Sidney Theres A Bigger Prize Crosby

Sidney Crosby + Holly Bylsma

---Holly's House---
"Holly if you don't hurry up you will miss the car to the game!!!" My mom yelled at me up the stairs.

"Mom calm yourself its 4:30, game time is 7:30 PLENTY OF TIME!" I screamed back down at her. My names Holly Bylsma. Coach Dan Bylsma of the Pittsburgh Penguins daughter. We just moved to Pittsburgh so my dad could move up in the ranks and coach a NHL team. We were all shocked that tonight was going to be game 7.

"What to wear, what to wear." I thought to myself. I pulled my nice bootleg jeans, with a white t-shirt and a Crosby jersey. Oh yes did I tell you that me and Sidney Crosby hit it off right away. We were dating, but had to be secret about it due to the media and everything. It was stressful but we worked it out.

"HOLLY! One more minute get your ass down here NOW!" My mom screamed again.

"K Mom, just let me get my brother and we are good to go. " I screamed back as me and my brother bounded down the stairs and ran to the car.

---Mellon Arena---
"And the Penguins are now 2 minutes away from winning the Stanley Cup! Fans this is your time to shine." The PA annoucer screamed out to the crowd.

My mom, my brother and me were screaming along with the other 18000 fans, we were down by the entrance watching the time go off the clock. My heart was broken since Sidney got hurt halfway into the second and just seeing the look on his face killed me. The boys were going to do it without him though so thats an accomplishment.

"HOLLY! They did it!" My mom and brother screamed as they were running out to my dad to engulf him in a hug and kisses.

"DAD! You did it! I love you Daddy!" I said to my dad as I hugged him tight.

"Holly, I think theres someone else you should be celebrating with." My dad said to me in my ear.

"Ummm dad, whose that?" I said innocently.

"Honey, theres just some things that dads figure out. Now go, I'll explain to your mother." My dad said pushing me off into the crowd towards Sidney and his family.

Sidney saw me walking towards him and skated up to me leaving his family for a minute. "Holly, what are you doing??" Sidney said to me shocked.

The feeling of how proud I was of him just washed over me and I forgot where we were as I pulled him close to me wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in for the most intense kiss of our relationship. I caught Sidney off guard at first but after a minute he started to kiss me harder.

"Wow Holly, um I thought we were just a secret you said." Sidney said to me still shell shocked.

"Sidney I love you, It can't be a secret anymore. And anyways my dad figured it out and is fine with it." I said with a smile on my face and he pulled me in for another hug.

"Holly, I think I got a bigger prize then the Stanley Cup!" Sidney said to me.

"Oh yes, Mr. Crosby and whats that?" I said back to him shocked.

"You Ms. Holly Bylsma. I love you with all my heart. And I always will." Sidney said as he pulled my legs up so they wrapped around his midsection and kissed me like we were the only two people there.
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I know it doesn't take place in Pittsburgh for game 7 but it works for the story!
