Status: Active, a little slow but surely active ;]

Seduction Leads to Destruction

We'll Take Control Of The World Like It's All We Have To Hold On To

John was nervous to say the least. He never got like this, girls didn’t make him feel this way. Jodie was different, that much john knew.

“Guys” He randomly stopped their band practice In Pat’s garage. “The bet is off.”

“What are you talking about?” Jared asked him.

Garratt put his bass down. “The one with Jodie?”

“Yeah” John breathes out. “I just think we should stop this whole bet thing.”

“You like Jodie!” Pat jumped up excitedly.

John stood there not saying anything. He looked at his friends who all held smirks on their faces.

“So let me get this straight.” Kennedy spoke up. “John, the king has a crush on someone?” he said it in an amused voice his smirk never leaving his face.

“Look guys, she’s… different.” John said with a goofy smile.

“Well I’m proud of you John” Kennedy gave his friend a sincere smile.

And with that smile it was like something clicked in his mind. “hey Kennedy, can I talk to you after practice?”



“You like Garratt don’t you.” Jodie sat next to Katie at the lunch table. The rest of the girls were still in line getting their food.

“What?” Katie tried to play it off.

Jodie smiled. “You can’t fool me.” She pushed Katie’s shoulder playfully. “I can see the way you look at each other.”

“Okay” She paused. “Maybe, but you can’t tell anyone.” Katie pleaded.


Katie noticed the way John was staring at Jodie. “I think John actually likes you.”

Jodie scoffed. “Of course he does, he’s trying to get in my pants.”

“No I mean I think he genuinely like you.” She nodded her head in John’s direction.
Jodie caught John looking at her almost lovingly. John looked away from her when their eyes connected.

“Well then I’m doing my job right, aren’t I” Jodie looked away from the boys table.

Katie wasn’t sure she liked this whole mission anymore. She didn’t want anyone to get hurt anymore.


Things were gonna get complicated, hearts were gonna get broken…. And this was just the beginning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im such a bad author I never update! But this update is for John’s burfday!

HAPPY 22ND BIRTHDAY JOHN!!! lol Jared just posted this on twitter!


So I hope you guys like this and I hope its not getting lame…. Hahaha
