Status: thank u for all those who read..i hope u had fun... ^^

Please Let Me Remember You

Giving Chances

I opened my eyes slowly as I tried to shake off the drowsiness in my eyes. The first thing I saw was a ceiling.

A ceiling? Wait, there are no ceilings in the forest unless...

I got up quickly in shock and looked around me. Where am I?

“Oh, you’re awake. Are you feeling any better?”, somebody said.

I looked at the door and saw Harold carrying a tray of food.

“I know you’re hungry so I thought I should bring you dinner.”

“Thank you...”, I whispered a little bit hoarsely. What did just happened to me?

“Oh, don’t talk too loud for a while okay. You seemed to be very sensitive with the weather and because you were at the night..and alone..I think you have a lot of explaining to do, little missy!”, he said the last words a bit fiercely.

I cringed a bit and looked down.

“I..umm..I..well..I got l-lost?”, I answered meekly.

Then, I heard someone chuckle. It was Luke!

“Be gentle with the kid, Harold. She didn’t mean to get lost.”, he said teasingly.

I shot a glare to Luke while Harold just sighed and said, “Fine.”

Then, he looked back at me with accusing eyes and said, “But as for you, no more wandering around the forest, understand? I already told you not to go there. Jeez, Lhia, what if something happens to you, huh?”

I blushed and said weakly, “I-I’m sorry, H-harold. I d-didn’t mean to. I’m sorry. Really sorry.”

Harold sighed again and said, “Just don’t do it again okay. If you want to go so badly, then at least get someone to go with you. It’s very dangerous to go alone in there. You should know that.”

“Okay. I will. And I’m really sorry, Harold.”

“It’s okay. Just rest for a while and eat dinner. You can sleep here for tonight.”

“Oh..umm..where is here anyway? This doesn’t look like my room. In fact, this isn’t my room. Where am I?”, I said as I looked around.

The place looks really simple unlike the other rooms but still the furniture really matched the room. It’s very..homey and comfortable. I kind of like it here.

“This is actually the nearest room we can find when he found you. And well, this is Mrs. Eliza’s room. Your Grandma’s room.”, he answered.

I was speechless for a moment. I’m in her room?! Wow!

I stroked the sheet that was covering me. That’s why I was feeling a bit comfortable in this room. It was my Grandma’s room.

“Well, we should probably let you rest now. You can put the tray of food outside the door after you finish. Good night, Lhia.” Harold said as he walked to the door.

He was about to go outside when I remembered something.

“Wait! Harold, wait a second!”

“What is it?”, he asked turning around.

“Umm..just who found me, exactly? You said he. Was it Luke?”

He was silent first, but then Harold laughed. Did I say something funny?

Harold looked kind of nervous. He kept on glancing on Luke like he was asking permission or something.

Luke just shook his head and urged Harold to go outside of the room. I was kind of nervous because I was alone with him in the room.

When we were finally alone, I tensed a little bit. What is he gonna say to me that needs Harold to stay out of it?

“Umm..i-it’s okay if you don’t t-tell me. I understand.”, I said nervously.

“Are you nervous, Lhia?”, he said teasingly with that mysterious grin of his again.

“ Not really.”, I defended weakly.

He chuckled again and said, “Well, don’t be okay. I’m not that scary, am I?”

I shook my head and said, “No. Intimidating, yes. But, scary, no.”

He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Well, just so you know, I’m not the one who found you. Somebody else did.”

“Oh, well, who did? Is it Rick? Tyler? Who?”

He was silent for a moment but then answered, “It was Jake actually.”

“Jake?!”, I choked. Luke snickered at my reaction.

Why him?! I mean why would he? We’re not even friends or anything? Why him?!”

“I’m not sure myself actually. But it looks like you two can be friends after all from the looks of it.”

“I’m not so sure of that either. I mean come on, Jake and me..we’re not exactly in good, yeah, not a chance.”

“You can at least give him a chance. It’s not like the world is gonna end when you did.”
“Oh, yes it will. I can see it now, hurricanes everywhere, volcanoes erupting, earthquakes left and right, floods washing away everything..yeah, that is so end of the world.”

He laughed at what I said. “That was a good one. But, I don’t think that will actually happen. At least talk to him. It’s not that hard.”

I hesitated on answering. From the many times I actually talked to him, I either got yelled at, shut up, or almost got killed. So I don’t think talking to him would be a good idea.

“I promise he would behave. So would you give him a chance?”, Luke urged.

I bit my lip and with a sigh, I finally said, “Fine. I’ll talk to him. But if he ever, and I mean ever do something, I will-“

“I will personally beat him for you.”, he cut me off with a grin. I grinned back.

“Well, I should probably leave now. You need to rest. And your food is getting cold. So, yeah, need to go.”

I nodded and then, he went out of the room and left me. I decided to eat since my stomach has been grumbling since I woke up.

After eating, I placed the tray outside and went to the drawers to find anything to wear for the night.

After finding a nightgown, which is kind of revealing for me since I can almost see my thighs and it’s a strap on, I finally went back to bed.

I was about to sleep, when I heard some sounds outside the room. I approached the door and put my ear in it. What’s going on?

When the sounds stopped, I decided to take a look and find out what it is.

Like they say, curiosity killed the cat. I just hope that cat wasn’t me.
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hey guys!!! i hope u enjoyed dis chapter...
i finally answered who saved Lhia..hahaha...
well pls keep on commenting and subscribing..thx again... ^^