Evelyn & Henry

Institute for Crazies

When I got to the park, I found an empty bench and sat down. I wanted to see what it was exactly that I had purchased at the music store. Before I looked in my bag, I glanced around. I was shocked at what I saw.

Every blade of grass, every petal of every flower, and every leaf on the trees were crystal clear. I could see for miles. I blinked a few times, maybe I was imagining this. It didn’t go away. Suddenly, I heard a whooshing sound. I looked around to find it. It was a single leaf falling from a branch swaying back and forth as it fell. I squeezed my eyes shut, shaking my head back and forth. This can’t be real; I must be imagining this somehow. When I opened my eyes, everything was back to normal. I sat stunned for a while.

When I drifted back to reality, I looked at my watch to see the time. One o’clock! How long have I been sitting here staring into space? At that moment my stomach growled. I got up and looked around. Across the way to the west was a restaurant that was sure to do the job of filling me up. I started my way over to it.

It was a little restaurant with a wall of glass windows covering the front. Inside was very modern, with sleek tables and chairs. Nearly everything was a right angle. The only rounded objects I could see where the cone shaped lamps that hung over the tables. There was a nice atmosphere to it though. I liked it right away. The hostess seated me and handed me a menu.

When the waiter came over to me, he looked stunned. I wondered if I had something on my face. If I did, I’d hope he’d point it out.

“Good afternoon. My name is Adam. I’ll be your server today.” He said it with so much enthusiasm.

I gave him my order and he walked away glancing behind him a few times; once walking into the corner of a chair. I giggled a little to myself – what was that about? That’s not the normal reaction I get from males.

As I waited for my lunch, I sat there thinking of all the strange things happening to me, especially today in the park. How was it, I was able to see so clearly? Hear and see for miles? Well, it only lasted a few minutes, so was it some strange hallucination? But how could I hear the leaf falling? How was it that I could see every blade of grass and every petal of the flowers as if I were looking closely? I wish there were someone to explain these things to me. I don’t know who exactly, not a doctor. I doubt there is some rare disease causing perfected sight and hearing, not to mention the – what seems to be – mind reading stuff. Only, I’m pretty sure I’d be locked up in some insane asylum for it. Yes, I could see how that conversation would go.

What seems to be the problem today Evelyn?

Oh, nothing really bad Doc., just been able to see and hear for miles. Oh and I think that maybe somehow I can get into peoples heads. You know sort of mind reading and all that.

I can see the confused look on his face now; the thought to call up the nearest institute for crazies and have me thrown in as soon as possible. I definitely can’t tell anyone about this. Maybe Will, but he would only worry about me.

The waiter came then, interrupting my reverie.

“Here you go one grilled sea trout as ordered.” He placed the plate of food and a glass of water in front of me.

“Thank you this looks too good to eat.” I said with a smile. And it did. It looked like a piece of art.

“O, I assure you, it’s very edible. Please, enjoy your meal,” with yet another big grin on his face.

I thanked him and started on my meal. It was by far the best trout I had ever had. I enjoyed every bite. This was good. At least it took my mind off of everything for the moment.

As I walked back to my hotel room, the crystal clear hearing and sight came back to me. Only the hearing part was what held my attention. I could hear every one of my footsteps bouncing off the walls of the buildings I passed. I could hear shop doors opening with the little bell ringing indicating a customer coming or going. In the distance, maybe a few yards away, I heard a child laughing. I heard women talking; I didn’t concentrate to hear what they were saying because it was something to do with diaper rashes. In the distance I heard a heart beat. It had a different beat to it then the normal bum bump. I listened harder. It was barely noticeable but there, an extra bump. I tried to figure out who this might be. I think they need to see a doctor. I wasn’t anything close to being a doctor but I was pretty sure irregular heart beats were something to be looked at. As I strained to figure out who this could be, the name Henry came to me again. I stopped dead in my tracts.


I could see in his head he somehow recognized my…voice? And he was…happy? He stopped where ever he was and looked around. He was at the park I guessed, but now he seemed disappointed. This was too much. I closed my eyes and shook my head a little. When I opened my eyes this time, everything was still the same. I started walking at a fast pace. I wanted to be locked away in my room, away from this madness.
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