Drama, Love, And Dangerous Weapons

Yep, it is.

She whirled around, and looked at me. Her brown eyes matched mine exactly, and her hair was the same shade of dark brown.

It crushed me to know that this same women who had promised that she would come home, who had pretended she was dead, was now here. This was a shock, and a disappointment.

She looked at me, and then her eyes welled up with tears. “Pippa, Pippa Jewel? Is that you?”

I glared. “Yes. It’s me.”

She walked up to me, and embraced me, holding me tight, whispering more to herself than to me, “Finally. My daughter, my daughter, she’s home.” She then pulled away, and frowned. “Why did they send you, you’re young! This is dangerous!”

I kept glaring. “I can take care of myself. I had to learn how when you and Dad died.” I added as much acid to the last word as I could.

She bit her lip. “I’m sorry sweetie. I had to-”

“You didn’t have to do anything except come home.” I said, brushing past her to go sit down next to Jazz. All of my hatred was draining away, and tears were taking its spot. I wanted to cry, but I didn’t want to cry in front of this stranger, so I just put my head on Jazz’s shoulder. He put a comforting arm around me.

“Pippa…” My mother sighed. She took a deep breath. “I am sorry. You have no idea how hard it was for me when they told me that I couldn’t go back home. But it was either go home and risk you getting killed, or stay here and let everyone believe I was dead. I didn’t want to put you at that risk. You don’t understand how much I wanted to fly home and just tell you that it was alright. I’m surprised the Academy even sent you here, they of all people should know how dangerous this mission is, and how much more danger you’ll be in because you’re you. I am so sorry, love, you have to understand that-”

I cut her off. “Mom. Just forget it. What’s our mission?” She shook her head, and sighed.

“You have to protect me when I go anywhere. You’re my bodyguards now, and I hate it.”

I was insulted. “I can protect you. I’ve been with the Academy for 8 years. I can take out anyone that I need to. Just because you are my mother doesn’t mean you should act like my mom. I learned how to take care of myself when you left, thank you very much. I would appreciate it if you would treat me like the adult I am.”

“Pippa, you’re only 16, you hardly count as an adult-”

“Mother. Please. Just tell us what do you need us to do, and we’ll do it. Simple.” She sighed again, and I could tell that my words had hurt her on some level.


“I’m not leaving anywhere right now, so if you guys are hungry, there’s food and drinks in the kitchen. I’ll be in the back if you need me.” She smiled, and then left the room. Avery and Phoenix started towards the kitchen, and Jazz helped me up.

“Are you okay, Pip?” He asked, softly. I nodded, a little sleepy.

“It’s just kind of frustrating, you know?” I said. He nodded, and then grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

“It’ll be okay. Don’t worry. Let’s get some food, okay?” I nodded, trying not to blush. I was really hoping that he wouldn’t notice the fact that my pulse had picked up speed. We walked into the kitchen, and he led me to the table, where Phoenix and Avery were already sitting. Avery looked at me and Jazz, and then down at our hands. It might have been just a trick of the light, but it looked like his hands clenched for just a second. He stood up, and walked over to the fridge. “Do you want anything special, Pippa?”

Jazz let go of my hand as I walked over to the fridge. “Mmm, that spaghetti looks good.” My request was accentuated by the growl of my stomach. Everyone laughed at me, and the mood lightened. Avery pulled out the dish that held the pasta, and chuckled.

“One plate of spaghetti coming right up.” He walked over to the microwave, and I smiled my thanks. He nodded, and I sat down at the table, next to Jazz and across from Phoenix.

“So that’s really your mom? That’s crazy! The chances that we would be on a mission protecting your assumed dead mother are slim to none!”

Phoenix trailed off. “Oh, I’m sorry! How stupid of me, you must be feeling pretty awful about this whole thing, and here I am just blabbing on about it…” I smiled.

“It’s okay, Phoenix, really. If I’m going to work with her, I’m going to have to accept it. I guess I was just venting all of my pent-up feelings at her.”

She nodded. “That’s understandable.” She opened her mouth to say something else, but then we heard a scream from the back of the house.

“MOM!” I yelped, jumping up from the chair. I could feel Jazz behind me, and I turned the corner, looking into the back corner.

The walls were spattered in red.
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