Drama, Love, And Dangerous Weapons

What is That?

Phoenix tapped me on the shoulder.

“I think I got what you were talking about, when you said you didn’t have any friends because of Jazz.” I turned around, still walking.

“You’re not going to abandon me are you?” She laughed, even in this grim situation.

“Of course not! No offense to him,” she looked over her shoulder at him, “But he’s not really my type.”

I grinned. Finally another girl who wasn’t under Jazz’s spell. We kept walking, until we made it to the mission room. It was a big room, which had several computers and tons of screens everywhere, showing what was going on at different times, and different places. Miss Becker was standing there, looking at a screen with a worried look on her face.

“Oh, good. Agents, you’ve made it. I need you to listen to me. Do you remember Agents 1 and 2?”

I nodded. They were a brother/sister pair, and they were the best agents EVER. They had been sent on a top secret mission that none of us other agents were supposed to know about.

“Something has happened. I need you to go fill in for them.”

“Sure,” Jazz said, “But what was their mission?”

Miss Becker’s face turned grim. “They were to protect someone who is highly wanted by many criminals for assassination.”

“What does that mean for us?”

“It means that you will be next on their hit list.” We all turned to face each other, a disbelieving expression on our faces.

“I know that this is a lot to ask of you, but since you are the next best agents, Jazz and Pippa, we thought that you would be able to handle it.” We nodded.

“And as for you, Avery and Phoenix, if you think that you could handle it, you may go as well.” I looked back at Phoenix and Avery, and they had a silent conversation with their eyes.

“We’ll do it.” Avery answered. I saw Jazz clench his teeth together, but forgot about it when I saw Miss Becker smile a sad smile.

“Alright,” she said, turning back to the screen. “This is where the person you are to be protecting lives.”

A picture popped up on the screen, showing a private island not shown on government regulated maps. She pointed to a small part of it.

“You’ll be entering here. Then, you’ll have to make it through the jungle, and then you’ll be at their house. It’s a small white house in the middle of the jungle, near a lake. When you get there, you will receive further instructions. Are you all prepared?”

She turned back around to face us. I nodded, and Jazz put his hand on my shoulder.

“We’re ready, headmistress.” Avery nodded, and Phoenix repeated what Jazz said.

“We’re ready for whatever hits us, Miss.”

She smiled. “I’m glad. You have no idea how proud I am of you. You make me as proud as a mama bird.” She sniffled.

“Oh look at me. Crying.” She laughed, and hugged us all in order. I was first.

“Pippa, you take care of yourself out there. Be ready for any surprises, and never forget who to stay true to.” I nodded, and hugged her tight before stepping off to the side.

She stepped to Jazz next, and said to him, “Make sure they all make it out alive.”

He nodded, and she moved on to Phoenix. “Be safe.”

Then she went to Avery, and the tears that had been threatening to fall, did.

“I’m sorry…” She said, hugging him as close as possible.

He flinched, but hugged her back lightly. She wiped her tears as she stood up, and then motioned for one of her assistants to come and take us to the transport area. She waved slowly, and turned back around, unable to watch us leave.

“Did you see that?” I whispered to Jazz.

He nodded, and whispered back, “It’s weird, for sure. We’ll find out later.”

We had arrived at the transportation area. A man in a black suit lead us to a sleek submarine that would be taking us to the island.

“It has pre-programmed coordinates, and it’s on auto-pilot. You’ll just have to sit and wait.”

He cracked a smile, and I returned it, my manners getting the best of me.

We stepped into the boat, and he said gravely, “Good luck, agents. May you return better than the others.”

The door slid shut, and on that note, the boat began to slide out of the hatch, and it went under the water. We were on our way to the mystery island, for our mystery client. I sat in my seat, and turned to Phoenix.

“Liking your first mission?” I asked, grinning. She was just as excited as I was.

“You bet! This is all so cool! The gadgets, the ride, even the view!” She pointed out the window, and I had to agree with her.

The coral reefs around this area of the ocean were stunning, and the fish that lived in and around them were even prettier. Schools of clownfish darted out of the way of our sub when we got close to them, and it was entertaining to watch.

“Pip,” Jazz said, pulling my attention away from the fish. “Come here, I want you to see something.”

He motioned me over, and I came to stand next to him. He was in front of the sonar radar, and there was a mysterious shape on it, that kept getting closer and closer to our little dot.

“What is it?”

“I don’t know,” he said, “But it’s getting a little too close for comfort. It’s moving at an unnatural speed too. I think it’s man-made.”

“Pippa!” Avery yelled, and he dashed over, knocking me to the ground.

Before I could shove him off, our submarine was hit by something that shook us to our cores. The glass on the front cracked, and water began to leak into the submarine.
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