Four Leaf Clovers are Useless Now


I had spent my first six periods and my lunch break trying to figure out what I was possibly going to tell Alex. I have never been one for confrontation, but it really erks me when people back out of something. If you were not going to go through with was you agreed to or planned, then why even bring it up?

It was the end of sixth period and we were heading into the start of seventh, my class with Alex. I had an over view of what I was going to say, weather or not I say it is a completely different matter. The class was seated and Mrs. Gavin clapped her hands. “Get with your partners and research, I have books up here if you need any help.”

I looked over to see Alex with his goons, I would rather be looking up stuff by myself then be around those creeps. I pulled out the note pad that had all the information I gathered from last night, I had most of the work done, we just needed some more facts, then it is all about putting it together to make one nice power point. I looked up just in time to see Alex smack his friend and walk over here. He pulled out a chair and sat down, “How much have you gotten done?” I rolled my eyes and gave him a look of annoyance.

“Why would it be of any importance to you, you obviously did not want to work on it last night.” I pulled the notes on my lap and looked him straight in the eye. He bushed a hand through his hair and sighed.

“I was caught up in something, it was important.”

“Important? You call sucking face with your chick important, get a fucking clue and don't lie to me.” My voice was rising in volume. Most of the kids were staring at us and the teacher was oblivious, she didn't have great hearing.

“Yes, more important then hanging with you anyways.” He looked me in the the eyes, brown against green. I did the most absurd and greatest thing in my life, I smacked him, clean across the cheek.

“How dare you!” My five year pent up frustration was let out. “You are not even a decent enough human being to keep to your word. You think you can just walk around and try and be all badass, well you cant. Because you know where you are going to be five years from now? No where, because that is how pathetic and pointless you are to everyone and everything around you.” I yelled at him, the class was silent and the teacher had a slack jaw. No one would have ever thought that meek little Colbie Kalarvie had a temper.

“Colbie, Office now!” Mrs. Gavin yelled at me, I was standing looking down at Alex, he was speechless for once.

“That is fine by me.” I grabbed my things and dashed out as quickly as possible. I didn't want to see anybodies faces, when I walked out of the door it hit me full force what I had done, the came the massive migraine. It felt like a volcano went off in my head, maybe instead of going to the office I would go to the nurse. I made my way to the nurse hoping she would pop me some pills.

While walking down the long white halls I started to laugh quietly to myself, that was really not how I wanted that conversation to go. Now I guess Mrs. Gavin would really take the time to switch partners because honestly, she was so wrong about me being able to deal with him for a week.
♠ ♠ ♠
temper, temper.

