Drama, Love, And Dangerous Weapons

Fear Holds a Shotgun


We all froze for a second, and waited. My mom made a few hand motions, signing to us.

“We have to get out of here.” She signed, her face terrified.

“What is she saying?” Phoenix whispered. I told her, while Jazz signed back.

“Of course. But how?” He signed, and my mom thought of an answer.

“This way. Follow me.” She stood up silently, and we did as well. I looked at Jazz, hoping he would know what to do. He had no clue, but he squeezed my hand reassuringly.

My mother walked over towards one of the shelves, and her hands were shaking as she tried to move cans as silently as she could. Jenkins’ voice rang out again, this time closer.

“Come on, little Mirabel, let’s come out. No more playing hide and seek, okay?” He laughed a laugh that sent shivers down my spine. I leaned closer to Jazz, and he put his arm around me.

My mom finally found what she was looking for, and she pushed a small button on the back of the wall. A panel sprung forth, and she put her thumb on the fingerprint scanner. I stood there, anxious, hoping that we would escape in time.

The panel beeped, and a green light came on, and part of the wall opened. “Grab a bag, and fill it with food and water.” My mom signed, pointing to knapsacks that were hanging on the wall. Me and Jazz nodded, and grabbed one each, and started to hurriedly grab cans. After a few seconds, Avery and Phoenix were following our motions, and soon, our bags were full.

My mom motioned us over, and we walked through the opening in the wall. She ushered us in, and the door shut, enclosing us in complete darkness. I froze, and then felt someone grab my hand, and lean in to whisper something.

“Is everything going to be okay?” Avery asked. I turned towards the direction of his voice, and whispered, “I hope so.” My mother flipped a switch, and a light turned on, dim but still there.

We looked towards the other end of the room, where there was a submarine. I looked at it, scared, remembering the last time we went into a submarine. My mother turned around, and noticed the expression on my face.

“Sweetheart, what’s the matter?” She walked over to me, concerned.

“Nothing, it’s just, do we have to go in one of those?” I pointed towards the sub, letting go of Avery’s hand. She turned back, and then smiled understandingly.

“Sweetie, I’m sorry, but we have to. Unless you want to stay here…” She bit her lip, and a worried look crossed her face.

I shook my head. “I’ll go, Momma.”

She hugged me, and then let go, quickly opening the submarine door. “Come on, kids. Let’s go!” We all started towards the submarine, when Jenkins’ voice burst through, from the other side of the wall.

“MIRABEL. I know you’re in there, you filthy child! Stop lying! I know you’re precious little daughter is in there with you too!” My mother’s eyes widened, and we rushed into the submarine, trying quickly to get it to start.

My mom was frozen in fear.

“Mom, Mom, you need to help us! Momma, what’s wrong?” I asked her, shaking her.

She shook her head, and stuttered out, “T-th-the wall, its not-t strong-g-g enough t-t-to keep-p him-m out-t.” I looked up, and saw she was right. The wall was denting where his fists were pounding on it.

“Jazz!” I said, pointing. He looked up, and started turning the key faster, and then the engine started, much to my relief. The submarine started to sink, and I was willing it to move faster, to please hurry, because the dents were getting more defined, and his voice was getting angrier.

Just as the last part of the submarine was going underwater, Jenkins broke into the submarine room.

His face was rugged, covered in stubble, and wrinkles of anger. His eyes were dark, and bloodshot, and his mouth was curled in a sneer. In his hands was a shotgun, and that chilled me to the bone.

“Jazz,” I whispered, reaching for him over my mother. He grabbed my hand as we went completely underwater, watching Jenkins’ as he noticed the sub. He cursed loudly, and aimed his gun at us.

“No!” My mother shouted, pushing me to the ground, bringing Jazz with us. Avery and Phoenix hit the deck too, and we watched as a bullet whizzed past our submarine. The boat moved out into the ocean, and we left Jenkins behind.

For now.

His face would always remain in my memory, and the terror I felt never surpassed.

I reached for Jazz’s hand once again, gripping it tightly, as I held my mother’s hand in the other. I could feel Avery gently touching my shoulder, and I knew that he was holding Phoenix’s hand. I was glad we made it out alive.

This was my family now, and I didn’t want any of them getting hurt.

We quickly moved into action, doing the things that needed to be done if we wanted to keep this sub in action. Jazz punched in some coordinates, and I made sure that all of our functions were in working order. Phoenix started to unpack the food and water, and put it away in the mini fridge and pantry that was on the ship. Avery helped her, and my mother stayed where she was, still shocked.

As soon as I had checked everything, I walked over to her. “Momma, are you okay?”

She blinked, and looked up at me. “Yes, I should be fine now, thanks Pippa.” She stood up, and walked over to where Jazz was intently studying a map.

“Where should we go, Miss Martinez?” He asked, and she pointed to a spot on the map.

“Here, Jazz. We’ll travel there, and I know someone that will help us.” Her fingers pointed to a chain of islands near Spain. Jazz punched in those coordinates, and the submarine turned. We were heading towards Spain, far away from Jenkins.

I was immensely glad, and immensely tired. I lay down in a bunk that was nailed on the wall, and promptly fell asleep.
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