Evelyn & Henry

Morning Run

I got up early for my morning run just like any other Saturday. Running is always liberating for me. Something I could always count on when something was troubling me. Lately, I’ve been disturbed by the thought of change. Something is changing about me and I can’t quite figure out what.

When I got to the lobby of my hotel I asked Mr. Wilson, the concierge, if there were any pleasant parks around. He told me of one and pointed me north.

“Good for running” he said.

I thanked him and when I was out the door, I was running in seconds. I had my favorite running music playing on my MP3 player. I turned up the music; Korn is always good to run to. I love to run, the feel of my feet hitting the pavement, the wind in my face, and the racing of my pulse. It’s exhilarating.

It is my first day in London, England. I had always wanted to visit this beautiful city. I had some money my dad left me when he passed last year. It was a difficult time and I was finally able to go on about my life.

As I ran, I thought about how perfectly I arranged my flight and arrival time. I took the advice from my best friend Will, about how to avoid jet lag.

“Try to get there in the evening. Have dinner and go to bed when it’s dark. That way you synchronize yourself to their time.” He explained to me.

“I know, I know, you’ve reminded me a million times!” I spat at him. He had been reminding me for the past few months since I told him I wanted to go.

“Yes, well, I want you to enjoy yourself for all the days you have there. You deserve it.”

“Are you still worrying about me?”

“Evie, I’ve been worrying about you for the last year. You didn’t take it very well. I’m glad you’re finally going on with your life. I hate to see you depressed all the time. Besides, you were hardly any fun.” He stuck his tongue out at me.

He knew not to mention my father directly. I made a pout, “I’m sorry I made your life boring.”

“Ha ha. That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

“I know, but I’m still sorry. I don’t want you to worry about me.”

“I know you don’t, and I’m not worried anymore.” He smiled.

I smiled at the memory. If it weren’t for him, I don’t know if I could have survived the loss of my father. I always thought myself lucky to have him as a friend and I missed him already.

I ran the whole length of this little park. On my way back I decided to take a different route to the hotel. Ever since I turned 21 a few weeks ago, strange things like a great, not good, but great sense of direction happened. I didn’t want to think about it, so I concentrated on my breathing.

As I ran south on the eastern side of the first few blocks before the hotel, I saw a very cozy café. It had tables with umbrellas on the sidewalk fenced in with intricately woven iron. The front of the café was darkest green with gold writing. Framing the front entrance was a vine of bougainvillea with its very green leaves and multicolored white and pink flowers. I decided after I had my shower, I’d come back this way to eat there for breakfast.
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OK here it is! My first chapter to my very first story EVER written. Actually the first chapter is really like 10 pages long. So it's going to be broken up into mini sections I guess. *shrug* any way. I'll update soon.

I'm going to try this approach
comments = update =)