Status: thank u for all those who read..i hope u had fun... ^^

Please Let Me Remember You


Am I hearing right? Or am I just going crazier by the minute? Did Jake just say mine?!

“W-what?”, I whispered with me still tucked in his chest. And it doesn’t help me thinking rationally about what he told me. Dammit!

“You’re my destined one, Lhia. You’re mine.”, he muttered again.

Okay, that confirms it. He really said mine, I am not going crazy and I am hearing right.

“B-but that’s not possible..I mean it can’t be...”, I whispered trying to be rational.

He took my chin and held it up so I can look at him in his eyes.

“It is possible Lhia. You are my destined one. Why do you think I’ve stayed all this years?”


“Because I’ve waited for you. You and you only. That is the only reason I am here. For you.”, he said while looking at my eyes intently.

“But Jake, why? I-I don’t u-understand.”

He sighed and pulled me again closer to him. I could feel him stroking my hair absently. It made me relax a bit and lean to him more.

“Remember when I told you how we met, in this very field?”

I nodded but still not understanding what he’s talking about. I may be just hiding the fact that I know but heck, I’m not sure what to believe!

“When I saw you, it felt like I’ve known you for a very long time. By then, I knew I can’t live if I never get to see you again. Your innocence, your purity, your all struck me as though death came upon me. When I look into your eyes, I felt like a new person. I can’t explain how or why but I know it is the truth. I can feel it. Even now, you make me whole. Do you understand me, Lhia?”

“J-jake..I...”, I can’t form the right words to say so I looked down but Jake didn’t let me for he cupped his hand to my cheeks and made me look at him.

“Tell me, Lhia. What is the real reason why you’ve been avoiding me? You said you don’t hate me so why then? I know deep in your heart you know the reason so I am asking you now. Why? Tell me.”, he urged with those beautiful and deep eyes of his.

I bit my lip so that I won’t get to say anything. If I did, I don’t know what I’ll do after then. Maybe die in humiliation or just sink into my hole of regret and fear.

“Are you afraid of me?”, he asked sadly after a few moments of me not answering his question.

“No!”, I said a bit defensively.

“So why then, Lhia? Why can’t you answer me?”, he urged again as he stroked my cheeks with his thumbs as to soothe me.

“It’’s not because I am afraid of you. It’s just that..I..I don’t know if I can stay..with you...”, I said with tears running down my face. Oh god, this is so hard!

“What do you mean? Lhia? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”, he said a bit frantically like he’s the one who made me cry. Regrettably, he kind of is but not all of it.

I held his hands on my face and closed my eyes. If I see his face as I told him the truth, I might not get to continue.

“J-jake..I..I’m afraid. But not because of you. Never you. I-I’m afraid that if you know..if you know what I feel..what I want to say..then you would leave..that you wouldn’t get to stay anymore. I was afraid that because of that, I would be alone..again. I don’t want that, Jake. I want you to me. When you’re here, I feel safe..I feel whole. That’s why..that’s why, please don’t leave Jake. Please don’t leave me.”, I said as I sobbed and sobbed.

As I broke down, I realize Jake holding on to me in his chest, with his arms around me as though protecting me. I can faintly hear his soothing voice telling me words to comfort me. But I couldn’t do anything but just cry to his chest. I am so pathetic!

“Shh..don’t’s fine..everything’s fine.”, he soothed me.

I shook my head and said, “No, everything’s not fine.”

“Lhia. Lhia, listen to me. When did I ever tell you that I would leave you? I would always be here with you. Always.”, he said to me.

“But y-you’re a vampire..and I’m a human.’s..we can’t..I would...”, I tried to explain.

“Whether you’re a human or a vampire., it doesn’t change the fact that you are mine. I am bonded to you even before you know me. Our first meeting was destined and I want to stay with you. Forever. You make me whole, Lhia. Even when you we’re a child, you’ve always made me whole. Didn’t I promise that I would never leave you?”, he cut me off.

I looked up at him and asked childishly, “Do you promise again?”

He chuckled a bit and said, “I swear to you with all my being. I will always be here beside you. I would never leave you.”

I nodded and leaned on his chest again as I just enjoyed the moment. My tears are already drying as he held me close to him.

“Is this what you mean of being bonded to you?”, I asked remembering our last conversation.

“Yes. Though, I have been wanting to tell you about it, I don’t know how to tell you. I am not even sure if you would understand the meaning of it.”, he explained.

“Oh I see, so does that mean you’re my boyfriend now?”, I asked a bit straightforwardly.

I looked up at him and I swear his cheeks have gone even the tiniest red.

“Aww, are you blushing, Jake?”, I said teasingly.

“I am not! I-it’s just you caught me off guard, that’s all.”, he grumbled like a wounded puppy.

“Okay, okay. But really, am I your girlfriend and you my boyfriend, now that you say, bonded?”

“I would like to say yes, but...”, he trailed off.

“W-what?”, I asked nervously. Is he saying we’re not?

“I wouldn’t say girlfriend and boyfriend. It is more like we’re destined to be each other. It might even be saying that you’re already my wife and I am your husband.

“W-wife?”, I stammered.

He grinned at me and said, “Well, you are my destined one. You’re mine and only mine. And I am definitely sure that goes the same for you since you’ve just told me how much I made you whole and how you’ve been afraid if I ever leave. By the way, it’s really sweet that you told me that. I can’t help but wanted to hear that from you again. Can you say it to me again?”, he said teasingly.

All the time I was blushing and I’m not sure if I should just hide or punch him because of that grin of his again.

“I hate you.”, I said lowly.

“Oh, you’re just saying that because you love me. Come on, admit it. You do love me.”, he persuaded.

I pouted at him and said, “Well, be glad that I do love you because right now, all I want is to get that grin out of your face.”

He smiled and leaned to my face which surprised the hell out of me.

“I also love you, Lhia. Always had and always will be, my destined one.”

Then, he leaned closer and kissed me gently on my trembling lips.

As I answered back with my own kiss, I wished this day would never end.
♠ ♠ ♠

I am so sorry for not uploading soon..i was so so busy..well i hope u enjoy d new chapter...

as u can see i changed the title to make it more d way my story is almost finish..i'm just thinking of how i will end it...

anyway pls continue on subscribing and would really mean a lot..well hav a nice day!!! Thank you!!!