You Brighten up the World With Your Eyes

Chapter one.

September 5th. Also known as first day of senior year. First day of hell in Faith’s mind. She turned to her father once more, her eyes full of plea,

“Do I have to go, Daddy? Can‘t you just get someone to home school me?” Faith asked, her voice ringing hopeful. He father simply shook his head, giving her an apologetic look. Faith was a daddy’s girl, and she always would be. She would forever be his little angel. “You’re the only girl I need in my life now.” was what he had once said to her after her mother had died. Faith pouted at her father, crossing her arms over her chest. Her father took a step forward, embracing his daughter in his arms. He sighed,

“Honey, don’t worry about it. The kids up here are sweet, they’ll take you under their wing. Call me at lunch and tell me how your day’s been,” he said, taking a step back. Faith had loosened up, her arms back down by her sides. He father grinned, “That’s if you’re not too busy with all of your new friends that I just know you’re going to make today.” he added. Faith tried to hide the smile that was tugging at her lips, before giving in and smiling widely at her father. She nodded, hugging him once more.

“Fine. I’ll call you at lunch, I promise,” she glanced at the clock, “I’m gonna set out now, I don’t want to be late. I have my schedule to pick up and I need to find my way to my first class.” she finished. Her father nodded, smiling at her,

“Okay, sweetie. Have a lovely day, I’m sure you will.” he kissed her forehead, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Faith smiled, before throwing her bag over her shoulder, turning to the front door.

“Thanks, dad. Love you, and have a nice day at work.” she said, turning back once more to her father before she stepped out of the house. He father waved, replying with a “Thank you, love you.” before she closed the door, heading to her car. She placed her bag on the front passenger seat, starting up her car and backing out of the drive way. The school she would be attending for the next year was only a small car ride away, and she had drove there a couple of times during the holidays so she knew her way on her first day. Arriving in the school car park, Faith parked her car in the nearest available parking space, which was relatively easy to find considering most of the students weren’t even there yet, as there was a good 10 minutes until school started. Faith sighed, picking up her bag off the vacant seat and getting out of her car, locking the doors and setting off to the main office of the school. Faith’s eyes scanned the school grounds, noticing a few students (all of which looked to be in lower years than herself) sat on benches or stood by their cars, chatting or making quick finishing touches to their due assignments. As she made her way through the front doors of the school, Faith took in her new surrounding. The white wash walls looked freshly painted over the summer, and notice boards were perfectly laid out. Faith smiled slightly, happy with the fact that her new school was at least presentable and not shabby looking. Making her way to the office desk, Faith smiled at the plump lady sat behind it. The lady had messy, dark blonde hair that was tied back in a pony tail. Her face was round and her cheeks had a warm, red glow to them. She smiled back warmly at Faith.

“May I help you, young lady?” she asked politely. Faith nodded.

“Yes, I’m Faith Carter. I’m new here… I was wondering if you could give me my schedule and maybe point out where my first class is for me?” she asked. The lady smiled, nodding in response.

“Of course, miss. Give me one second and I’ll have your schedule for you.” she said, the smile on her face never fading. Faith’s smile grew wider, and she replied with a quick “Thank you.” The lady returned less than a minute later with what Faith assumed to be her schedule, and another piece of paper. The lady put them on the desk in front of Faith, laying them both out next to each other. She pointed at Faith’s schedule,

“This is your schedule. Normally, they stay the same for the full semester, but occasionally a few classes will be swapped around,” she took her pointing finger off the schedule and pointed to the other piece of paper, which Faith now believed to be a map of the school, “And this is a map of the school. The school’s lay out is pretty simple, so you should find your way around pretty easily. But if you have any trouble finding a class, just ask another one of the students or a teacher. I can assure you you’ll be most welcome here.” she explained. Faith picked up the sheets of paper, smiling at the lady once more.

“Thank you very much, you’ve been most helpful.” Faith said politely. Faith had been brought up to never be ill mannered with anyone, whether they were polite to you or not, and to treat others as she would like to be treated. The lady smiled back,

“Glad to be of assistance to you, young miss. I hope you have a lovely first day!” Faith smiled one last time, before turning on her heel and walking off towards her first class.

As the red haired boy walked down the full, noisy corridor, Faith felt her heart miss a beat.
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So, new story. I will carry this one on! haha.
This first chapter is a bit short, but I promise you, they will get longer and more interesting. The next one might be just introducing stuff, and telling you a bit more about Faith... I don't know yet, I haven't wrote it.

Comments, subscribe! Would be lovely. :)