Status: thank u for all those who read..i hope u had fun... ^^

Please Let Me Remember You

Who Are You?

“Lhia? What are you doing here?”, somebody said to me. I couldn’t answer.

I looked up to the source of that voice. I tried to see who it was but it's hard.

My tears already started streaming down from my eyes. It’s hard to see through them even if I wiped them away because they just kept on coming back.

“Are you alright?”, another one said. Then, I felt someone kneeling in front of me. I didn't even noticed that I was on the floor already.

When he tried to reach out, I backed away in reflex. Then, I quickly stood up and ran to the front door.

I have to get away from here. I have to get away from them!

I was out of the apartment running like my life depends on it. I don’t know where I’m going or where I am right now, but I just kept on running and running.

As I ran, I didn’t notice a root sticking out of the ground that I just felt myself lying in the ground, crying my eyes out.

I felt hurt and I don’t know why. It just hurts so much like my chest is constricting and my head is pounding that I just want to cry and cry until it doesn’t hurt anymore.

“Lhia?”, somebody said gently. I didn’t answer.

I felt someone kneeling at my side but I just sobbed while I hide my face so I wouldn’t get to see who it was.

I felt someone touch my cheek that it startled me and I just shrank back from the gesture. I just want to be left alone.

When I thought that I was, I heard a faint growl of frustration and then suddenly I was being carried.

I tried to struggle so I can see who it was but I was being held so tight into someone’s chest though it doesn’t hurt so I just gave up. I felt him walking to who knows where but I didn’t felt like asking. I just didn’t care anymore. I still just cried and cried until I felt him stopped.

Then, I found myself being held in his lap while his arms are wrapped around me. We were sitting but I don’t care about it at that moment. I just want the hurting to stop.

When it seemed like hours of crying, I felt myself calming down that the only thing I can do is to lean tiredly as silent tears stream down my face.

Suddenly I felt the arms holding me get a bit tighter like the person was afraid I would leave. Then, I felt something drop at my head.

“Please don’t cry.”, I heard a close whisper.

“Please just don’t cry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”, he said as he held me.

I looked up to see who said it. When I did, I got really surprised of who it was.

“J-jake?.”, I whispered hoarsely.

“Please forgive me..I didn’t mean to..I don’t..I just..I..I...”, he tried to say but ended up with a sigh.

Forgive him? What does he mean?

We stayed like that for a moment when I whispered, “Tell me..tell me everything.”

He looked at me like he was trying to persuade me to forget about it but I stayed strong.

“P-please..I want to know everything. I just don’t want to be lied at anymore. Please...”, I pleaded.

He sighed in defeat and then held my head to his chest like he doesn't want me to see his face. And honestly, I kind of like it..being like this..I feel safe...

“What do you know about me, Lhia? About us?”, he asked softly.

I was silent for a moment trying not to look up at him. I know what he means but I can’t seem to say the right words at the moment.

“I know that you’re all together as a group. You’re always together.”, I started.

I felt him nodding and said I’m correct so I continued.

“And that, you’ve also been here for a very long time. I don’t know why I said that but I know it’s true. I also know that you, Luke,’re all..kind of..well..umm..different. This may sound crazy but I’m really sure about that.”

I heard him sigh and asked, “Are you..afraid of us then?”

“No! Of course not!”, I answered quickly as I lifted my head to him which surprised him.

“I-I know you’re all different. But that doesn’t mean I’m afraid of you. I hate to admit but sometimes I am, but I know I can trust you. I’m not sure why but I am very sure about it. You are not bad people.

Then, he was silent. By that, I know I surprised him about what I said but all of that was true. I don’t hate them or anything. I just want to know the truth. But right now, I need him to admit something to me.

I looked up to him straight in the eye and said, “Who are you, Jake? Please tell me.”

“Do you really want me to answer that?”, he asked meaningfully.

I took a moment to think but in my heart, I really should know because I would never allow anyone to lie to me so I nodded.

He looked away from me like he’s preparing himself to tell me.

I took the chance to look around me and was surprised to find out that where we are.

We were in the small clearing again sitting by the same tree that overlook the whole garden.

“They’re beautiful aren’t they?”

I looked up at Jake and he was looking at the garden too.

“Yes, they’re wonderful. Somebody must have cared for them. And they are even more beautiful during the night.”

“The night can be a wonderful sight.”, he whispered lowly but I heard him and was surprised.

“Those words...”, I trailed off while looking at him in shock.

He looked away from me but I made him look at me again. And when he did, I realized that he was blushing. The Jake I know wouldn’t blush like that. Either he shut you up or he ignores you, but never blush.

“Jake..d-do I know you?”

He widened his eyes by what I said. I was also surprised myself. Tonight is really full of surprises, isn’t it?

“Do I? Jake?”, I pushed. He was silent and then with a sigh, he nodded.

“Then, tell me. Who are you Jake?”

He looked me in the eye for a moment and then without hesitation, he said, “My name is Jacobus Mikail Vohiren. And I am..a vampire...”
♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys!!! i'm sori if i took so long to upload...
as u can see in my status..i'm having a hard time thinking about what's gonna happen next...
so if u want to help me..i would really appreciate it...

well i hope u enjoyed dis chapter..pls continue in reading and subscribing...

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