Dancing In The Alley With The Street Rat Night Life

more dogs.

Rachel's P.O.V.[/bp

We're now following Alex and Jack back to Maryland where they'll call their record company and blah blah blah.

I realized I say blah blah blah alot.

Ella snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Rachel... we're here." She said.

"Woah shit!...really?' I asked.

"Yeah... come on now before I stab your eyes out." She said.

"Psh. You wouldn't do that to me."


"Cause my pimp hand is strong!"

Ella shook her head.

"Who's pimp hand what?" Jack asked.

"Nothing..." Ella started.

"She's my hoe and my pimp hand is strong!" I told him.

"Yeah? So's mine!" Jack yelled.

"Ah! Pimp buddies! We need a pimp hand handshake!"

So we sat there, trying to figure it out.

Ella's p.o.v.

I shook my head and walked over to Alex.

"They're gonna be over there for a while."

"Why?" He asked.

I looked at Rachel, who was now laying on the ground.

"Rachel can be a little slow and hyperactive at times."

Alex shrugged.

"Eh, Jack can to."

"Imma sexy biatch!" Rachel yelled.

"I'm a motherfucking smexii mofo!" Jack yelled.

"Whatever! I'm sexier than that!"

"Nu-uh! nothing beats smexii!"



They both yelled at the same time.

"What do you want?!" Me and Alex yelled.

"What's better, sexy or smexii?" Rachel asked.

"Smexii...duh." I said.

"Hah! Toldja!" Jack smiled triumphantly.

Rachel ran away.

"I told you i'm to moody and crap for all of this!"

I laughed.

"Aren't you going to go get her?" Alex asked.



"Cause in about five minutes Rachel's gonna come back because she didn't have sunshine, shoes, mp3 player, or cellphone...or a blueberry poptart."


"Trust me, we went through this in eighth grade."

He nodded.



Jessica ran up beside me.

"AWKWARD SILENCE!" She screeched in my ear.

"Ow barbie!"

"Barbie?" Alex asked.

"Long story. Can't even remember it..."

Jessica shrugged.

"Me neither."

Rachel ran up to us.

"Told ya." I mouthed to Alex.

"I DO!" Rachel yelled.

"How?" I asked.

"No clue."


"Jack! Pimp buddy! Do the Bay Watch run with me!" Rachel yelled, turning to Jack.

"Huh?" He asked.

"The slow run?"

"Oh...YEAH!!" He yelled as they ran arms linked across the parking lot.

"Anyways...we need to get going in there." Alex said.


Rachel sat down.

"No! You do not talk to me like that! I'm going to go all emo in the corner!"

"Don't." I started.

"Will you buy me stuff for my cat?" She asked.


"C'mon then! Hurry up!"