Status: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, I'm a little stuck with what's happening to it. But once I get round to it, there will be a new chapt. Thank's for staying with me! HK x

Attached at the Hip to Me

Unexpected Guests

I let out a sigh of frustration, so did Seth, we looked at each other and laughed. He got up and turned off the TV and DVD player. He then came to pull me up, offering me his hand, I gladly accepted it and we proceeded out the door and down the stairs.

I walked halfway down the stairs to see my older brother Jess stood in the doorway. And from there, I let go of Seth's hand and sprinted down the steps as fast as I could, I could hear Seth chuckling behind me as I ran. But once again my feet fucked up and I lost balance on the last step and fell. Everyone in the room started laughing, but Seth came to my rescue once again.
"Christ Lizzie! That’s second time today!" laughed Seth as he bent down to help me up. I laughed as well.
"Yeah, just my luck eh?" I giggled, brushing myself down and looked towards the door.

"JESS!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and ran towards him, Jess turned round just in time to catch me as I jumped into his arms.
"Hey Woody! how you doing? Miss me?" Jess asked as he placed me safely back onto the ground. "Im good, couldn’t be any better actually!... Well Bam was mean to me this morning so me and Sethie over here got him back!, And OF COURCE I missed you!" I said with a big grin on my face giving Jess a cuddle then pointing over to the now grinning Seth.
"Ah that's the Katie we all love and know!" He chuckled and went over to greet Seth and the rest of the household.

I sighed, I loved all my "Family"...No screw that! They Were! My family. I've been living with them since I was 16, and now im 26! So like I said, they were my family. And I loved them all. Even CKY counted as my family too, cause I always saw them plus my Brother Jess was in there too. And yes I did just say Brother.

I said Hi to the rest of the band and turned around and started to walk into the living room, when suddenly I met my best friend for the 3rd time today. The floor.

"OW! What the fuck!?" I tried to shout, but all it came out as was muffled words, because there was a person that was on top of me.
"NOVAK I SWEAR TO GOD IF THAT'S YOU!" I screamed now getting angry because of the fact who was ever on me, I couldn’t breathe.

There was a deep chuckle and I knew that laugh from a mile away.
"CHAAAAAAAAD!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, my voice echoing the whole room.
"KAYKINS!!!" He shouted back and got off of me and pulled me up and embraced me into a deep warming hug. The smell of cigarettes and stale cologne made me happier each second.
We pulled away and laughed.

"So how have you been?" I asked him. Chad smiled and just replied with a simple "Fine"
"And you?" He asked poking my sides, I giggled "Im good, except from Bam and his pranks, but apart from that, good!" I giggled, he was still poking my sides.
We walked towards the couch and sat down.

"How was the tour?" I asked him, he was now playing with the buttons on his leather jacket, and seemed to be in a world of his own.
"Hum? Oh!, yeah, it was awesome! Tiring though, but ya' know, a tour is a tour" he laughed.
"Good!...I got a question to ask you" I said, playing with my thumbs. Chad just tilted his head and looked at me. "Shoot" he said smiling.

"Well, I was wondering if you could teach me guitar, I mean I already know how to play drums, and sometimes it gets a bit boring" I asked him, hoping he would say yes. He looked at me with wide eyes. It was making me feel a little uncomfortable.
"What!? If you dont wanna I understand, I'll just go and ask Deron" I said about to get up off of the couch, but a warm hand caught me and pulled me to a halt. I turned round and saw Chad looking up at me, he shone a warm smile.

"No, it's fine, im just surprised you wanna learn guitar, I always thought you were just a Drummer girl and a drummer girl only, But I would be glad to teach you" Chad said as he let go of your hand and smiled once more, and let out a little laugh.

"Yay! Cheers Chad!" I said and jumped up and down and clapped my hands, then jumped on him and gave him a big death grip cuddle, He just smiled and patted my back.
"No problem Katie" And hugged me back. Suddenly the moment was ruined by your dipshit of a brother Bam.

"HEY WERE GOING TO DUFFERS, ANYONE COMING, GET YOUR ASSES DOWN NOW!!" He shouted, Me and Chad laughed and stood up. Seth was in front of me so I jumped onto his back.
"Giddy up horsie! (sp?)" I giggled. He laughed and slipped his arms under my legs and we all proceeded out to the Hummer.

This was going to be a fun night...
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay! So this is the Second Chapter of the story. Hope you like it!
Please let me know what you think!, I would like to know how im doing! :D

It's not as long as the last one, but I was getting tired and I didnt know what else to put!
I'll try upload another soon!...Sorry it's kind of clif hangie' ..
