Status: thank u for all those who read..i hope u had fun... ^^

Please Let Me Remember You

Rainy Day

I looked up the sky from my window and noticed it was still dark..really dark.

Droplets fell from the sky making everything seem like a blur. Everything looks so dull and gloomy that it’s strange to just stare at it.

But why can’t I stop looking at it? Why do I feel like something is pulling me to it?

Rain has never bothered me before. But why..why now?

Is it because of those memories? Those dreams? That guy? But why the rain?

"Hahaha! You shouldn’t be afraid of the rain, you know."

What?! Who said that? T-that voice...

"Did you know that rain is like a blessing?”

Ahh!!! My head. It hurts again.

Tears started to form in my eyes as my head ached. What’s wrong with me?

Why are these memories started to fill my head?

“Lhia.”, somebody said.

“N-no.”, I whispered trying to block out the memories in my head.

“Lhia!”, it said once more loudly.

I opened my eyes suddenly realizing they were closed. I looked from where the voice came from and there I saw Harold looking so worriedly at me.

“Are you okay?”

I looked around and noticed I was already on the floor with my hands pressed against my head.

I started to stand up as Harold helped me.

“What’s wrong? Are you alright?”, Harold asked again.


“You sure? You look like you’re in pain. Do you want to go to a clinic or something.”, he pressed.

“ It’s..It’s okay.”, I tried to assure him.

“Well, if you say so. I’m just worried about you.”

“I know, Harold. Thank you. But really, I’m fine. It’s nothing.”

He looked at me worriedly but then decided to let it off.

He wanted to ask me if I wanted to cook dinner but then he insisted that it might be better if he did.

So here I am sitting in my bed and doing nothing. A few minutes passed by and I got fed up so I decided to get out of my room and do something else.

When I got out, I saw Jake also getting out of his room. After contemplating if I should go talk him, I decided to go for it. Maybe he’s not so angry with me anymore since he was rather nice when we were in the woods.

“Jake!”, I called as I started to approach him.

He looked at me but his eyes made me stop. They’re cold and angry. Oh no, he’s back to his old, uncaring self.

“What do you want?”, he asked rather harshly.

I was stunned for a moment. He’s definitely back. And I thought we could actually be friends now.

“Come on! Speak up girl! I’m busy!”, he said loudly making me cringe a little bit.

“I-I just thought..umm..maybe..we could h-hang out..or something.”, I answered nervously.

I was looking at the ground, afraid to look at him but when I can’t stand the silence, I looked up and then regretted it.

“Are you stupid? What makes you think I would hang out with you?”, he said with a smirk.

Ouch!!! That was harsh. He didn’t have to put it like that.

“Well..I just thought..umm..well, you know what, forget about it. And to answer your question, yes, I was stupid. Stupid that I even bother to ask you!”, I spatted at him. If he wants to be harsh then I can be harsher.

He just smirked again and said, “Yeah, keep telling yourself that. So run along now, little girl. I have no time to be playing your silly games.”, then he walked away.

I can’t help it but I let out a cry of frustration and stuck my tongue out at his back.

God, I was so stupid to think he was actually nicer now. I can’t believe he can be much more of a jerk than when I first met him. What a bi-polar freak!

I really hate him! Hate him! Hate him! Hate him!

I wish he would just leave me alone and then he can rot to wherever place he goes. I wish he would get sick or drown or bitten or just die. Or anything as long as I don’t get to see his stupid smirk ever again.

“Are you okay? You’ve been standing there forever.”, somebody said.

I looked up and saw Rick standing by his door.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just plotting. Don’t mind me.”, I said unemotionally.

“Right..well, if you’re done plotting, maybe you could hang out with me. Tyler and the twins are out and I don’t think Luke would want to play video games with me. So yeah, do you want to play with me?”

I was about to refuse when I remembered about my last attempts. Maybe this is the opportunity I was waiting for.

“Sure, why not.”, I said with a rather big smile and a hint of evilness in it.

“ can stop smiling now, it’s kind of freaky. So, yeah, come on in!”, he said as he held the door open for me.

“Thanks!”, I said a little bit too happily and then entered.

Get ready, Rick, cause this little girl is not going anywhere without getting some answers.
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hey guys!!! thx for reading my story...
i hope u like dis chapter..actually i've been having trouble patching up d events...
and well i think i'm managing kind of well..i hope...
pls keep on commenting and reading..subscribe if u want...
i would really appreciate it..well thx again..enjoy!!! ^^