Evelyn & Henry

You're rather cute when you're angry

I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom. I was in the bathroom in a second; I’m really going to have to learn to control that too.

I took a quick shower before getting dressed. Today I’m wearing my favorite white tube top dress with my – comfy, safe to walk around town in, red flats. And like yesterday, no make up or hair gel required. I still had 5 minutes to spare.

When I heard the knock at the door my instinct was to find out who it was before opening the door. Of course it would only be Henry but I was already probing the mind outside my door. Yes. It is Henry and he is more then happy he is here. I smiled at his happiness, for it mirrored my own.

I grabbed my bag before opening the door, “Hi!” I probably shouldn’t have sounded so excited.

He smiled his beautiful smile at me, “Ready love?”

“Yep,” and with that, I closed the door behind me.

As we walked down the hall he took my hand in his and held it tightly. His hands were warm and strong. I looked up at him to give him a smile. He returned the favor.

“So where are we going to first?” I asked him.

“I thought breakfast would be well suited for first on the agenda. I thought I’d take you to the café where we first met,” he stated with pleasure in his tone.

“That sounds great.”

We strolled over to the café, with it being only a few blocks and not to far from Henrys house. The weather was still nice, blue skies with a few fluffy white clouds gliding around. The hostess sat us down at a corner table outside. Breakfast was great. I think I’m beginning to love this little café.

“Henry, do you think we could take a look at Big Ben? I promised my friend Will, that I would take loads of pictures for him. And he would love a picture of Big Ben.” I asked when we were walking in the direction of his house to get his car, the beautiful Audi R8.

“Anything you want, I am at your disposal.” After a short moment he asked. “Who is Will?”

“He’s my best friend and kind of like the big brother I never had. We’ve been friends since the 2nd grade.” I answered while smiling.

“You sound very close to him. Are you more then just friends?” He asked, a bit hesitantly.

I finally sensed the concern and slight jealousy in his mind. I frowned a little. “Henry, Will is my best friend, my brother. I assure you that is all.”

“Is he not handsome?”

I chuckled. I loved how Henry sometimes spoke as if he just stepped out of a Jane Austen book. “Will, is…is extremely handsome. Girls go wild over him. But I never saw him that way. Like I said, he’s like the brother I never had. And I can’t go falling in love with my brother, now can I?”

“But he’s not really your brother. However, since you say there is nothing romantic between the two of you, I am satisfied.” He gave a little smile for reassurance.

We reached his car and he opened the door for me. When he walked around to his side of the car, I noticed how graceful he was in his strides. I wondered if I would ever look as graceful as him.

You already do…mostly. He thought with a smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes at him. I really do need to learn to control my leaking thoughts. This is getting a little annoying.

He laughed and as we started driving away he said, “But until then I shall enjoy your secret thoughts.”

I grimaced and stuck my tongue out at him.

He took my hand and kissed it. “You’re rather cute when you’re angry.”

“Oh, this is not angry this is just annoyed.”

He chuckled a little more and pressed hard on the accelerator.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't think this is the best chapter. Another filler-ish sort of chapter.

Sorry this has taken so so so so long to put up. Life has been getting in the way...wont say more then that.

I'm hoping to get chapters out a little faster. I'm working on trying to make this story move along to get to the exciting bits! So hang tight people, =)

comments are always great!
