Status: thank u for all those who read..i hope u had fun... ^^

Please Let Me Remember You


I think this is the most boring day since my stay here. It's been almost a week since I came here and still I can't do anything much. I am so BORED!!!

So, I decided to go out and have some fun. Since I've been gone so long from here anyway, maybe a little walk would be good for me.

As I was walking, I noticed some adults calling me by my name. I don't remember who they were but they just said that they knew my grandmother and me when I was young.'s odd that I don't remember them since I was already 6 yrs old back then. Maybe I just have some sort of memory loss or something.

After all that walking, I decided to enter a small restaurant. I didn't realize I was that hungry since it was already the afternoon and I only just ate breakfast back at the apartment.

As I sat in one of the tables, a waitress approaches me and asks me what I want to order. I decided to pick a hamburger and chocolate shake.

I was waiting for my order when someone calls me by my name. I looked around and saw a blonde-haired girl waving at me by the other table.

I waved back a little but then she stood up and started to approach me. When she came closer, I realized that I know her.

"May!", I said a little bit loud that some of the customers looked at me so I blushed
She chuckled and said, "Lhia! It's been a long time. You haven't change huh."

I grinned at her and she just smiled as she sat down at the opposite side of the table.

"So, you came back. How you've been?"

"I'm fine I guess. I'm still getting used to being here. What about you?"

"Same old, same old. I've been helping my Mom with the store so I can save up some for college."

"Well, that's good for you. I'm so glad to see you again, May."

"Me, too. It's been so long hasn't it? Oh by the way, why did you come back? I thought you're staying at your cousin's place."

"Umm..well you see, since my Grandma died, she sort of left me her apartment. So here I am, managing it for her."

"Wait! You mean the building near the forest?", she asked really surprised.

"Yeah, that's the place. Why?", I asked warily. What's wrong with Grandma's place?

" see..umm...", then she had to stop because my order just arrived.

When everything was settled, I waited for her to continue. Then, she leaned closer and said to me in a low voice.

"Well, there were rumors about that place. Bad rumors."

"What kind of rumors?", I asked also in a low voice as I bit in my burger.

"People said that weird things happen in there."

"What weird things? Are you trying to scare me or something?"

"Listen! It's haunted okay! People say that evil creatures live there and that they go out at night to attack people. So trust me, you should be scared."

I stared at her for a moment but then I can't help myself but I laughed with my hand trying to stop it.


"'s just that..I can't..that's just totally ridiculous!", I said between laughs.

She just stared at me like I'm going crazy but I explained,

"Seriously, there are no evil creatures in there. Actually, the people there are quite nice.", except for one person, I thought keeping it to myself.

"But a lot of people say that they look they're not they're not human at all!"

"Well, they all look human to me. Besides, if they are evil like they said they were, then I shouldn't be here now..eating my burger..talking to you..having this conversation.", I pointed out with a grin.

She seemed unconvinced by what I said so I just told her,

"Trust me okay! They are all good people. Besides, my Grandma trusts them, so why shouldn't I?"

She just sighed and said, "Fine, if you say so. But you'll be careful right?"

"I promise!", I swore as I finished my food.

"Well, I better go now. I still need to help making dinner.", I told her as I stood up.

"Okay then. It's really nice seeing you again Lhia. I missed you so much!", she said with a hug.

"Yeah, me too! I missed everything here.", I hugged back.

"Well, if you have some time, you can come visit me okay."

"Yeah, I will. Well, bye May!", I said as I waved and got out of the restaurant.

As I was walking, I can't help but think about what she said. About the apartment and all.
What did she mean about weird things happening? Everything looks normal to me. Nothing strange happened yet.

Besides, Rick and the other tenants also look fine to me. Well, sort of, I think.

I did noticed how cold and pale their skin is. Or how flawless and gorgeous they all are. Honestly, they are really good-looking people.

I also noticed how some of the room are rather designed differently. Well, besides the fact some of them have dark-colored themes, they are also covered with thick and heavy curtains, which is really strange.

But all-in-all, nothing has come up yet in my scale of out-of-this-world out-of-the-ordinary meter.

Maybe, I'm just thinking about all this too much. I should just go home and rest.

Speaking of home, I realized how really late it is. It's almost dark that the street lights are already on so I walked faster than usual.

I still don't know much about this town, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Besides, I'm gonna be late in cooking dinner.

I was about to cross my street when a hand covered my mouth and pulled me by the bushes.

I struggled against my unknown attacker but everything I did seem worthless.

As I was about to scream, something sharp held me by the throat.

"Give me all your money now!", my captor commanded.

"I..I..I don't have a-any.", I answered hoarsely. Dammit! Don't show you're scared!

"Give them now! Or I swear, I'm gonna slit your throat!", he said as his knife came closer to my throat.

I was starting to get really scared. It's like last time when I was held against the wall. I started to tear up but I answered,

"I really d-don't have a-any. P-please let me g-go.", I pleaded.

"Dammit! Fine, then. Maybe, I should just kill you then.", he said harshly.

"'t.", I cried but then when I thought his gonna stab me, I felt him let go off me and then I was on the floor on my knees.

I heard a loud crash and when I looked up, I saw my attacker sprawled at the trash cans really far by the wall.

Then, something held my wrist and made me stand up.

"Let's go!", someone said and then we started running.

After we got far enough, we stopped. I don't know what I am feeling at that moment. Should I be scared? relieved? happy? I was just totally confused that time.

But then a voice said, "Are you alright?"

I looked up and saw a guy looking at me with worried eyes.

"I'm..I'm..I'm fine.", I croaked.

"You sure? He didn't hurt you or anything right?", he said as he was examining me.

"'m fine..really..I'm..fine.", I told him assuringly.

He sighed in relief and said, "That's good!"

"Umm..who are you? Where are we?", I asked as I looked around.

"Oh! My name is-", but then he was cut off by someone calling my name.
"Lhia! Lhia!"

"Harold?", I whispered then I realized I was back at the apartment. How?

Then, I looked back at the stranger and he just smiled. Okay, who is he really?
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hey guys!!!
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