Status: Writer's block is idiotic -.- Sorry.


Chapter 1

Xavier slumped down in his desk, sighing. Without warning, his head dropped down onto it. "How did this happen to me? why did this happen to me?" he moaned sorrowfully. He banged his head off of the hard, wooden surface once more.

Standing just outside his bedroom door, listening to his misery, was Xavier's father, Loka. He smiled sadly, knowing that his son's gift was really a blessing. If only he could get the stubborn 13 year old to understand that. He walked into the room without knocking, just in time to see the brown head of hair bang against the desk yet again. He flinched, thinking that must have hurt. Yet, Xavier showed no sign of injury. He was most likely too busy thinking to feel the pain.

"Perhaps you should write a journal. This isn't exactly an everyday occurrence, you realize," he said gently.

"Trust me, I realize," Xavier growled back.

Loka just smiled sadly, moving to sit on the edge of the small bed. He would wait until Xavier was ready to vent. It was a difficult event to cope with, but Loka would help him through it. Still, he couldn't deny the excitement that swirled in the pit of his stomach. He had always known Xavier was special, but this was something else entirely.

Xavier whimpered softly, before rushing over to sit on the bed beside his father. He wrapped his arms around Loka, burying his small face into his neck. Tears started to fall from his eyes, as a sob tore from his throat.

"Hush, now, it's alright. Everything will be okay, Xavier. I'm here," Loka said comfortingly, gently rubbing his back.

"Why did this have to happen to me, Loka? It's not fair! Why can't I just be like everyone else?" he sobbed.

Loka sighed, pulling back slightly to get a better look at Xavier's face. He tenderly wiped the tears from his cheeks. As he stared at his son, taking in his unique grey-blue eyes, button nose, small mouth which was the perfect shade of pink, and of course, his thick brown hair, he smiled. He could remember the exact day he and Austin recieved the precious baby. Austin was gone now, had been gone since Xavier was 5, but Loka decided that he had done a good job raising him as a single parent.

"Darling... this gift, it was given to you because you're worthy of it. You can do this, I know you can. I have faith in you. Who knows, you might even be the one that changes this entire planet. I know it's hard, and you don't like it, but it really is a gift. You'll cherish it, someday," he tried to explain. When Xavier just pouted moodily, he sighed and grabbed the small computer off the desk. "Here, write it all out. Things will look better in the morning, honey." Xavier took the computer without a word, glaring down at it, and Loka chuckled. He lovingly kissed Xavier's forehead, standing up.

"Good-night, Loka. I love you," Xavier said quietly as Loka reached the door.

He turned back to smile at his son. "I love you too, sweetheart. Don't stay up too late."

"I won't," came the reply, as he shut the door.

Xavier turned on the computer resting in his lap, and moved to rest against the headboard. "Gift, hah! If I'm so worthy, then why am I cursed with this?" he mumbled bitterly to himself. He sighed as he opened a writing tablet.

Then, as he stared at the white screen, he realized he had no idea what to write. He rolled his eyes, and just decided to type.

Greetings, my name is Xavier Awnings and I am cursed.

He paused, staring at the typed words. He really didn't see how this would help anything, but continued anyway.

I suppose I should provide more details. The date is April fourteenth, of the year 2358. I am 13 years old, as of 4 months ago. The man I was given to as an enfant is Loka, and another man named Austin. I don't really know Austin very well. He was never around, even when he still lived with us. I am perfectly happy with Loka though. Or, at least, I was.
That is, until my life ended approximately 3 hours ago.

I started bleeding. I have discovered that I, Xavier Awnings, social reject, am a breeder.

Therefore, I'm now going to be forced to be...bedded by some man considered appropriate enough to create offspring. Some man I most likely won't even meet until we're forced into the same room, and eventually, the same bed. Then, I will get pregnant with this stranger's child, waddle around for 9 months, be cut open, have my baby taken away and given to some respectable men, then the cycle begins again. To summarize, my life is over.

He shifted on his blue sheets, starting to vent to the computer screen. His fingers moved over the keys faster than before.

Why do I have to be a breeder anyway? I looked it up as soon as I realized what was happening. Only 1 in every 100 men is capable of baring a child. 1 in 100! So why me? What makes me so "special" that I have to be the one to do this? Well, I suppose it's true that I'm more mature than most boys my age, and I am more feminine... But I don't see how that has anything to do with anything. This is so unfair.

Oh, and we can't forget that everybody will be waiting impatiently for my pregnancy. Just like always, they will be thinking I am The One. The breeder that will give birth to a baby girl. Personally, I don't think there will ever be another female on this planet. I mean, if you really think about it, with all that testosterone, a female baby is highly unlikely. But, as long as the hope is there, all breeders are watched very carefully. Good-bye privacy. I'll miss you.

And I can just imagine how everybody at school will react. Kuna will go insane. All that attention...

Not good for a shy, awkward boy. This is horrible.

Why does this have to happen to me? Loka is acting like this is some Christmas present that everybody wants. If they want it, they can have it! I certainly don't. Really, who would want this?

It would be at least a bit better if I could pick my mate. However, as soon as the government is informed that there is a new breeder, they will send over profiles of suitable men. Men that are strong, talented, capable, intelligent, tall, have had no major illnesses and preferably in his twenties. I've researched this, if you can't tell. Even after that, I will still not be able to choose. It will be Loka's decision. I trust him though. Hopefully he'll pick one that isn't too disagreeable.

Then again, he married Austin...

So, basically, I'm to be matched to some superhuman. I think they should lower the standards so the men aren't quite so...perfect. I mean, honestly, how many breeders are that amazing?

Perhaps that is why they think it's so important for the mate to be chosen carefully, because they might counter-act the breeder's imperfections.

Xavier paused to cover a yawn. He glanced at the time, noticing it was getting late. He decided to end his rant.

Basically, my name is Xavier Awnings, and as a breeder, I am cursed. Good-night.

He sighed as he saved the file under his personal file, titled "First Day". He was sure he would find more inspiration to rant as time went on. He placed the computer back on the desk, and crawled under the navy sheets.

He shut his eyes and begged sleep to take him. Loka's words floated through his mind, "Things will look better in the morning". He hoped he was right.


In the middle of the night, Loka was awoken by a small, feminine body crawling into his bed. It was something Xavier hadn't done in years. It used to be because he had a bad dream...

"C'mere, baby. It's okay," he whispered tenderly, pulling Xavier into his comforting embrace. His child cried into his shoulder, clinging to him.

He kissed his forehead, holding him close and rubbing his back. He realized that soon, everything would be different. Xavier wouldn't be his little boy anymore. He would be a man, with someone else to curl up with when he had a scary dream. He would have someone else to complain to when he had a bad day. There would be someone else to spend all his time with.

He felt himself tearing up, and rested his head on his son's. He would cherish the time he had with him. He knew he would have to squeeze 6 years in a few days, but it would be alright. He was sure everything would work out.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm going to be extremely unfair. Truthfully, I only have 2 chapters written for this story, and I'm trying to concentrate on my other stories also. So, I have no idea when I might write more.
But, I really, really wanted to post it, so I did. Even though I hate it when people post, then don't update.
I never pictured myself writing something like this- actually, I was medicated when I came up with the plot- but now that I am, I like it.
Are there any thoughts, opinions, critism? I'll accept anything. Even if you just want to yell at me for not updating.
Thanks for reading.