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Hot Royal Passion


What if, while Michael Jackson is staying at her palace, Princess Diana starts to feel something more than just friends for her pop star friend and vice versa? This is what I think would've happened.


Princess Diana: ImageOften called "the people's Princess". She invites pop star and friend Michael Jackson to her palace three days after his December 22 speech denying allegations that he molested a 13-year-old boy, and divorces her husband, Prince Charles, after finding out he was with Camilla Parker-Bowles.

Michael Jackson: ImageKnown as the "King of Pop", Michael is a raven-haired pop singer with deep, soulful brown eyes that speak volumes about his feelings. He stays with Princess Diana 3 days after he speaks out against allegations of, according to him, "improper conduct on my part". The Princess, as his friend, believes he is innocent and never did anything wrong.
  1. Feelings for Michael
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  2. The Dance
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