Evelyn & Henry

To tell or not to tell

I walked into my room feeling empty. I used my body weight to close the door. As I leaned there on the door, I closed my eyes and thought, could I actually be in love with him already? Was love at first sight in point of fact? I’ve read stories of this happening but I never gave it much thought to really happening.

At home, I’ve had crushes but never like this. No, this was not a crush; this was more, so much more. This was as if I found my other half that I wasn’t aware was missing until he held me in his arms. And when he left he took that half with him, leaving me half empty without it. I won’t be whole again until he was with me.

I sighed and opened my eyes. I walked over to my suit case to find something more comfortable for lounging around in.

Suddenly I thought “William!”

I looked at the time. It was two in the afternoon. I counted, in my head, the time difference. It’s six in the morning in San Francisco, I doubt Will was up. I’ll have to wait then. I’ll give him two hours, he should be up by then and if not I don’t care.

“So now what do I do?”

I thought for a moment. Then, I got the most brilliant plan; a bubble bath. I got the water going, bubble soap in, and the jets on. It was like a little piece of cloudy heaven. The bubble soap the hotel provided was divine – the sent of lavender and rose with a hint of apples. I closed my eyes.


When I opened my eyes, I looked around, most of the bubbles where gone. The water was a milky color now and the temperature of the water felt cool. Did I fall asleep? How long was I out?

I got out of the tub and wrapped myself up in a huge thick towel. I walked into the main room to see the clock. 3:30! I was sleeping in the tub for over an hour. I scrunch my shoulders up and dropped them. At least I felt relaxed, but I was a bit prunie. I got dressed and tied my hair in a messy bun. Thirty more minutes and I would call Will.

I taped my fingers on the bedside table. After about two minutes I picked up the phone. He was just going to have to deal; there was so much to tell him.

The phone rang once, twice, three times, dang, he must still be asleep; I shouldn’t try to wake him. “Hello” said a groggy voice after the forth ring.

“Hey, it’s me. Sorry, did I wake you?”

“Yeah, but its ok, what time is it?” Still sounding groggy, he must have had a late night.

“Umm, it’s 7:30 a.m. your time. If you want I’ll call back later.” I felt bad now that I’ve woken him up and he sounded so tired.

“No, no, no. I’m O.k. I want to know what you’ve been up to.”

I suddenly didn’t know what to say, ‘Hey, umm, I just learned today that I’m turning immortal! Yay!’ Right. What do I say? Will’s my best friend, I don’t want to lie, and I want to tell him everything.

“Evie, you still there?”

“Yeah, I, umm…met someone today.” Crap, I should have thought more thoroughly of what I was going to say to him.

“O.k. you don’t sound so happy about that,” he said confused.

“No, actually quite the opposite, I really like him. He’s very nice.” This is going to be hard; maybe I should wait to tell him.

“Well, what’s his name? What’s he like, besides nice?”

“Umm, well, his name is Henry. He’s very polite.” And then I thought of the perfect thing to distract him, because everything else had to do with immortal stuff. “Oh! And Will, he drives an Audi R8! I got to sit in an Audi R8!” I tried to sound as excited as I had felt when I first saw the car.

“No. Stinkin’. Way! What color was it?” Excitement flooded his voice.

“Yes way! It was black. It was such a nice ride too. I wish you could have been there.” He would have loved it.

“Yeah, well, so…he’s a rich guy huh? Didn’t think those were your type?” There was a little bit of sarcasm in his tone. I was going to tell him off but before I could he added “Wait! He’s not…he’s not Prince Henry is he?” Sudden shock in his voice with the idea I was with a prince.

My anger to his judgment went out the window. I broke into laughter. I hadn’t thought of that. I know he wasn’t the prince but I didn’t think of the possibility that Will would come to that conclusion.

“He is, isn’t he?!” He thought my laughter was confirming his suspicions. I laughed a bit louder.

I tried very hard to stop laughing but it was still there in my voice when I could finally speak again. “No! He’s not the prince silly. It just happens that his name is Henry.”

“Oh, so a rich guy huh?” He actually sounded a little disappointed.

“I guess he is, but I didn’t know that when I first saw him yesterday,” I said, a little annoyed. “He was just another guy walking around. He doesn’t dress like he’s rich. I mean, he wears nice clothes but not over the top or anything. It wasn’t until today, when he took me to lunch that he got his car to drive me across town.” I left out the part where I thought he was incredibly gorgeous and I’m already in love with him.

“Well, I guess that’s ok then.” There was a tone of remorse in his voice. I know it’s because he knows me better then anyone. And he felt bad for thinking of me so badly.

I felt better at his apologetic tone. And instantly forgave him. “Hey, don’t sound so sad.”

“I should not have degraded your character like that. I know you better then that.”

“I know that, that’s why I’m going to forgive you.”

“So, what else have you been up to? Did you get to see Big Ben yet?” his voice a little lighter now.

Now I’m back to avoiding the immortality thing again. “No not yet, but maybe tomorrow. Hey, Will, I’m going to have to call you back in a few days. I don’t want to spend all my money on long distance phone calls.” I hate not telling him.

“O right, well, make sure you take lots of pictures for me. Miss you.”

“I will, don’t worry. And I miss you too.”

After we got off the phone, a huge sigh escaped me. I wish I could tell him. But maybe waiting until we are face to face would be better anyhow.
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So sorry this has takin' sooooooooo long to get out but here it is at last!

I know this is kind of just a filler but you get to hear from Will.

I'll try to get the next update up sooner rather then later.

comments are always groovy baby! LOL was watching Austin Powers the other day!