The angel experiment

Chapter 4: Surviving

So once again, I ran. I ran for my life. But this time, it wasn't a dream. This time, it was real. My lungs felt as if they would explode with each breath a drew in. But I refused to stop running. I kept going. Fast.

On my back was my old faded pink backpack, filled with a few belongings I had quickly packed. The golden sun was setting and darkness crept around me. Russet colored trees covered the lush maturing ground. I felt as if I was going in one big circle. All of the trees looked similar as I passed them.

I didn't know where I was. I'd never gone this far away from home before. I had been running for hours now, I was sure I was in forrest in a new city. I wondered when the Tacks would come looking for me.

My mouth was aching for water. My throat felt raspy and soar. My vision was blurry, but I didn't stop running. I couldn't.

As I ran, one of my converse caught on a bush and tore. I fell...hard. I collapsed down, face first into the moist grass. I didn't hurt for some reason. Nothing hurt. I was numb and vaguely realized I was trembling. Then everything went black and I fell into unconsciousness.
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ya I know, its short and kinda sucks lol but I couldnt think of what to write so I just added this in