Status: thank u for all those who read..i hope u had fun... ^^

Please Let Me Remember You


Where am I?

Where’s Grandma?

It’s so dark and..and..I am so alone...

I looked up at the sky and saw rain falling down hard. It didn’t look like it was gonna stop.

I can’t see where I am. I just know that I am inside a hole in a trunk of a dead tree but that’s all.

Tears started falling down my eyes. I am so scared and alone, all I can do was cry and cry.

“P-pleas-se..a-any-b-body..i-is s-someb-b-body o-out-t-there? A-anyb-b-body?”, my little voice whispered shakily.

No one answered.

I’m already so cold and hungry. What’s gonna happen to me now?

I hid my face between my knees and sobbed quietly. I prayed and prayed for someone..anyone to come.

I didn’t mean to get lost. I just wanted to get some flowers for Grandma.

“I-I’m s-sor-ry..I’m s-so-r-r-ry..I’m s-so s-sor-rr-y...”, I started to repeat.


I was startled by the sound of thunder making me more aware that I was all alone. With that, I started to cry again.

No one’s coming for me...

“Are you alright?”, somebody suddenly said.

I looked up through my teary eyes and saw a man. I can’t see his face but it’s enough for me to tell that he’s here to try and help me.

I sniffed and then nodded.

He kneeled in front of me and then lifted his hand to me.

“Come! I’ll get you home.”, he said. His voice was so gentle and kind, I didn’t think twice about his offer.

Slowly, I reached my little hand to his but then lightning struck near us, giving me a glimpse of what he looked like.

It was...

Then, I opened my eyes.


I sat up and rubbed my eyes. It was a dream. Just a dream. But how come it looked so real? Like a...memory.

I held my forehead trying to remember the events in the dream. I knew I was just a child back then since I was still with Grandma. But who was that man?

Why is my mind trying desperately to remember him? Why? Should I remember him?

Why can’t I remember?

“Lhia! Lhia! Get your lazy butt down here! Where’s our dinner?!”, shouted my old, stupid aunt suddenly, interrupting my thoughts.

I just wish she would leave me alone. Ever since, I moved with her and my lazy cousins, all I did was work, work, work!

God, what I would give to move out of here!

“Lhia! Lhia! Don’t make me come up there!”, my aunt shouted again.

Ugghh!!! Like I said: I HATE IT HERE!!!

“Coming!”, I shouted back.

When I got downstairs, my aunt glared at me. I waited for her ceremonious rant as usual.

“Where’s our dinner young lady? Didn’t I tell you to make dinner after you cleaned the house? Where is it?”, she demanded.

I rolled my eyes at her and answered, “I fell asleep after cleaning okay. You don’t expect me to clean then cook like a robot or something. I’m a human being!”

She narrowed her eyes at my response and then said venomously, “Do not talk to me in that tone, Lhia! You are living in my house, eating my food and sleeping in my bed. I expect you to give me respect!”

“Respect?! How can I respect you if all you did to me is treat me like I’m some kind of maid. I’m you’re niece! You don’t treat me this way!”

She smirked at this and then said, “As long as you are in my house, I can do whatever I want. And what I want now is dinner. So start making it!”

Then, she walked out on me. I saw my stupid, lazy cousins by the stairs looking down at me with sneers in their faces. Oh, how I wish to rip those fake lips off their face!

I stomped my way to the kitchen and made dinner. I wasn’t hungry so after cooking, I went straight to my room and feel into bed.

I looked at the ceiling and as I did, I thought about Grandma. She passed away 3 months ago but I miss her like hell.

I thought about how she took care of me like I was her own daughter.

I wish I didn’t go away. I wish that stupid custody contract didn’t exist. I wish I was back home with her and be free from all this.

I closed my eyes and tried to relax.

But didn’t get a chance to rest more since my stupid aunt shouted again about cleaning the dishes and taking out the trash.

I cursed lowly as I did this. When I was about to go back inside the house after taking the trash, I saw something sticking out from below the door. It was a letter.

I took it out and looked at whom it was addressed.

I was surprised that it was for me.

I looked sideways and then ran inside the house straight to my room.

I locked my door and sat by the bed.

With shaky hands, I opened the letter and read the content.

“Oh my god! Oh my god!”, I started repeating.

I let go of my letter and started packing.

Finally..finally..I can get out of these wretched place. I can finally go back.

I did all this with tears of hope in my eyes.

“I’m going home.”, I whispered to myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys!!!
dis is a new story..i hope u like it...
pls comment about it..i would really appreciate it..thank u..enjoy!!! ^^