
i was great, nothing personal

“Dude chill out.” Alex, Jack's friend, said as he watched Jack pace around the room.

“I can't. I can't get her out of my head.” Jack could feel the soles of his feet rub against the carpet. A tingling feeling ran through his foot as he swept his foot over the carpet once more.

“She was a lousy one night stand, get over her. It's been a week.” The words rang through Jacks ears as he let her face come into his mind once again. To him it wasn't just another one night stand. She seemed special, she seemed like she needed to be saved. Like she was waiting for a boy like Jack to come and save her from whatever secret she was hiding.

“You're right man.” Jack lied as he sat down on the couch.


Leslie brought her knees to her chest as she let the mascara filled tears hit the wood floor. It had been almost two weeks since she had slept with Jack and he had not left her mind once. She could still feel his touch if she concentrated hard enough on it. Leslie winced as she stood up. Her small legs were covered in black and blue marks and there was a small bump right above her left knee. She wandered over to her cell phone ,which was laying face down on the floor, and picked it up making sure to keep the battery from falling out. She searched through her phone book for his name. Once she came across it she hit the glowing green button and listened to the ringer.

“Hello?” His voice came through on the other end after a couple rings. She tried to stutter out the words she had been practicing for the past few minutes but for some reason her voice didn't respond and she quickly hit the end button.

“I am so dumb..” she muttered to herself, finally letting her voice come out. She quickly got up and grabbed her plaid jacket, slipping it over her shoulders and heading for the door.


Jack sat up in his bed as he heard the door bell ring. He glanced over at the clock on his dresser and saw that it was almost two in the morning. Upset and tired, he got out of bed and slipped on a pair of his purple boxers. After a couple minutes he had made his way down stairs and was pulling the carpet that held his door closed away from the door.

“Hold on.” He mumbled pulling the door toward him to reveal the small fragile girl that he had been dreaming about for the past two weeks. “Leslie...” He mumbled, letting his eyes wander over her small body. He didn't know if it was the way the light shined on her skin but her body was covered in blue markings. He looked at her feet and saw that she had most of her weight leaning onto her right foot and noticed a small bump on her left leg. “Oh my god..” pulled her into the house and closed the door behind her. “What happened to you?” He asked still taking in the scene in front of him. Her face looked blotchy and red, letting him know that she had been crying.

“I can't tell you.” She said, her voice coming out broken and choppy. Even though this was the girl that had left him sitting in his room, rejected. He still felt that he had to help her, that he needed to clean her up and care for her. Jack wrapped his arms over Leslie's body and pulled her against his chest. She pulled herself closer to him, letting his heat warm her up. He brought her up the stairs and set her down in a small tiled bathroom.

“I am so sorry.” He said, letting the small plaster bath tub fill with warm water. Jack then started to unbutton her shirt for the second time in two weeks, except this time he didn't feel any lust all he felt was love and sorrow. After he had he undressed he looked over her body once more, there were small bruises and hand prints on her stomach and he could see scratches on her thighs. The sight of these made his temper rise and he felt responsible for whatever monster had done this to her. After about an hour or so Leslie was clean and laying in Jack's bed. Jack slid under the covers and let his arm slither around her waist as he fell asleep to the sound of her breath falling in and out of her lungs.