Status: thank u for all those who read..i hope u had fun... ^^

Please Let Me Remember You


I was walking down the hallway to where the sounds were coming from. I found out that I was in the first floor of the apartment near the stairs.

I stopped to hear where the sounds are coming from clearly. They’re coming from the living room.

So I walked carefully towards the room. As I got closer, I realized that those are not just sounds..they’re angry voices. But from whom?

I finally stopped by the closed door and put my ear close so that I can hear what’s going on inside.

“BASTARD!!!!!”, somebody yelled suddenly making me cover my ears.

When the ringing stopped, I placed my ear again to the door.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, huh?!”, the voice said loudly again.

“Do you have any idea what you’ve done, you crazy bastard?!”

That voice..was that Jake?

“Will you stop making a fool out of yourself? You are way over reacting about this matter.”, somebody said calmly. Luke?

Overreacting?! Overreacting?! Trust me, this is not overreacting. Right now, I am just so angry at you, I might as well cut your head off.”

Wow! Talk about harsh!

“So now you’re threatening me, huh. Will you just stop being paranoid. You know this will happen sooner or later.”


“Then stop yelling, for god’s sake!”, he said exasperatingly.

Then, silence. I pushed myself closer to the door as I struggled to hear better.

When I thought their conversation was finished, I suddenly heard a loud banging like someone got thrown at the wall. What’s going on in there?

“”, somebody said like he was being choked.

Oh no! Luke!!!

“Dude, let go. Just calm down okay.”, somebody intervened.

“Damn you! Damn you! Do you have any idea what you’ve done?! Do you know how much I sacrificed just to make her safe?! How could you?! How could you?!”, somebody said in pure hatred.

“Why?! Why did you have to tell her, huh? Why?!”

“”, Luke said breathlessly.

“I AM NOT AN IDIOT!!! I am just doing what is best for her!!!”

“Ha! Y-you think..this is best..for her? Hardly!”, Luke said accusingly.

“What..what do you mean?”, then I heard coughing noises. Is Jake really choking Luke?
“You really are an idiot...”, Luke said quietly seeming to catch his breath.


“THEN YOU ARE COWARD!!! Do you know how much this affects her?! It’s killing her Jake!!! Her memories are starting to come back..and every time it does, it hurts her. Do you know how many tears she had shed already, huh?! Do you?! If you are trying to protect her, then be a man, and suck it up! BECAUSE IT IS NOT HELPING HER!”, Luke said loudly which is a first.

Then, silence again. I strained at the door.

What are they talking about? Who are they talking about?

“I’m..hurting her?”, Jake said in confusion I think. It’s so low, I almost can’t hear it.

Luke sighed in frustration and said, “You are such an idiot. Haven’t you realized how unfair it is for her not to know? You pushed her away Jake, and now, she’s paying for the consequences of your mistake. And it’s all so wrong.”

“But, I’m doing this for her, Luke. I-I can’t bear to lose her. You don’t know how much danger she can be right now? Even if it hurts, I have no choice but to let her go. It’s for her own good.”, he explained.

“I know that. But can’t you at least give her a chance. The fact that she is yours makes it your responsibility to take care of her. But what are you doing? You’re just making it worst!”

“ I’m not...”

“Yes you are and you know it. Why can’t you just tell her..tell her about everything? She will understand if you explain. You are after all, bonded with each other.”

“That’s just it, Luke. We are bonded. And that fact alone makes it more dangerous for her to be with me. I-I can’t..I can’t give it back. I just can’t.”


“Because..because I can’t let her remember. About that night. That night that made me lose her.”

“But you didn’t mean to. You were just trying to protect her.”, the one who intervened last time said. Rick?

“You don’t understand. Do you know what happened that night. I-I killed someone..right in front of her. And did you see the way she looked at me? She was frightened. Not because of that..that..that scum! But because of me. She was frightened because of me. Do you know how much that hurts? I just can’t stand to see her scared of me. I just can’t.”

What are they talking about? They said her..who’s her?

“I found her at the clearing one night even if I told her not to go at that time.”, he started to say.

Then just like my dream again, I saw it. A girl picking flowers by the small clearing. It was the clearing inside the forest.

“She was picking flowers for Eliza because it was her birthday the next day. When I got to her, she wasn’t alone.”, he continued.

As his words started to fill the room, my mind is showing images of the same story making my head pound that it hurts. I knelt at the floor slowly, clutching my head to ease the pain.
What’s happening?

“She was being someone who got passed me without my noticing. By the time I realized where she is, he almost got her. In anger, I killed him. During the whole time, she was there watching. When I realized what I’ve done, she was trembling. She was scared to death..because of me...”

When he finally said those words, I saw him..inside my head.

He was by the shadows..the moon illuminating his form..he was covered i-in b-blood..from his mouth, his hands and then, his chest..there’s blood everywhere..and when I looked at his face..his eyes..they were red..and his teeth..they’re fangs...

I started to tremble as I tried to control my breathing. I was having a panic attack. What I’ve seen cannot be true. It has to be...

Because there is no such thing v-v-vamp-

Then I heard someone opening the door.

♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys!!! sori if i didn't upload sooner...
as much as i want to..i've been too busy wit pls bear with me...
well i hope u liked dis chapter..i promise to make d next one EXTRA SPECIAL...
pls continue commenting and well as subscribing..thx again... ^^