Something to Rant About

Moonlight Rocking Chairs

Is this were those awkward things always happen? It never seemed fair that it happens on a daily bases, it just seems like one day. at least one day something more beside the daily routine can stop for a change. As in what I’m saying is — the same old, same old gets a little boring after awhile, think about it.
Wake up, make bed, shower, and dress, and eat. Go through everyday things as anyone else would, then start right back over. Everyone needs a little spark once in awhile right? Thought so; it’s a sad thing when you’re only thirteen and you think you need a spark in life. My parents decided we needed to go to my grandparents house, I wouldn’t suggest that. With the fact I hate to even leave the house accusingly. They told me to grab what I needed and what I thought should go with me, I grabbed everything from, underclothing, to skinny’s, and a couple of black shirts. I mean common they can be washed. I packed my laptop with me; I knew I’d need it to survive. (I mean common addicted to technology). All my friends pretty much were on the internet, across the world. I found it pretty cool to meet and chat with people who have the same interest with you who live million of miles away it intrigued me I guess, it’s quite hard to meet someone who lives everything you know about suddenly in a little town, so I got friends world wide. They all have my AIM. And I got there’s. I got my Sansa View ready to listen to since I knew it’d take awhile, three hours is a long time to me — hopefully I’d sleep it. So I wouldn’t hear the bickering like they do, and they try to talk to me, it gets annoying trust me. Well. You probably know.

We arrived at the location we were headed to. It looked the same as it did when I came here when I was a baby, see I haven’t been here since I was like three years old I believe, I’ve seen my grandma and grandpa because they would come and see us, they thought I should come see them, although. One little thing about that house wasn’t what I should be feeling, it had the energy I actually don’t know what it is. I’ll just shrug it off till I feel like asking, and having a long detailed reason why I do, or why I shouldn’t.
I walked in and was greeted by my grandma. She wrapped me up in a hug.
“Oh it’s so nice to see you darling!” she chimed, she reminded me of those old witches on cartoons — with the way she talked, it was a little strange. FOR REAL.
I didn’t see my grandpa so I assumed he’d be having a beer with some old other people. I picked out my room and dropped my things on the floor. It had a long mirror on the wall, right by the bed. I didn’t like it, I have this problem with mirrors being right by the bed, ‘cause you see shit at night when you have your eyes open, it’s just a natural thing to do I guess. I hoped I could get a least a few bars for some internet so I could complain about it to my far off friends that are closer to the heart.
I turned my red GateWay on and waited for it to bout up, it did so and I typed my password in, and hitting enter. My background popped up, it said: Don’t look at this screen if you do not want to be offended by shit. It was my fav I could tell you that much. I almost jumped for joy when I saw I actually had five bars in green. I actually did a little dance.
“Yes! I got internet, internet baby!” after I did my little happy dance I stopped cold still. I could’ve sworn I heard a chuckle from behind me, I spun around real fast, I didn’t see a soul though, and so it couldn’t have been anything. Maybe I was just imagining things, as I always do. I signed on to AIM, and saw some of my friends were on, I saw my best friend Chris on, I decided to hit her up.
LookBehingYou!: Hey chris.
Where!: hey jade, hows u in hollowwood?
LookBehingYou!: i’s good, just a little sleepy. i felt like i should complain a little.
Where!: sorry but u will have to complain tomorrow i have to go wash the shitty dishes/ talk to u latter jade –waves-
LookBehingYou: okay, bye girl! –waves-
Where! is offline and will receive your messages when sighing back on
I sighed as I knew she had things to do, she told me yesterday she could probably get on for a little tomorrow, and I should try to catch her. Luckily I caught her right before she had to leave. The day was already winding down and coming to an end, by the time we got there it was already seven o’clock. They told me I needed to go to sleep early, I don’t know why they tried to tell me such stupid things, that I never listen to. I mean common! If you’re gonna tell me something, tell me something I’ll actually do pshh.
after I was sent to bed, and I heard all the sounds off in the living room and bedrooms, I popped the lock on my window and slowly but fastly climb out of it, there’s a little porch and I wanted to sit on it alone. So that’s what I planned on doing, so I did as so. I sat under the glissading moonlight in an old rocking chair, when you sit in one you just can’t stay still, you must rock. Human instincts or something, I saw a body figure walk out, on the other side where there was a fence. All I saw was this persons shadow from the moonlight, I stayed quite though, because I didn’t know who it was and. I was in fact just an entsee bit scared. I the head turn of it, in my direction. That made me slightly jumpy, because of not knowing who it was.
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