‹ Prequel: How We Operate
Sequel: These Days

How It Should Be


Sufficiently cured of their hangovers Geno set about running errands while Violet sat down with a phone in hand to start completing her crazy list of things to do. The best part of PR was she had connections for this short of bullshit.

"Erin!" Violet breathed a sigh of relief when Erin picked up the phone.

"Hey, Vi, what's up?"

"I need your help with planning my brother's wedding that's in a month."

"Was this just you procrastinating or is your brother just crazy." Violet let out a breath of laughter.

"The latter. Anyway, I can handle most of it but there's some mad annoying shit I'm going to need help with."

"Alright, shoot."

"Okay, so I need to throw a baccalaureate party and a wedding shower on the 2nd. That's in five days. Is there anywhere really cheap but super classy we can book for both?"

"Like what taco bell?" Erin joked. Violet heard Erin tapping away at her keyboard. "Actually, why not use that restaurant we had to deal with last year? The cute little French bistro? And then there is that Hilton about a block away so you could like book out a suit or something and do a late lunch with all the crusties and then haul up the pretty girls to the hotel room and stock if full of booze and boys."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Could you possibly arrange it for me?" Erin agreed that she could do that and Violet gave her all the information she needed. "Don't you think it's strange she wants the baccalaureate party so soon? Isn't that supposed to be like, the night before the wedding?"

"She seems like a weird person." Erin conceded. "Anything else I can do for you Vi?"

"Yes actually! Two things. One: Could you call Kenny and ask him if he would do the photography for the wedding? And two: Could you come to this baccalaureate party with me? I have a feeling all her friends are going to be awkward."

Erin laughed. "I'd be glad to. Are you coming in later or staying in with that sexy boyfriend of yours?"

"Haha, I'm staying with Geno. And you find him sexy? Shall I set you up with a Penguin of your own?"

"Hmm maybe." Violet bid her friend goodbye and went about the other things on her list. She had just picked out a standard red velvet 3-tiered cake over the phone as was going about making travel plans for Samoa when Geno walked in a plucked the phone out of her hand.

"Hey! Give it back."

"No! It's taking away from our time together! We're going to Canada for a road trip and I'm not going to get to see you. This can wait."

"Since when are you going to Canada?"

"Since always," Geno gave her a strange look and pocketed her cell phone. "Come on, we're going to the movies." Geno dragged her away from the table and the list and got her situated in his car.

"You know, the faster I get all this crap done the more time I'll have with you." Violet said, trying to get her phone back. He slapped her hand away.

"Yes but who knows how long that will take? I only have a few more days with you and they are day I want to spend with you, not watch you yammer on the phone all day." Violet rolled her eyes but decided it wasn't worth the argument.

"What movie are we seeing?"

Geno shrugged. "Whatever plays." Violet threw her hands up and turned the radio up. Geno shook his head at her and took her hand across the console and squeezed. "We have good time." Violet squeezed his hand back. They would.

The movie had been fun. It had been fun because they acted like two sixteen year olds on an awkward date. They sat near the middle of the theater with the full intention to watch the whole movie, but about fifteen minutes to a half an hour in they started making out. Several times Violet and Evgeni would sit up and stare back at the screen before getting bored because they couldn't figure out what was going on and going back to kissing fiendishly.

They left the theater to a few flash-happy cameras, the first time Violet and Evgeni had ever come across them. Geno told her it wasn't common and it was probably because some jealous fan girl wanted to hurt them or something. Violet shrugged it off, not really bothered by it and the two made their way back to his apartment.

"Ugh, I'm running out of clothes." Violet grumbled as she sifted through a drawer Geno had "dedicated" to her. Technically she had just thrown all of his socks out of it and dumped her clothes unceremoniously in it but same difference.

"Maybe bring more over?" Geno suggested. "Maybe a lot more."

"Why are we always here? How come you never want to come back to my apartment?"

'Because it's very small and your version of clean is like Chernobyl after the nuclear disaster." Evgeni said with a straight face. Violet rolled her eyes at him.

"I guess that's true. Eh well, it's okay, I like your place better any way." Violet laughed at let Evgeni walk over to her and kiss her on the nose.

"Who says you need clothes anyway?" he nuzzled her neck and placed a few kisses along her collar bone. "You look better without clothes." Violet giggled as he captured her lips with his own. He walked them backwards toward her bed and lowered her down, crawling on top of her.

He dusted her face with kisses and gently tugged her shirt up.

"Look better without shirt." He kissed the swell of each of her breasts and then removed her bra. "Better without," he breathed, kissing them each again. He let his hands move swiftly over her body until he came to her belly button and then played with the button of her jeans before taking them off. "Better." He kissed her stomach between her belly button and underwear and proceeded to remove those too. "Much better."

"How is it much better? You're still wearing clothing." Violet tugged and Geno's jeans and in a matter of time his clothing had joined Violet's on the floor. Geno pulled a condom out of his top drawer and rolled it on before plunging into Violet. Violet moaned in ecstasy and the two began to move in sync with each other, moaning and groaning.

Once finished Geno rolled over next to Violet and entwined her fingers with his own and kissed each other them individually. Violet giggled softly before curling herself into Evgeni's side. Her brother's wedding could wait until tomorrow. It wasn't like it was going to take over her life or anything.
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I need comments for inspiration..this story isn't coming as nicely as I hoped.