Status: thank u for all those who read..i hope u had fun... ^^

Please Let Me Remember You

Unwanted Visitors

“Aren’t you gonna let us in?”

I just stood there, still shocked and surprised by their visit. I can’t believe they’re here.

What are they doing here?

“Lhia, who are you talking to?”, somebody called out but I didn’t answer. I didn’t even turn around.

I felt someone behind me and held the door wider. I looked up and saw Harold looking at the people by the door.

“Oh, who might you be?”, he asked looking at an old woman with 2 girls.

“We are Lhia’s relatives. I am her aunt and these are my daughters. We would want to talk to you about something. May we come in?”, she ask in a fake sweet tone. It makes me sick!

Harold glanced at me but then looked at them and said awkwardly, “Uhh..sure. Come in.”

When they got inside, we went to Grandma’s office and settled at the couches there.

I was sitting with Harold the whole time because I don’t like having them near me. What do they want anyway?

“First, I would like to introduce myself. I am Mrs. Richards and these are my two daughters, Krissy and Maila. We’re here to talk about my niece, Lhia.”

Me? What about me? What is this woman talking about?

“We would like her to come back with us. You do know she ran away right?”, she asked more to Harold but then I saw her mischievous look towards me but only a minute before putting her fake smile again.

“Ran away?”, Harold asked as he curiously looked at me. I put my head down in
embarrassment. I clearly forgot about that major detail.

“Yes. You see, she had been living with us for a couple of years. It says here in this contract that we have full custody on her. So, we want her to come back with us.”, she said while handing a paper to Harold.

“What do you mean come back with you?!”, somebody said loudly.

I looked at the door and saw Jake, Rick and Luke entering the room. I can’t help but notice Jake fuming while Rick looking worried at me and Luke looking at Harold for answers. I smiled a bit at them to tell them it’s gonna be fine. Well, I hope it will be.

I also my 2 idiotic cousins gaping at them like wolves. It’s like they’re devouring them with their eyes. I shuddered in disgust.

“What is she talking about Harold? What did she mean of coming back with them?”, Jake asked restraining himself from yelling.

Harold sighed and held the paper to Luke who skimmed it while the others looked at it too.

“A custody contract?”

Harold nodded grimly and looked at me worriedly.

“So as you can see, I would like her to pack now so we can leave early. It is a long journey from here anyway so if you don’t mind-“

“Shut up!”, I yelled to cut her off.

“What are you talking about? I am not going back to your stupid house! I want to stay here! You can’t make me leave!”, I yelled.

“Now, see here, young lady, you will go back with us whether you like it or not. You are still under our direct supervision as your guardian, so I say, pack now or I will pack them for you.”, my aunt threatened.

I was so mad I can’t get a word out of my mouth. I was practically exploding in anger because of her.

Why does she want me to go back? I thought she hated me because I was burden for them that’s why I’ve been living like a slave for so many years. Why the sudden change?

And by the glint of evilness in her eyes and the smirk in her lips, I have a pretty good idea why. Arggh!!! I just want to hurt her so much, I can-

“I think we should talk about this more, that is, if you don’t mind, Mrs. Richards.”, Harold said halting my thoughts of murdering my aunt.

She looked at Harold for a while and then finally agreed. Harold and Luke made me, Jake, Rick and my 2 stupid cousins out of the room for a while for some serious talk.

When we got outside, I was so ready to puke my brains out. My 2 cousins started flirting with Jake and Rick. They’re practically stripping their clothes off just to get noticed.

It was so disgusted but all the more mad that I have to leave. And I saw them with Jake..not to mention Rick, it made me kind of sad. It actually hurt me to see it, and I don’t know why.

I didn’t even realize that I was already back in my room. I must be so mad about everything that had happened.

I sat down by the bed to calm myself. Would Auntie really take me away? Will I ever go back if she did?

I don’t even know anymore. Maybe..maybe, I should start packing.

I don’t think Harold can talk me out of this mess. Even if I hate to admit it, I would just end up going back to that place.

With a grave sigh, I started packing all my belongings. But even then, I can’t help but let the tears overcome me.

All the memories that I had in this place, all the people that I met, my past, as well as the present..I don’t want to lose them all!

I didn’t realize that I stopped packing and just held myself together. I can’t leave..I don’t want to go back there.

Suddenly, I felt someone touching my face. I looked up and saw Jake kneeling before me with his hand wiping the tears from my eyes.

When I looked at him, it was always strange how he has this effect on me like he was protecting me. I know he cares and his worried look made me cry even more.

“Lhia?”, he whispered.

“I don’t want to go back. I don’t want to leave. I want to everyone. I-I want to stay.”, I sobbed.

He gathered me in his arms and cradled me like when we were in the forest. It feels right to be held by him.

“’s gonna be alright. Don’t worry. We would never let them take you away.”, he reassured me.

“But, what if I can’t stay here anymore? What if I have to leave? What if-“

I was cut off by him when he held my face in his big palms making me closer to his face and said,

“I promise you that you will stay here. You will never leave. How about that?”

I stared at his eyes and saw that he was serious. I nodded to him bringing a smile to his face.

Then, I realize how close we are. I didn’t even notice the way our faces are about an inch from each other. I started to blush by the situation.

Why does every time I’m with Jake it always end up being awkward?

Then, suddenly there was a knock on the door.
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hey guys!!!
i'm sori for d long wait..i hope u enjoyed dis chapter...
pls keep on reading and subscribing my story..comments and sugestions are much appreciated as well..hahaha..thank u... ^^