!” She held up a stereotypical red party cup and drank from it.

The girls shrugged and made their way in to the mass of people. People were dancing, some literally going at it in a corner. All in all this seemed like an amazing party.


Katie was a little tipsy as she headed to the table for her fourth drink of the night. She wasn’t completely wasted but a few more drinks and she would end up with a lovely hangover the next morning.

“Hey.” Katie smiled at the sound of a seductively husky voice. She turned around slowly with her new drink in hand.

Her breath caught in her through as she saw who was talking to her. Garrett Nickelsen was smirking at her, lust in his eyes.

With the alcohol pumping in their veins they were both bolder than they would if they were sober.

“Wanna dance?” Garrett held his hand out for Katie. She eagerly took it and they made their way to the dance floor.


John was so out of his mind as Jodie pulled him up to a room. Jodie opened the door with a smirk. She let go of John’s hand as she walked in to the room.

“Your not gonna come in?” She asked him with a playful pout.

John looked at her with a little bit of disbelief, was she really this stupid. Was she gonna make this game so much easier for him to win? This was to good for John to pass up. He walked slowly into the room, a smirk on his own face. John closed the door behind then flicked the door lock.

Jodie smiled. “How about we play a little a game, you know to get to know each other better.” She didn’t wait for his response as she made her way to the closet and pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels and two cups.

John raised his eyebrow in amusement. “You drink JD?” He asked as he took a cup from her.

“Only JD, only the good stuff.” She winked at him. John could have sworn he felt something fluttering around inside his stomach.

This was to much for him. He watched as her lips touched the cup and the liquid made its way into her eager mouth. He wished he was that cup, so he could see what her lips felt like. That was it, he had to kiss her.

Like she was reading his mind Jodie smirked and inched closer to him. “Do you wanna kiss me John?”

Her words sent chills down his spine. Oh how he learned to love those things she made him feel. He would have lunged himself at her as soon as her sentence came to an end. He almost did, but then he remembered that her was trying to seduce her not the other way around.

Jodie mentally smirked as she watched John have in internal battle. She decided to take his silence and play around with it. She sighed. “that’s a shame” She pouted as John gave her his full attention. “I think I would have let you too.”


A drunken giggle made its way out of Katie’s mouth as she stumbled over her feet. Garrett followed her as they both made it into a vacant room in the house.

As soon as the door was closed and locked, Garrett had her up against the door. He kissed her, lips full of lust. With hormones raging at full speed Katie greedily kissed him back, running her hands into his hair and pulling on it. Garrett kissed down her jaw line slowly making his way to he neck. As soon as his lips found that sweet spot he’d been looking for, Katie let out a low moan. He smirked and nipped at it making sure to leave a sing that he had done than to her.

Katie closed her eyes and pulled him closed to her body. She loved the heat his body was giving off. Shirts and pants came off and Katie pushed him onto the bed. She seductively made her way to him and startled his hips. Now it was her turn to find his sweet spot. She knew she found it when she felt him buck under her. She felt his breathing slowly falter and his chest rise up and down in a steady pace. She stopped kissing his neck and looked at his face.

He had fallen asleep! Soon the alcohol in her vains froze and she was instantly sober again. She registered the situation. She jumped off of Garrett as quick as she could. She held her hand to her beating chest as she looked at the boy on the bed. He was still jolting around in the bed clearly having a wet dream.

“Katie” When her name left his mouth her heart skipped a beat.

Slowly she gathered her clothes and dressed. She closed the door softly as she made her way down the stairs, out the door and into her car.

There were only two things on her mind when she got into bed.

1. She was sure she’d sleep with him if he hadn’t fallen asleep and she hadn’t sobered up.

2. She was kinda hoping he wouldn’t remember when he woke up, but at the same time she hoped he did.


Jodie smiled at John. “But I don’t really care if you don’t wanna kiss me, cause I wanna kiss you.”

As soon as her Lips touched his, Both of them felt the sparks. Jodie was a little taken back by this. She wasn’t supposed to feel anything from this kiss. So she shoved the stupid tingles to the back of her mind and kissed him harder.

John was taken back by her boldness. As soon as he felt those sparks he kissed her back with so much force. It scared John to know that what he was feeling was a little more than just lust.
♠ ♠ ♠
My computer died again! Blah hate this thing. My brothers laptop hates me and it wouldn’t let me log into Mibba… sucked! Hahaha
So……. Let me know what cha think!!
Sorry for the smutty-ness that I know totally sucks. But hey I tried right?
Hope it makes up for the late updates, *wink wink* Katie ;)
OMFG!!! I made it to 100 subscribers!! I had 101 but someone left me… *tear*
