Status: thank u for all those who read..i hope u had fun... ^^

Please Let Me Remember You

Into the Woods

After eating breakfast, I decided to start my snooping and exploring. They won’t expect me to try and find out about their secrets. No one messes with me!

Unfortunately, I didn’t expect them to be really good as well. When I wanted to talk to them, they just act casually. Too casually. It’s as if they already expected this kind of behavior on me.

Well there’s no surprise there. Of course I would be suspicious about them. But the fact that they are too good in hiding things annoys me. I can’t even get a single slip up from them.

With my attempts all failed, I decided to get some fresh air and free my mind from all this stress.

As I stepped out of the apartment, I felt a small breeze sweeping across my face.’s nice to take a break once in a while.

I decided to sit by the porch and look at my surroundings. So many things had changed since I left. I didn’t think I would miss them but they did. The trees, the flowers..everything. It just seems so..different for me.

But something has been nagging me ever since my dream. Something that keeps on pushing in my head making me edgy. And what’s making me more edgy is the fact that I don’t know what it is!

I felt the breeze again and looked out to where it came from. I noticed that it came from the forest Harold told me not to go. But like I said, I might try and go exploring there. And I say today is that day.

I started walking towards the forest. I noticed that it wasn’t that scary or dangerous like Harold said it would be. Everything looks so natural and beautiful like it hasn’t been touched for years.

As I looked around, I didn’t realize I was getting deeper and deeper. When I looked up at the sky, I realized it was a lot more darker than usual. I think it’s gonna rain any time soon.

So I decided to go back to the apartment. The only problem is, how will get back?

I walked and walked but it just gets me lost more and more. So I decided to just sit in the ground and think about what I’ll do next.

After a few minutes of not coming up with a plan, I got frustrated and started walking again aimlessly.

When it’s totally official that I’m lost, I started to shout trying to find if someone could hear me. But unfortunately, nobody can hear me.

With a sigh, I started walking again. Well, it’s better than doing nothing.

When I was walking I heard a sound. Is that humming?

I tried to find where that sound came from until I stumbled upon a small clearing. It was filled with beautiful flowers. And it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.

Someone might be tending these flowers. No field can look so organized and well-nurtured without someone taking care for them. But who?

Then, I heard someone humming again. I looked around for that person when I finally saw him.

It was Jake!

The one person that I know I should be avoiding from. The one person I should stay away from. But why is it that I always get so see him. It’s like I can’t get away from him. Or maybe it’s my imagination getting the best of me. Yeah, that’s probably it.

When I looked at Jake again, he looked so different from when I see him. He was sitting under the tree not too far away from me with his eyes closed that a smile?

He looks so peaceful that it’s new to me. I’ve never seen him like this. Whenever I meet him, he would be either be angry with me or cold like I wasn’t even there.

It surprises me to think that he can be like this. It..suits him. I like him this way.

Wait! What?! Like?

Okay, this whole lost thing is getting in to my head. When, I get back, I’ll rest this whole experience up like it never happened.

Then, an idea came up at me. Maybe, I should ask Jake how to get back. He seemed to be going back anyway since it’s gonna start raining anytime soon.

I was about to walk out to the clearing when he suddenly opened his eyes. I was so surprised that I didn’t get the chance to take another step.

He blinked a few times then looked up at the sky. Yes, it’s gonna rain so can you please stop staring at it and help me get home, I thought to myself. Not being grumpy or anything, it’s just that I want to go home now.

Then, he started to laugh hysterically. At first, it was kind of weird but when I heard him laugh, it’s like I was mesmerized by it. I can’t move as he laughed so enchantingly. But it sounds so I’ve heard it somewhere before.

Then, I felt my head started to hurt a little bit. What the?!

I held my forehead trying to stop the pain but then, I noticed Jake stop laughing. I looked back at him and he was also looking at me.

I took a step back in reasons I don’t know why, but I did. But then, he stood up and started walking towards me.

I can no longer move when he got closer to me. Too close for comfort actually.

I bit my lip trying to find a reason why I’m here because I know that’s what he’s gonna ask me. But then, as usual, he always surprises me.

“You should know not to get lost in the woods.”, he said without the usual angry tone which kind of surprised me even more.

“Umm..I..well..umm..I’m..I’m not lost.”, I mumbled still surprised with his tone.

“Well then what are you doing here?”, he said a little bit insultingly.

“I was..I was looking around..yeah..I was looking there!”, I defended. I will never admit that I was lost. Not with him.

“Well then, I guess I should go back first now since you can go back yourself.”, he chimed.

He was about to turn around when I grabbed his sleeve and made him stop.

“Wait! Can I..umm..can I come with you? Since, you know, you’re also going back..and I’m also going back..and..umm..yeah..can I come with you?”, I stammered trying not to sound so helpless.

He let out a snicker and then grinned at me.

“Yeah..sure..come up with excuses that will assure yourself..hmm..yeah..that’s so pathetic.”, he retorted.

“Hey! It’s not pathetic. And what about you? What are you doing here?”

“Unlike you getting lost, I was here to have some time with myself. But considering you’re here, I guess I can’t have that now, can I?”, he pointed out making me look a bit guiltily. So I can’t help but just admit so that I can get out of here already.

“Sigh..fine, I got lost okay. And..and I can’t go back. So p-please, help me get back.”, I finally admitted while looking down at the floor.

He was silent for a moment as I waited for him to answer. Then, he sighed and said,

“Fine, let’s get you home.”, he answered.

I widened my eyes as I felt a sharp pain in my head

“W-what did you s-say?”

He looked at me weirdly and then said, “I said let’s get you home.

Then, I winced as the pain started to sting my head again.

“Hey, you okay?”, he sounded a bit concerned.

“Y-yeah. I’m f-fine. Let’s just g-go okay. It’s gonna rain soon.”

Then, we walked back to the apartment without talking to each other. And the whole time, I can’t help but feel the pain of something piercing to my head.

What’s happening to me?
♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys!!! I made dis chapter extra long to make up wit not uploading earlier...
well i hope u liked it..also pls keep on commenting and reading...
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