Status: thank u for all those who read..i hope u had fun... ^^

Please Let Me Remember You

Problem Solved! Or has it?

I glanced at the door dreading what will happen if I opened it. I felt Jake’s arms holding me tighter as it made me look at him again. He must have sensed my weariness and it makes me happy to know that he cares. I’m sure that he does.

As someone knocked on my door again, I hesitantly stood from Jake’s arms and went to the door.

When I opened it, I saw Luke standing outside with grim look in his face. I cocked my head to him and realized he was looking behind me.

I turned and saw Jake glaring at the floor with an expression that I would make me run by now if he was the one looking at me like that.

He was clenching his fists so hard, it’s like he wants to beat something. His arms are shaking from the strain like he’s angry from something. But from what? Why?

Oh no! It can’t be because...

“Luke?”, I whispered so low I myself almost can’t hear it as I looked back at him pleadingly.

Please don’t tell me. Please don’t let me hear. Please-

“Harold is waiting for you at Eliza’s office. I think you should hear it from him.”, he said sympathetically.

But already know what he will say to me. And everything makes me want to hide in Jake’s arms again.

Suddenly, I felt a soft warmth on my hand. I looked at my side and saw Jake holding my hand firmly as he looked at Luke like they are exchanging some sort of secret message.

When Luke nodded, Jake pulled me out of the room as we made our way back to the office. And all throughout our walk, I willed him to look at me, to at least make me feel alright even if I know it won’t be.

As we stopped by the door, he still haven’t looked at me.

Please look at me, I willed in my thought.

And then without warning, he pulled me to his arms and held me tightly like we did back at my room.

“I made you a promise, right?”, he whispered to my ear.

I nodded at his shoulder because he wouldn’t let me look up at him.

“And I will not break that promise. You will not leave. I will make you stay. No matter what it takes. I promise you that, Lhia.”, he whispered again making me shed a tear by his words.

He let me go slowly and held my hand in his as we walked inside my Grandma’s office.

First, I saw Harold looking at me apologetically as he mouthed the words ‘sorry’ to me. I smiled weakly at him in understanding.

Then, I saw my Aunt with that mischievous smile of hers again with my 2 cousins and their famous smirks which I would so like to rip out of their fake faces. I really hate them!

“Well, Lhia, I guess you would be coming with us. I suggest you start packing now.”, my aunt ordered smugly.

I gripped Jake’s hand to restrain myself from lunging myself to my aunt and kill her where she stands. I looked at the floor angrily as I tried not to let my tears fall. I will not let them have the satisfaction of making me suffer even if I already am.

Suddenly, Jake standing in front me blocking my view from my relatives. I looked up at him as he held my face in his two big hands and whispered in a voice so low it may seem like a sweet caress to me.

“I promised you, Lhia. You will not leave.”

“B-but...”, I tried to say but cut off by Jake’s finger on my lips.

Then, he turned back to my relatives and said firmly to them, “Lhia will not be leaving.”

I pulled his arm back and whispered, “What are you doing?”

He lingered his fingers in his arm for a moment and then released my grip from them slowly as he took a step forward to my relatives with a small glance back at me.

“Lhia will not be leaving.”, he said again.

“W-what did you say?”, my aunt asked.

“Are you deaf? I said she will not be leaving.”

“What your mouth, young man? I will not have you insult me. I am still older than you.”

“Older? Ha! You are still a baby compared to me.”, he said back as he approached them slowly. It’s like he’s stalking them. Oh no! I hope he’s not doing what I think he’s gonna do.

“W-what are you t-talking about?”, my aunt said shakily as my two cousins huddled themselves to my aunt’s sides.

“What am I talking about?”, he paused then just like that, he was in front my aunt giving her no time to react.

“I am talking about you forgetting this whole thing and going back from where you came from.”, he said in a voice It’s like he’s hypnotizing them. I looked at my relatives and they all seem to freeze in their spot.

What is he doing to them?

Forget about you seeing Lhia here. You NEVER came here nor have you come here for her. Is that understood?”, he said looking intently into their eyes. He is hypnotizing them.

They all nodded at once at his question. They’re like puppets to him. It’s kind of freaky.

“Then, GET OUT OF HERE! And NEVER come back!”, he growled in finality as he glared at them. It made him look really scary.

Then, I saw my relatives march outside of the room like in the army. I heard their car roaring to life and then, nothing as it sped away.

I looked back at Jake and cocked my head to him in curiosity and amusement. I am so grateful for what he had done for me but still feel kind of freaked out about it.

He was also looking at me too but in a different way. I’m not sure about it but it’s like he wants to say something to me.

Then, suddenly he was in front of me as he took my hands with his and started walking out of the room. I realized Harold had already went out of the room because as I glanced around, he wasn’t there.

But then, what is Jake doing? I thought everything is fine now.

And where the hell is he taking me?!
♠ ♠ ♠

What is Jake planning to do?

Well you just hav to find out...

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