Oh Ryans!

Chapter 2

Cristina and Reynolds

Reynolds put the top down on his 1985 convertible Porsche and blasted alternative rock music from the 90’s as he pulled out of his parking stall. All Cristina could do was smile as she bobbed her head along with the music.

“So, I probably don’t even need to ask, but is this music ok for you?” Reynolds looked curiously at Cristina.
“It’s perfect.” Cristina replied looking back at him with a wide grin.

The rest of the ride was fairly quiet except for the comments both of them made on each song that played on their ride to the beach. Reynolds took glances at Cristina every so often, admiring her beauty, while she watched other cars pass them by.
She hasn’t felt this way in a long time. This feeling that put knots in her stomach and tingles up her spine. She wondered what it was. Why she was almost afraid to look at him, she wasn’t sure. He made her so incredibly nervous.
Ryan Reynolds was amazing in almost every aspect. Not only was he good-looking, but he was also very charming and witty. He was assertive in the way he spoke. His moves seemed careful and thought out.
They pulled up to the pier and saw that the rest of the group were already there waiting for them. Reynolds signaled Michelle, and she told the rest of the group to follow her down to the sand.

“What’s that all about?” Cristina asked, feeling a little uncomfortable for a split second.
“I figured we could just sit here a bit. Get to know each other. Put your seat back.” Reynolds told her as he set an example by reclining his own seat. “Look at that view. Isn’t it just simply relaxing?”

Cristina did as she was told and looked up at the sky. The stars were shining brighter than she’s ever noticed. Her thoughts fell back on Ryan. He was pretty smooth. He found a subtle and unthreatening way to get her alone. She wondered about where he worked, where he grew up, what kind of family he had, and all that, but didn’t dare to ask. It’s been a while since Cristina felt shy like this. No, Cristina has never been shy like this, especially when it came to guys.
She was a pro at flirting and she knew how to play it whether or not she was interested in the guy she was talking to. But this, the way Ryan made her feel since they stepped into his car and turned on that radio, this was something else. She felt a little uneasy about it but at the same time, completely trusting of the results.
Cristina hadn’t been in a serious relationship in over 2 years. She had been abused emotionally for the past few years by guys she thought she could trust. Finally, she was fed up and didn’t try anything exclusive with anyone. She took a break for herself, still having fun with guys, but without any attachments. But after a couple years of the single life, she finally realized it was time to open up her doors again.
She tried to steal a glimpse of him without him noticing, but as she turned her head slightly to the left, he was already looking at her.

He smiled sweetly, “What’s on your mind?”
“You.” She replied simply. “What’s your story?”
“Tell me yours. Where are you from? Where do you work? What’s your favorite color?” He asked jokingly.
Cristina’s eyes grew wide, was he reading her thoughts? “I’m originally from St. Louis, but I’ve moved around a lot. I work in real estate. My favorite color is _____, what about you?”
“I’m from Los Angeles. I moved to Jacksonville about 3 years ago to spend some time with my grandparents on my mother’s side… I’m their only grandchild, so you can imagine how much they want me around. ALL THE TIME. I’m a firefighter. And my favorite color is gray.”
This intrigued Cristina, “A firefighter?!”
“Yeah!” Ryan nodded, and laughed. “Why does everyone react that way?”
Cristina shook her head. “Maybe because a lot of guys can only imagine being firefighters, but you, you’re actually a firefighter!”
“Yeah, it’s pretty cool, the benefits are outstanding! But it’s scary sometimes, you know?”
“Oh yeah! I’m sure. How long have you been a firefighter?”
“It hasn’t been that long. I’m about to make 2 years in July. Before that, I was just working at Target.”
“Are you serious?! That’s how the other girls and I met! We all worked at Target a year ago.”
“You know, after tonight, whatever information I find out about you or the other people we’re with, will not surprise me. It’s like we all have something in common.”
“I know! Can you believe this?! This night is so unreal!”
“I agree. Do you want to go join the rest now?” Ryan slowly moved his hand over Cristina’s, which she had placed on her lap.
She looked down at their hands and then looked back up to the sky. “No, I’m comfortable here.”