Status: thank u for all those who read..i hope u had fun... ^^

Please Let Me Remember You

Acceptance is the key

I looked at Jake’s face and it’s quite obvious that he doesn’t want to tell me.

“It’s nothing.”, he said a bit tensely.

“What do you mean it’s nothing? It’s doesn’t sound like it when I heard it. Come on, tell me!”, I persuaded.

“Forget about it. It’s really nothing.”, he said while trying not to look at my determined eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at him but he just wouldn’t budge. For a moment, I thought he was blushing. If he is, well he was really good at hiding it.

“Why won’t you tell me?”, I whined like a 4 yr. old kid. Well, I have to make do of what I got and at the moment, that’s all that I can think about.

He smirked at my tone with a raised eyebrow. He must have noticed my plan so I pouted for extra effect.

He chuckled and said, “Because you don’t need to. That’s all.”

“That’s all?”, I asked suspiciously.


I stared at him for a few more seconds before sighing heavily in defeat. He’s really good at this no-telling-me-things-coz-i-don't need-to game.

“I thought you’re gonna tell me everything. You are not being fair.”

“Well, I already told you what you need to know.”, he said teasingly.

“B-but..but..that’s still not fair! You have to-“

“LHIA!!! LHIA!!!”, somebody called cutting me off.

“Harold?”, I muttered as I recognized that voice.

“Well, it’s look like they came to find us.”, Jake said as he helped get up from our position.

I nodded at him but I can’t help but feel a little bit disappointed about the sudden interruption.

“There you are! We’ve been looking all over for you. What were you thinking?”, Harold lectured to me as he approached us. I saw Luke and Rick with him but I looked down at the ground to avoid their gazes.

“Why did you run away, Lhia? You shouldn’t have done that. What if something happens to you?”, he lectured at me again and I can’t take it anymore.

“Well, I wouldn’t run away if you didn’t lie to me! How could you do that to me huh? You made me look like a fool and now you’re expecting me to not do anything about it! How could you Harold? I trusted you..all of you. Why?”, I said strongly.

“I-it’s because..I..we..”, Harold stammered but was stopped by Luke stepping forward.

“I guess, you know about our secret?”, he said. I nodded.

“Really? She does? That’s great! That means we don’t have to act so cautious about you anymore! Yey!!!”, Rick said cheerfully while hugging me and swinging me around.

“Yeah..umm..Rick..let..go..can’t..breathe...”, I said weakly but with a small smile though I think he was too happy to hear me because he’s still not letting go.

I heard a loud cough behind me and as I glanced, I saw Jake glaring at Rick. He seemed to notice it too as he let go of me while muttering an apology.

“I think explanations can wait until we return, don’t you agree?”, Luke finally said.

We all agreed and besides, it’s getting colder by the minute. As we returned to the apartment, I noticed that Jake getting closer to me. Tonight really changed everything..and I like it.

When we got back, Tyler and the twins ran up to us with concerned look on their faces. I waved a little at them to let them know I’m fine. They smiled in return.

Luke whispered something to them and then looked at me in acceptance. I think Luke told them that I know.

“We should start by introducing our real names.” Luke stated.

“Oh! Oh! Me first!”, Rick said like a child. He coughed dramatically and said while bowing,

“Good evening madam, my real name Ricardo Nicholas Feller. It’s nice to make your acquaintance.”

I giggled at him as he straightened. He has that grin plastered in his face again.

“I am Tristan von Syeioler. Tyler for short.”, Tyler said to me with a smile.

“Us next! We’re Denirese von Syeioler and Theresia von Syeioler. We’re so glad you know about us! We'll have a really good time!”, they said as they hugged me. I hugged them back.

“My real name is Lucian Isaac Craven. And, I see Jake has already told you his so that’s all of us.”, he said as Jake nodded to me.

“Wait! What about Harold?”

“Harold is not a vampire. Though he has been with us since our stay here.”, Jake explained.

“Your grandmother adopted me when I was 15 yrs. old. That was about a month after you left. Then, a year after, the guys went to live here so I know what they are. Your grandmother told me to take care of you if you ever return.”, Harold said to me.

“Oh! I see..umm..I don’t mean to be rude or anything come you’re here? I mean you’re all staying here right..and well..umm...”, I said blushing while trying to from the right words without insulting anyone.

The twins giggled at me as Tyler smiled in understanding. Rick just grinned while Luke raised an eyebrow at me. I just pouted at them. Jake approached me and said,

“I was the one who invited them here. I’ve known them for so many years and since Eliza told me that I can use this place, she permitted me to use this as a residence.”

“So Grandma knew what all of you are?”

“Yes. She asked us to stay here until you return.”

After that, they told me a lot of stories like how they all met, their countless adventures, how they got here and a lot more. I was so fascinated and not to mention tired, that I didn’t notice myself dozing off already.

I must have lost consciousness later on because I felt like I was floating. Is someone carrying me?

I’m not sure but a while later, I felt softness underneath me. I must be back in my room. But who carried me?

Then, I felt something brush my cheek like it was soothing me. It felt good.

When I thought I was already asleep, I felt a soft touch by my forehead and a whisper so low, I barely heard it.

“Good dear Lhia.”, then I went back to sleep with a smile in my face.
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hey guys!!! i am so sorry if i uploaded so late..i was so busy i don't know if i can upload in tym...
i am so so sorry..well i hope ur all still reading..and i hope u enjoyed dis chapter..thank u...
pls keep on subscribing and commenting..i will really appreciate it... ^^