Four Leaf Clovers are Useless Now


I wasn't really lying when I said that I was going to have to deal with allot of bullshit the next day. Right when I walked through the door of my school I started to get bashed on. I guess when you mess with the cutesiest guy from our school you might as well have been messing with the whole damn student body. I barely made it to seventh period without getting hurt, so far the only thing that was damaged today were my text books. I wasn't even sure if there were still useable, so many people ripped many pages out.

When I walked into my History class I was surprised to see Alex sitting at his desk with a book open and writing notes, usually I was the one doing that. The teacher had her head down writing in her grade book, not paying attention to anything. I walked up to his side and sat on the edge of the table, peering down at him as he wrote. “You’re doing something, don't tell me you took to heart what I said last night.”

He looked up and me and rolled his eyes, he nose scrunching just a little to make it look cute and not ugly. “Shut the hell up. You just had a point okay?” A nod an hmpft was my reply, I knew I was right and the fact that he finally admitted it to himself made me happy. So I sat myself in the empty chair beside him and pulled my notes out so we could talk about what we had gathered. It was so lame but, I was starting to like the fact that Mrs.Gavin made us partners. I also was starting to hate her for it to, my flame for Alex was coming back and I didn’t like that at all. His hair was hanging in his face, a mess like usual, he was wearing a light blue tee with a pair of cut off jeans. Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach and my mouth suddenly went dry. He looked back up at me when he noticed me staring, “Stop looking at me like that.” I was about to retaliate before a massive amount of kids started to flood the room. I wrote on a piece of paper from my spiral and ripped it out giving it to Alex before I walked away from him to go to my seat.

The note wasn't of great importance, it just told him to come over to my house tonight. When I saw him look over his shoulder and nod at me I leaned back in my seat. I had nothing to do now, everything would most likely be completed by tonight and we could present our project tomorrow or the day after if we are not finished in time. While everyone else wrote and finished there notes for there project I passed the class period with doodles in my notebook and a mind full of thoughts. I had to talk to someone and hopefully my someone would be here today.

next period.

“Jack help me out here please.” I was giving him a puppy dog look without having to look at him, why? Because he was currently sucking face with this weeks squeeze.

“Fine.” He kissed the girls cheek and pushed her away from him gently. Jack was a player, well a nice one if that is possible. He is always with different girls but he treats them right, unlike most of the boys now that just hit it and quit it. “What do you need Colbs?” His smile was perfectly set in place and like always he was happy.

I whispered when I spoke my voice low so that only he could hear me, “I think I am starting to like Alex again.”

“Starting?” He raised an eyebrow at me. I set my lips in a firm line. “You have always liked him, you never stopped.” I hated Jack.

“No I haven't.”

“Don't lie to yourself love. You know I'm right.” He propped his legs up on the chair across from his and started to give googley eyes to the girl that was hanging on him only moments ago. I bit my lower lip and stared down at the table fiddling with my thumbs. He was right, and I hated it. “You shouldn't be asking me for help though. You should be asking yourself what you are going to do about it.” He patted my shoulder leaving me in deep thought while he walked off to be with his little toy.

I knew what I was going to do, I wasn't sure if it was the most sane thing to do but, if I knew anything. It was the fact that I, Colbie Kalarvie, was not a very sane one to begin with.
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ive been busy with band camp, im sorry.
and comments make me want to write more!
so thank you to Viva, Mixtape, JackBarakat, Jessie_love and Aprilllllx. for their lovely comments.