
snake-bite heart heart with a bubble gum smile

Leslie woke up in an unfamiliar room. She felt her naked body rub against the sheets that covered her. She struggled to remember the night before as a pounding head ache began to settle into her system. Leslie sat up in the bed and brought her knees to her chest. Only two things were clear in her mind. 1, her body reeked of a one night stand and 2, she had to leave this room before who ever lived there came back. She pulled herself out of the bed and picked up her scattered clothes. Just as she picked up her last item of clothing the door swung open reveling a slender boy with a towel wrapped around his waist. Leslie let the clothes that were in her hands drop to the floor as her body jumped with surprise.

“Hey beautiful,” the boy said as he walked over to the closet door. Leslie couldn't seem to remember who this boy was or what had happened between them the night before.

“Hi.” She said, her voice coming out soft and scattered. “I'm really sorry...” She let her voice trail off. She watched his face fill with hints of sadness as he realized what she was trying to say.

“Oh, I kinda figured you wouldn't remember much.” He sorted through a couple shirts, running his fingers over the fabric. She picked up her clothes once more and put them on her body, letting the fabrics sit in their rightful place. She wrapped her arms around her knees and waited for the boy to be done with his routine

“I'm guessing we slept together.” She whispered, her voice coming out fragile and soft spoken. She knew she was stating the obvious but it helped her remember what had happened the evening before. The boy walked over and sat next to her letting himself lean against the back of the desk.

“Yeah, we slept together. You were pretty drunk last night but I guess I ignored that fact and took advantage of you. I'm so sorry, if it helps any we used protection.” This was not the conversation she wanted to be having the day after she lost her virginity. In fact this was not a conversation she wanted to be having at all. She wanted to be able to remember her first time, for Christ sake she wanted to be able to remember the name of the boy she lost it to.

“No, no, no. It's fine, er..” She felt terrible that she couldn't remember his name.

“Jack.” She heard the sadness in his voice as she pushed back the tears that threatened to pour out of her eyes.

“Well I have to get going, Jack.” She said pushing herself off of the floor and walking towards the door.

“Can I call you. Like later?” He asked, letting his voice quaver.

“I don't think that would be a good idea.” She frowned. Leslie knew that she couldn't get involved with this boy. She had to get home and explain why she didn't come home the night before, and hope that bruises wouldn't appear on her body the next day.