Evelyn & Henry


We walked back to my hotel so I could change into more appropriate clothes. I had an idea, as we walked I concentrated really hard on keeping my thoughts locked up. Maybe that would work to keep my thoughts my own. I had at least a hundred questions for him. Like, how is this possible? Could it happen to anyone? Why does it happen? Do all immortals read minds? When did he become immortal? I looked at him a few times to read his face for any reactions to my thoughts, so far none.

When we got to the hotel he waited for me in the lobby while I went to my room to get changed. I took another shower. I didn’t need makeup or gel for my hair anymore. I put on my dark wash blue jeans, my little white blouse, and black pumps. I grabbed my bag and was out the door. I think I could get use to this. It only took me half the time to get ready than the usual.

When I got down to the lobby, the concierge saw me and his eyes nearly came out of his sockets. He blinked a few times before he could speak, “Ms. Benson, your looking lovely today.”

I felt the heat back in my cheeks, “Thank you Mr. Wilson.”

“My pleasure” he said with a little bow of his head.

Before I could look for him, he was walking towards me. I smiled at him. I couldn’t help it. He was perfection in everyway and I was getting to spend time with him.

He returned a smile. “Shall we Ms. Benson?”

He took me a few blocks to his home to get his car. When he pulled it out of the drive my mouth fell in shock. It was a black Audi R8. I stood frozen. He got out and walked around to the left side of the car and opened the door for me. I got in, mouth still open from shock as I took in the interior. I heard him laugh a little before closing the door.

“Do you like it?” he asked with a little amusement in his tone.

“I love it!” I couldn’t hold back my excitement for this beautiful car.

He took me across town to a little restaurant that was very small but charming. The hostess sat us down at a cozy little table in the far right corner next to the window facing the street. As I scanned the menu, I couldn’t figure out what I was looking at. I quickly realized everything was in Italian. I looked over the brim of my menu to see if he had the same problem and if he didn’t maybe he’d order for me. To my surprise he was staring at me.

“What?” I said shyly.

“You make a lovely immortal. Yesterday I thought you were beautiful, but now…now there are no words.”

Heat filled my cheeks. I glanced out the window and down at the table before looking back into his eyes.

“I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I only speak the truth.” He was careful not to apologize for a compliment.

“I’m not use to hearing compliments.”

“Human eyes are weak.” He smiled. “And don’t worry, I’ll order for you, if you like.”

I looked at him curiously, did he hear me again. I thought I was being careful. He nodded, and I knew it was to confirm my suspicions.

The waitress came around and, like promised, he ordered for me. I didn’t know what, but I was sure to find out.

I concentrated in talking to him threw thought. I was pretty sure talking about immortals around mortals is not a great idea.

Why is this happening to me?

Well, first, you were born with the gene that turns you immortal. At least one parent has to carry it. I’m assuming your mother did, since your father has passed.

I held back tears at the memory. This was the information that I needed. How does that work exactly?

The gene lies dormant until you turn 21. The change can take at least six weeks, more or less, before the transformation is complete.

My mother’s immortal I thought. I could maybe find her. Where could she be? Why didn’t she come looking for me when dad passed? Why would she leave me to figure this out on my own? Did she really not care for me anymore?

“What are you thinking so hard about?” He had a curious look on his face.

“I was wondering about my mother.”

Ah. Well, maybe we can find her.

I nodded in agreement. When did you turn immortal?

He laughed out loud. People around us looked, curious because neither one of us was really talking.

I thought I should say something out loud. “What?”

He shook his head. A very, very long time ago.

I stared at him waiting.

“I don’t think you want to know.”

I’m waiting. I was smiling at him now. I want to know everything about you.

He smiled his bright smile then. That pleases me more then you know.

“You’re stalling” I teased.

Right, well, I recently celebrated my 220th birthday. I was born February 17th 1789.

I was stunned. No thoughts. No words. I just stared.

I warned you, I was very old. He was laughing internally.

You don’t look a day over-

21. He finished my thought for me. Yes, I know.

I’m going to look this way forever? I realized, astonished.


Our food arrived then. Mmm, fish. Something I loved to eat often. Why didn’t it just say that on the menu? He chuckled a little with a pleased look on his face; maybe for ordering well.

We ate in silence for a few minutes, looking at each other periodically. It was strange. I suddenly realized with all my new heightened senses, I didn’t hear every little thing. That is, until I realized I wasn’t hearing everything. All at once the noises in this little restaurant suddenly were blaring in my ear. After a moment of the initial blast, it calmed, as if it where everyday noises I was use to. I wonder why that happened. Was it because all my focus was on him?

That brought to mind another question. So what are the changes exactly?

Your physical appearance, physical strength, heightened senses, and, if you have powers, they start to develop. The appearance all immortals have are the golden tinting of our hair, the luminescent glow of our skin, the deepening, crystal clear color of our eyes, and the perfection of our faces. Our physicality is our speed, strength, impenetrable skin, and immunity. But of course, we’ve always had impenetrable skin and perfect immunity. I’m sure you must have noticed at least that during your mortal life.

He stopped. He was studying the stunned and shocked look on my face. “You never did notice did you?” he asked with a chuckle.

I just shook my head no.

He smiled and continued explaining. Our hearing is a hundred times better than any other, we can see for miles, our sense of smell is more precise, taste is more reliable, and our sense of touch is more sensitive.

Wait, why did you push me down in the park? I suddenly thought.

Well, you where nearly running at the speed of light. And we can’t let mortals see us like that, if we expect to live among them.

I was stunned for a minute, but I had to admit that all of this was kind of cool – in a superhero sort of way. I could be like Superman!

He laughed out loud again at my super thoughts. That’s one way of looking at it, of course without the flying and x-ray vision.

I ignored his laughing. I had more questions. Do all immortals have, umm, mind reading abilities or… powers or something?

No. For those who have powers, their powers range in strength. For instance, I have a friend that I met a few decades ago, her name is Kate. She could control the wind; make a light breeze or hurricane force winds. I’ve heard stories of shape shifters, teleporters, mind control, and super strength. In some cases, though rare, one might have more then one power.

Do you have a power?

He grinned. I have the ability to move objects.

My mouth fell open. His grin widened. He touched his figure tips to my chin to pick it back up. I, of course blushed at his touch. I could sense he liked me blushing when he touched me. He didn’t tell me that, but I could feel it there in his mind. That’s a new one.

I wanted a demonstration but I figured that would have to wait another day. What do you think my power is exactly?

I can’t be sure but it seems you can probe into ones mind at will, probably only one person at a time. I think you can sense emotion; and maybe plant suggestions if you wanted. But by being in someone’s mind you also expose your own thoughts. That is why we can communicate this way. It also seems you can keep from doing it if you wished. This is what I think you will need to learn to control better.

I nodded in agreement.

After a moment, all of this information started to settle in. Suddenly the weight of it all was too much. It felt like a ton of bricks was somehow resting on my shoulders. Panic started to creep its way over me. My heart started to race itself into overdrive, and my breath sped. I could see he was worried he gave me too much at once. I didn’t want him to worry, so I took deep breaths to calm myself. One, two, three, I started counting in my head. I got to ten and was better.

“Wow!” just wow.

“I know it’s a lot, but in a few weeks…” He trailed off in thought. I was about to speak when he finally spoke again “when was your birthday?”

“Oh, umm, actually, it seems we share the same birth date.” I blushed because I was pleased with this commonality.

His eyes lit up, I believe he was happy with our little coincidence as well. I could see scheming about a birthday gift.

I grimaced. You really don’t have to do that.

I know, but I am. By the way, that means you have about three weeks left until your transformation is complete.

I stared into space. Looking in the general direction of his chest but not really paying attention. Immortal. I was slightly panicked again.

We didn’t speak much after that. He let my mind ponder on the idea of immortality – apparently he really did give too much information all at once. He continued scheming for a belated birthday gift. I still didn’t think it was necessary but I had bigger things to think about.
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new update! yay!! hope you are still enjoying and not thinking this is corny or stupid.

just so you know my inspiration for this story obviously came from twilight. but i didn't want them to be vamps even tho i think they are super cool.

so inspiration came from Twilight, Comic books, and Highlander. If you don't know about Highlander then I feel old. =(

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