Status: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, I'm a little stuck with what's happening to it. But once I get round to it, there will be a new chapt. Thank's for staying with me! HK x

Attached at the Hip to Me

The Hangover

I woke the next morning, to the light in my eyes, and like a vampire hissing at the sun, I did the exact same and pulled the dark quilt over my head. Sighing, I knew I had a hangover, and im pretty sure everyone else had. With what we all consumed last night.

Suddenly my door burst open letting an explosion of light into my dark lit room. And the words of Hellions on Parade screamed throughout it and im pretty sure, throughout the house as well.

"You don't want to see this, if you did you'd surely disbelieve it

Locked in and surrounded, every heart is pounding
Hellions on parade, bodies fall by hand and blade
We relish you foundations burning... destruction on display
Hellions on parade, swiftness preys on all delay
Join in this brigade, be afraid... the hellions on parade!!!!!"

"Urgh! Bam!" I shouted, he just stood there singing and moshing along to the lyrics. I let out a sigh of frustration.
"BAM!" I screamed once more, louder than the last one was, he still danced around...Yeah this is how loud it was. I was highly pissed off now by this point. How he did not have a hangover, I will never know. I cleared my throat and breathed in deep.

"BAAAAAAAM!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed once more, this time he stopped and looked up at me, his hair a mess and grinning.
"WHAT!?!?" Bam shouted back, he looked at me with a cheeky smile, he knew it was getting on my nerves.

This just pissed me off more. I ripped the quilts off myself and stormed over to the stereo that he somehow pulled up the stairs. He started to mosh again, unaware that I was bang next to the singing machine. I walked up to the plug socket, the ground vibrating from the music as I did so. I grasped my hand around the cable and pulled. The room suddenly went back to its peace and quite it was before.

I sighed in relief, but before I could "try" and go back to my hangover state, I grabbed some scissors off the side of my desk and cut the plug. So Bam's attempt to plug it back in, was effortless. After this, I went over to the door, pushed Bam out of it and pushed the stereo out with him. I could hear him fall over, and the stereo obviously fell on him as well. Due to the sound impact it had. "BITCH!" He shouted in pain. I ignored him,
Then mopped back over to my bed, and crawled in, covering my head away from any light visible. Then I thought...

Hangovers suck!

I managed to sleep for about another hour. Not much as I was hoping to, but my head was throbbing in pain. Once again like the outbreak this morning, I moaned and shoved the covers off of me. I slipped on a large CKY jacket and put the hood up to cover my messy, dirty hair then proceeded downstairs.

"Hey Ape" I yawned, she turned round and smiled, as I wiped the sleep out of my eye's.
"Hey Hun, morning, sleep well? Want any breakfast yet?" She asked so many questions at once. I giggled, I love Ape, she’s awesome!
"Yeah, it was all okay until I woke up with a hangover, and then your son came in and attacked me with your other son's drumming style and CIG's guitar solo's" I said.
She laughed silently.
"Im sorry Liz, boys will be boys. Do you want any aspirin for your "Hangover"?" Ape smiled
I smiled back,
"Please" I yawned once again.

She passed me a glass of ice cold water and a tablet. I put the tablet to the back of my throat and then took a big gulp of the cold water. I was starting to feel better already.
"Now what for breakfast?" Ape asked laughing at my reaction, which was some what mixed with relief and tiredness. I laughed also.
"Anything, Im not bothered, I'll go wake up Tizzy" I said, as I began to walk away I could here Ape say something along the lines of “ok"

I ran up the stairs and across the landing. The door was slightly open, so I tip-toed in, her room was dark. Her walls were a deep, deep pink with a black flower painted on it. Also done by the wonderful Mr. Meisterman. I sat on the edge of her bed and nudged her.
"Umm...No Mr Waffle! I don’t want any more of your syrup" Tizzy moaned in her sleep as he rolled over. I couldn’t control myself and burst out laughing.

Tizzy soon shot up and looked at me closely with tired eyes.
"Mr. Waffle?!" She said very! Confused. I just laughed more, now holding my sides.
"Hey Tizz! No it's not "Mr. Waffle" as you call him, sounds fun though. Come on Ape's doing us breakfast!" I said and went to turn the light on.
"No, no no no!! Don’t turn it on! I beg of you!" She pleaded, but cause im so evil and her best friend. What did I do? ... Turned it on.

"GAH!" She screamed and hid under the covers. All I could hear were muffles of words.
"Hangover?" I asked, I heard a slight "Mhmm" and then the door burst open at the side of me.
I heard loads of laughing and footsteps down the stairs. "Poor Ape" I thought.
I was about to walk back over to Tizzy when I kicked something hard
"OW! Christ!" It was a deep male voice. I looked down to see Chad crawled on the floor. I giggled.

"Chad...Why are you on Tizzy's floor?" I asked trying not to let out a slight laugh, I held my hand out to him. He gladly accepted it. He brushed himself off and then looked at me and laughed.
"Cause, I woke up and I was walking down the hallway and Bam and everyone snuck up on me and pushed me into here...The door was slightly open see" He said and pointed to the door as if I didn’t believe him, then smiled. I just laughed.

"And what are you doing in here Kaykins?" He asked and poked me in the shoulder. I laughed
"Well I was! trying to wake that dipshit over there, BUT SHE DOESNT WANT TO WAKE UP!!" I said the last part to her pacifically. Tizzy just muffled a "fuck you" from under her covers,
Chad laughed,
"Well at least I don’t have a hangover no more, and don’t have horny dreams over a Waffle!" I shouted. Chad turned around and looked at me, Giving me the look of "What the fuck?!"
I laughed, "Don’t ask long story!"

Chad shrugged his shoulders and started to walk out of the door. I quickly put the aspirin on Tizz’s bed and also the water and ran down the stairs with Chad also.
“What’s the rush?” he asked turning to face me. I smiled
“No rush, just coming down the stairs” I smiled and walked into the living room with him.

As I sat down on the couch, I soon got back up and walked into the kitchen. I stood there at the counter smiling, as Ape was at the stove as always cooking dinner for us. She was like Jesus feeding all his people at that big table thing. I let out a little laugh and Ape turned round.
He smiled and looked at me.
"What you laughing at Lizzie?" She asked, but turning her back towards the stove. I shook my head and she just smiled.
"Tell me" She laughed also, I sighed and looked at her.
"Nothing Ape, just thinking how loving and caring you are, and what I wouldn’t do without you" I smiled. She turned around from the stove and came over to me and embraced me into a big giant hug. I hugged her back, I loved hugs from Ape, they were always so welcoming and loving.

"Katie, you don’t know how much that means to me, sometimes I think I don’t exist to some of these people around here! Thank you love" She said and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled.
"No prob’s Ape" I said. Ape was now behind her stove again and carried on cooking.
"Your breakfast is there sweetie, and what did Tizzy want??" She said looking over her shoulder to me.
"Meh she woke get her lazy ass up, so I wouldn’t do her anything, Oh! And thanks Ape" I said and walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek, and grabbed my breakfast.

I walked out of the kitchen, into the living room. I smiled at Chad and proceeded down the stairs and into the Art Room. I opened the door and walked into the dim lit room, being as quiet as I could, I put my plate down for a moment and walked up behind Seth. I slowly and quietly moved my arms and then slammed them down on his shoulders. He jumped, and his pen went flying. I laughed loud and ended up on the floor holding my sides.
"Lizz! What the fuck!?" He shouted looking at me, I laughed once more and got up. I looked at him with a smug look on my face.
"What!? I saw the opportunity, so I did! And let me tell you, your reaction was priceless! Plus you could never be mad at me!" I said and gave him the puppy eyes. He looked at me with a mad expression on his face, then it soon turned into a cheeky smile he always does. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down onto his lap.

I giggled, "What do you think of the drawings?" He asked me for my opinion, I looked over to the desk where the light shone, the pictures were of, Tizzy and I holding fairy’s in our hands and crushing them. I giggled.
"Why are Tizz and I killing innocent fairies?" I asked him, he turned to me and laughed.
"I don’t know first thing that came to my head, when I finish it, do you want me to put it in your room for you??" He asked, turning to face me, I smiled.
"That would be lovely" I smiled and kissed him in his cheek. I stood up and went to get my plate, and held it out towards him.
"Toast?" I asked, he laughed and took one from my plate
"Cheers me-dears!" He said, I laughed and got up.

I walked into the kitchen and placed my plate into the sink and washed it. I never really liked April doing everything, it seemed wrong, so from time to time, I help her out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay! Im sorry it took me awhile to get this one out, But I had writers block! Grr
Do forgive me! :D
Hope you enjoyed it, more in the next one I priomise! This one's kind of shitty Lol

I need some more characters, so If you wanna be in it. Just give me a buzz, and the info and i'll slip you in....

I also will need girlfriends for....
Deron, Jess, Matt, Seth...There all I got so far. But I will have more in the future

Let me know what you think! I would be Eternaly gratefull! xD
*Thinks of the green aliens from Toy Story*
