Status: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, I'm a little stuck with what's happening to it. But once I get round to it, there will be a new chapt. Thank's for staying with me! HK x

Attached at the Hip to Me

Just Not My Day

I lay silently ,fast asleep in my warm and comfy bed. Dreaming of sweets and fit guy's. When suddenly I were awoken, by freezing cold water and ice thrown all over me. Not to mention a person been pushed onto myself. I immediately shot up, soaking wet, with anger written all over my face.

"BAM!!!!" I screamed with anger throughout my bedroom, I heard stifles of giggles, then suddenly everyone who was in the room burst out laughing. I looked around to see non other than Bam Margera holding a bucket, preferably that was once holding ice.
Fanna (Hannah) stood there laughing, Seth in the corner cracking a smile, Frantz on the floor holding his sides, and no other than the Nudie Novak sprawled out across me on my bed.

"EW! Novak! get the fuck off my bed before you give it aids!" I shouted at him and shoving him off, which left him on the floor dumbfounded. I laughed at his face it was a mixture of sleepiness and surprise. Everyone else laughed at what I had just said.

Bam started to slowly tip-toe out of the room, but I caught him from the corner of my eye.
"Where do you think your going, Brandon Cole Margera!?" I asked him, using his full name, which I knew he didn’t like.

Bam's POV

"Where do you think your going Brandon Cole Margera!?" Kay asked me, I cringed at the sound of my full name, she purposely used it, she knew I hated it. I turned around slowly to look at her and did the nicest smile I could without making it look cheeky. It didn't work, cause the next thing I knew, I had a pillow been smashed into my face and I fell over, Hitting my head on the cold wooden floor.

Normal POV

"HA! You dick, I got cha'! " I shouted, then doing my little victory dance, Seth giggled at it. I smiled. He was actually the nicest guy in the house, who didn't do all the shit to me. Plus he was amazing! at art, He actually painted my room for me. Which was, Dark purple, with black a ceiling and a dark wooden floor boards. He also painted black heartagram swirling around the room, the painted on the lyrics to my fave song by HIM which was Under The Rose. Then on One of the walls. I got everybody in the house that day to write something on it. And everyone meaning. Me, Bam, Seth, Novak, Fanna, Franz, Jess, Tizzy, Ape, Phil, All of CKY & All of HIM. And I loved it.

I stood up and walked over to Seth, and embraced him in a friendly, loving hug. He breathed in slowly and smiled, then we broke apart.
"What was that for?" he laughed a little. "I thought of when you did my room, and I love you for that buddy!" You smiled. Seth smiled back, "Well im glad you like it" he said and gave you a friend kiss on the cheek.

You and Seth were also very close as well, he was always there for you and he always helped you with stuff. We both shared the same interest’s as well...Which was art.

Seth looked down and laughed, I looked down to see what he was laughing at. It was Bam, still on the floor and possibly unconscious. I laughed and shook my head. I grabbed Seth's hand and proceeded down the stairs to get some breakfast. But knowing me and my luck
I slipped and fell down the stairs.

"FUCK!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, I could hear Seth run down the stairs and jump over me.
"Are you ok!? He asked, I looked up at him with the look off "what do you think?" He sighed and nodded in agreement. He helped me up, then soon after I heard non other than the loving Ape rush towards me.
"Oh my god! Lizzie! are you ok!? what happened!?" Ape asked shoving Seth out of the way a little, I laughed at his reaction. It was like when you were little and your mother would take you toys off you at the dinner table and you didn't want to let go of them.

"Of course you not ok! Why am I asking that!?" Ape shouted in worry. "Im fine Ape, don’t sweat, just a few cuts and bruises, nothing that a band aid cant sort out, and besides, I think the step had more damage don’t to it than I did" I said making Ape and Seth crack a smile.
"Same ol' Kate still got that sense of humor wherever she goes or whatever she does" Ape smiled.
Ape was like the mother I never had, and sometimes I do call her mom. But she doesn't mind. She treats me like one of her own

After I got my cuts cleaned up by my loving "mother" Ape, I ran upstairs to get changed into a pair of ripped jeans, a black tank top, and a beanie to just top it all off. Not forgetting to slip on my black Dr Martens, of course.

I ran downstairs and into Seth's studio, "Dude I so need to get back at Bam, any idea's??" I asked whilst munching on the piece of toast I grabbed off the side whilst coming down, Plus grabbing a slice for Sweetheart. I handed him the slice and he gladly accepted it.
"Thanks, and yeah I have an idea" he said. You smiled at him and followed him outside to the half pipe in Bam's back garden. Seth grinned and passed you a bucket.

"What's this for?" I asked in curiosity. "Ah ha! you shal see!...Naw not really its oil" Seth said giving a little laugh. "What for? what are you planning on!?" I asked him, starting to get excited now, he noticed and laugh.
"Well im gonna' pour it all over the ramp, Bam wont see it and then he's going to skate and get hurt!" Seth smiled as he stared to climb up the railing to get the the top of the Half pipe.

"Mr Seth Meisterman, have I ever told you that I love the way your mind works?" I asked him as I too started to climb the railing. He just laughed and answered a simple "Yup". I smiled.
After you both poured all the oil onto the ramp, you both walked back inside.

"YO BAM!" I shouted, he came into the front room , "Yeah? your not going to get me are ya'?" he asked. "No I've forgot about that, I was just coming in to ask you if you wanted to do some skating, haven't done it in a while thought it would be good, Plus Seth over here, is going to film for the new videos" I said, trying not to laugh. I could see that Seth was also trying not to smile as well.

"Yeah, sure ok" Bam said, I actually couldn't believe that he fell for it! Usually he doesnt.
We all made our way outside to the Ramp's and started to climb the Railing. Me and Seth with sheer grins plastered on our faces, following closely behind Bam.

"Dude im so gonna' whip your ass!" Bam said as he got ready. I smiled thinking that mine and Seth's plan had fit perfectly. "Hey, why don’t you go first?" Bam asked, suddenly wiping the grin off both our faces. I looked at Seth, she just shrugged his shoulders in panic.
"But I want to see the new trick you did last week!, I didn’t get to see it! Please Bammie!" I literally pleaded him. He sighed. "Fine!" he shouted and tossed his arms in the air.

I smiled and looked at Seth, He was grinning so bad. Bam put his board on the edge of the ramp, he turned round towards Seth and I and said..
"I hope you know! I've won" We knew what he meant. He was on about this morning, he thought he had won by throwing water and ice on me. But boy was he wrong.

And with that he went over the edge, and as Seth and I predicted, the wheels gave way and he went flying across the deck and slipped everywhere! Me and Seth burst out laughing, we couldn’t breath. We were on our backs holding our sides in agony.
"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!!" Bam shouted, as he stood up but slipped once more.
We both burst out laughing again
"Never underestimate the power of a chick!! I shouted laughing in between,
"...And the power of an Art Designer!" Shouted Seth, I giggled at that part. Bam go up and stomped inside, muttering and cursing under his breath and not to mention covered in oil.

Me and Seth turned to each other, and high- 5 together. Ah the sweet smell of revenge.
We both started to make our way back into the house, grinning like the Cheshire cat from Alice In Wonderland. Once of my fave movies.

We grabbed a beer from the kitchen and proceeded up the stairs and into my room. I put the one and only Alice In Wonderland into the Dvd player and sat on the bed. But only to interrupted by your best friend Izzy barging into the room.

♠ ♠ ♠
So! there you go! My first Story and my First Chapter! Hope you enjoyed it!...There will be more, I jst dont know when the next one will be!..Sorry it's abit long, but who wants to read a short story!?

Anyways let me know what you think of it!
