All My Broken Things

Drunken Dancing

Katy was at my place by 7 going through my wardrobe for my black leather skirt that she wanted to accompany the white singlet that she was already wearing. I on the other hand wore my acid wash shorts and a cute light blue top I got at a thrift shop pairing it with a black belt and booted heels. Doing my makeup and grabbing my purse, phone and car keys.
Katy was ready by 8.30 hot on my heels and really eager to see the boys again well so she said I had a snaking suspicion that she was more eager to see Jack.

“I can’t believe they came into your work and you got to hang out with them” she laughed after I told her the story of my day.

It was 10 past 9 by the time we walked into the club, it wasn’t completely full there were still several tables spare and enough room to comfortably dance without grinding into every random, it was just the way I liked it.

It was easy to spot the guys seated at a booth with a round of beers already in their hands.
They were all dressed in varied shades of skinny jeans with an array of different tops and Alex wore a black vest as well. All hairs were straight even Zach’s which must have been a challenge considering how curly and long it is in its natural state.

“I though yous weren’t going to show” Zack spoke as we reached them, standing up and giving each of us an awkward hug
“And why would you think that?” I asked as I hugged him back but failed to get a response
“Hey Katy” Jack yelled almost completely ignoring me and making room in the booth for Katy to sit next to him and I couldn’t help but giggle he really wasn’t very sly. But really neither was Katy.
“Ok im going to get another round, girls you want one?” Rian asked moving out of his seat
“Yes please” Katy and I responded in unison and Rian was off.

The small talk started.
“So since when do you work at Hopeless records’?” Zach asked
“Did you have fun watching me sing?” Alex asked with a cocky grin on his face winking at me and I couldn’t help but to role my eyes and laugh at him, it was like he just automatically believed every was interested in only him and I think it was hurting his ego that neither Katy or I were interested.

Like usual it was just about trivial things and conversation about past experiences where the guys got to laugh at each other a lot for stupid shit they had done in the past. Also laughing at Katy and I as we told random stories of high school experiences and drunken nights.

Not realizing that this night would be one of those drunken nights.
As the night progressed the drinks kept coming I wasn’t even sure what I was drinking but it was making me tipsy and I had the urge to dance again, we were in a club after all.
Dragging Zack to the dance floor wasn’t such a feat this time he seemed to come more willingly maybe it was because he had also d a bit to drink or the fact the fact that I became very flirty when I was drunk. Either way we danced and grinded and even though he isn’t the most coordinate guy I have ever danced with he was defiantly the most fun and not the worst either. I think at one stage Katy and I managed to get all the boys up even Rian to start dancing it seemed like the most random event and I was very glad that I still remembered the event in the morning because it was defiantly one for the books.
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thanks to my few subscribers it would be awsome if i got some feedback
tell me what you think
what you like or dont like
i promise then next chapter will be worth the wait
<3 Dani