Mommy Dearest

All I ever wanted was a mommy. I wanted a mother who loved me. My mother didn't love me, she hated me with every fibre of her being

Frank Iero's mother never loved him. She alienated him from a very early stage in his life, treating him as if he were no child of hers. He was called names, beaten and abused in horrific ways.

No one knew of the nightmare he lived behind closed doors. After all, how can a small boy convince the rest of the world his mother is a liar?

A/N: I'm not normally one for disclaimers but I feel this story desperately needs one. I do not know or own Frank Iero or his parents in this story. His siblings and family are fictional characters I've linked to him as a character in my story. None of this is real and none of it ever happened to Frank Iero.

This is my fictional plot. Don't steal please.