Status: Active, a little slow but surely active ;]

Seduction Leads to Destruction

She's got a target painted on her back

Matt drove Jodie to her house, everyone was planning on meeting there and discuss further plans.

“Thanks for the ride Matt.” Jodie set the helmet in his hands after he took his off.

“No problem.” He smiled at her as her put it away. “So that was The guy huh?”

Jodie just nodded at him as they saw the SUV drive up.

“That was AMAZING!” Katie jumped out of the SUV as soon as it stopped.

Jodie smiled at the thought of her rejecting ‘the King’. “really?”

“Oh God yes!” Cassie laughed as she joined them on the front lawn. “Show them the picture!”

Katie pulled out her camera and passes it to Jodie. Soon all of them started laughing. Johns face was a mix of pure horror and surprise.

“Come on lets go inside.” Rachel said as Jodie opened the door to her house.


John O’Callaghan had just been rejected. He was in pure denial as he made it to the school parking lot.

“So when’s the big date?” Garrett asked him as he leaned on the side of his car.

The boys noticed he was a bit off. “What up man? Girl said no?” Jared. Playfully punched his arm.

“She only dates older guys.” John said in a mocking voice. “or so I’ve been told.” He was referring to the girls.

“So she turned you down?” Pat asked him trying to confirm the already obvious.

John merle nodded his head, but it soon shot up with his famous smirk. “but don’t worry I’m gonna make her fall for me. Make her beg me to date her.”

John had his eyes set on her from the moment she walked into the first class. He was gonna make her fall for him, just like all the other girls. He had his next target locked. Somehow John still had that strange feeling every time he saw Jodie. Never in his life had he ever felt that way about a girl, to him they were merle a source of entertainment, a disposable pleasure. Never something he thought of making smile, or dare he think it, keep by his side. John shook his head trying to get rid of those ridicules thoughts.


“Here you go.” Stephie handed Jodie a list.

Jodie took it from her hands. “What’s this?”

“a list!” Jess said as she sat down next to Rachel.

“I can see that, but why?” Jodie looked over the list. It looked like tips.

“That’s a list we made so you can destroy John faster!” Cassie looked hyper as she told her about the list.

“Oh hey I can cross this one off.” Jodie said as she looked atPlay Hard To Get

“Right” Katie said.

They heard a car pull in next door and Rachel ran to the window. “Our target is here!” She said in a sing-song voice.

“So how long do I have to keep playing hard to get and keep ‘dating’ Matt?” Jodie asked using air quotes around dating.

“I don’t think it should take to long.” Katie said. “Did you see the way he looked at her? It was more than his usual looks he gives to girls.”

“She does have a point.” Cassie agreed.

“and knowing John he’s gonna ask you out again.” Jess said.

“So then it settled. Two more rejections and then you give him a chance.” Stephie said with a wicked smile.


John laid on his bed, just thinking about how he would make Jodie fall for him. She seemed so sure of herself as she walked away from him that afternoon. He also remembered the guy she drove off with. Just the thought of Her with another guy made his hands ball up into a fist and a waive of anger flash through his body. Could he be jealous?

John shoot up from his bed. All these new feeling scared him. He was caring all to much for a girl who didn’t even seem to give him the time of day.

Could John O’Callaghan be falling in love?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it was a while! I had family over and had things to do… but here it is! Hope you like it!
And this is for Katie I hope you like it!


On another note have you all heard All Time Lows New song?!?! Its amazing! Its on their Myspace right now! But here is the video from you tube.