Dancing In The Alley With The Street Rat Night Life


Jayne's POV

I layed my head back untill it hit the head rest of the passenger seat as I stared at the gray plastic that was wrapped around the windshield.

Ella was scrolling through her music, which was now playing My Chemical Romance, and set a bunch of music on her playlist.

After the last note of 'I never told you what I do for a living' I heard the beginning of Scream by Tokio Hotel.

I turned on my side as I heard the pounding bass, even though this song has a lack of a big bass part, the drums, guitar, and vocals all mix together in a flurry as they poured from the speakers.

See, Rachel and Ella put in huge ass amps and speakers so they could 'enhance the sound quality' in our van, but I think it was so they could listen to music loud and pretend they were gangsta's rollin' in the hood, like Rachel and her Dad used to do.

After the month or so of riding in here, I managed to get used to the loud music so that I can and will, fall asleep with it on, as I am doing now.

I drifted off to sleep to the sound of Rachel and Ella arguing over what they want to listen to.

*five hours later*

"Hey, Jayne, we're here!" Ella said, shaking me awake.

I yawned, stretched and opened one eye.

"Okay." I strecthed once more and got out.

I looked around, eyeing the back door.

I quickly walked in.

I started watching for the owner of this club, his name was John O'Callaghan or something like that maybe?

I spotted him and walked up to him.

"Hey, you need something?" He turned and asked me.

"Yeah, Diary of a Wallflower? Where do we need to go?" I asked.

"Are you in the band?"

"No, i'm there manager slash techie slash head of road crew slash merch girl." I grinned.

His eyes went wide.

"How in the hell can you keep up with all that shit?"

I laughed.

"I'm magic."

He laughed.

"Nice, well they can go in there." He pointed to a door on the far end of a hallway.

"Okay." I turned around.

"I'll send a p.a. for you guys."

"Thanks, now let me go get the lazy asses."

And I walked outside to where Ella was un-hooking the bungees and Rachel was watching.

Jessica was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Jessica?"

Jessica popped her head down from the roof of the van.

"Here I am!"

"How'd you get up there?"


"...well, c'mon, let's get our shit set up so you can play and I can sell so we eat tonight."

We all laughed.

That was our inside joke for as long as I could remember.

We started to get Ella's drumset out, her getting the majority due to her drinking two monsters, and then Ella was testing them while Rachel and Jessica sat up their guitar and bass.

We still had about fifteen minutes untill we opened up, so we sat in the back, mostly chilling out, Ella and Rachel chugged monsters and then...

"C'mon guys! You're up!' John came in and told us.

"Thanks John." I smiled as I walked to the back and set out our merch, you know, the usual, ep, shirts, buttons, and what-not.

Then the crowd came in.
♠ ♠ ♠
well, yeah.