Evelyn & Henry


I’ve been having strange things like this happening to me in the last few weeks. Things were changing, strange things that I couldn’t figure out. The first time I noticed a strange coincidence like this one, I was at the bank. I went two weeks ago, just after my 21st birthday, to withdraw what money I would need for London. The teller was rude, and as I thought about how she could use a good dose of manners and a good slap to her face. She looked at me with one eye brow raised and hmphed. She was ruder then, which I didn’t think were even possible.

Another time was on the plane leaving New York on my way here. There was a little boy sitting behind me. He was an ill mannered child. For a full hour he kicked the back of my seat. I thought I should reach back there and give the boy a spanking myself since his mother, sitting next to him, was too scared to touch him or correct him. At that moment the boy behind me stopped kicking, whimpered, and starting crying to his mother.

“Mommy, don’t let the mean lady hurt me!” the boy cried.

“Sweetie” sweetie, right “no one’s going to hurt you.” His mother reassured him.

“But Mommy she said she will if I don’t stop kicking.”

Did I say that out loud? I didn’t think I did.

“Aww, that’s just your good natured side telling you to be a good boy, no one’s going to hurt my sweetheart. Now here, have some soda and watch the movie.”

What just happened? The only thing I could think of was that I was grateful the rest of my flight was going to be peaceful.

And now, here I am sitting near this gorgeous man wondering what his name was and he looks at me as if I called it out loud. I know I didn’t. I don’t have that kind of confidence to talk to a beautiful stranger.

He stared back at me with a flash of different emotions; first, pleased, then curiosity, and finally confused. After a moment I was finally able to pull my eyes from him. That was defiantly strange. It’s like all the other times. What is going on?

I could still feel his eyes on me, so I dug in my purse for my wallet. I wished the waiter would get the hint and come over with the check. In, what seemed like, a half-second later, the waiter was handing me the check. Hmm, that must be just a coincidence. I handed him more then the total and told him the rest was his.

“Thank you and have a lovely day,” with a smile on his face and a little bow of his head.

“Thank you.” I smiled and quickly gathered my things to leave. I could still feel those ocean blue eyes on me as I walked away.

I was walking toward the park I ran through this morning. I thought I’d walk off my heavy breakfast. A few blocks from the café was a neat looking music store. I decided to go in. I was looking for something different, something I’d never heard before, maybe a local band. There were rows and rows of music. This store had one wall of nothing but headphones to sample CDs. I got the salesperson to pick out some of his favorites to sample. As I listened to them none of them interested me. I was on the last one when Mr. Beautiful walked in. I tried to ignore him, I didn’t want to be caught staring again. And I can’t be obsessing over someone that never in a million years would be interested in me anyway.

I hung up the headphones, handed the CDs I was sampling back to the salesperson. I decided this time I would pick out a few CDs myself. I was skimming through some and happen to glance up at a CD cover that looked interesting. As I reached for it, another hand touched mine reaching for the same album. It was like an electric shock, but in a good way, weird but…exciting? I pulled my hand back and when I looked up to see who this hand belong to, of course it belonged him.

Our eyes met, he smiled and said “I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s ok.” I felt nervous. My voice cracked.

“If you’re looking for something new, they’re a really good local band.” He handed me the CD. He had the most heavenly voice.

“Thanks” I whispered.

“My pleasure” he smiled at me, picking up a CD for himself and turned to leave.

I didn’t want him to turn his back on me. I wanted badly to grab him and keep him near me. What a strange thing to feel for someone I didn’t know. Suddenly I remembered I wasn’t breathing. I had to take a few deep breaths before the little black dots went away. I felt in a trance. After a few moments I mindlessly walked over to the salesman, handed him all 4 CDs. Three of them I had randomly picked up – I don’t know what they were. The other was the one he handed me.
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there is still more to chapter 1. haha

Hope you like!