You Brighten up the World With Your Eyes

Chapter five.

Nick and Faith both finished up in the Starbucks, deciding on taking a look around in the mall to do a bit of window shopping. A good hour and a bit later, the pair decided to call it a day and start heading back, or at least heading somewhere a bit closer to their homes, anyway. Faith had text her father, letting him know that she’d be home by ten thirty at the latest. It was now nine thirty. Nick and Faith both made their way back to Nick’s car, both climbing in once Nick had unlocked the car doors, opening and closing the door once again for Faith. Faith smiled to herself at his gentlemen like ways, as he climbed in the drivers seat, starting up the engine almost instantly. He looked over at Faith, noticing the smile on her face. He smiled too,

“Smiling at anything in particular?” he asked. Faith turned her body to the left slightly so that she was facing him, then shrugged. Nick’s eyes were now fixed in front of him as he kept a careful eye on the traffic as he pulled out of the car park, heading back towards the suburbs of the town. Faith saw a small smile tug at Nick’s lips, before he turned his head momentarily to look at her, “Wanna go somewhere cool?” he asked. Faith smiled and then nodded. Nick mimicked her actions, pressing the gas peddle down a little more so the car gained momentum.

Many U-turns later, the pair finally arrived at their destination. Nick had brought Faith to a small park that was situated just outside the town centre, but not quite in the suburbs. Nick turned off the cars ignition, before turning to face Faith.

“This is it.” he said. Faith nodded, not sure how to or whether to answer that. He smiled at her again, “Wanna go for a walk?” he asked.

“Sure, sounds good to me.” she replied. Letting herself out of the car this time, Faith climbed out and closed the car door behind her. Nick made his way around to the passenger side of the car, locking the doors to his car before taking off in no particular direction. The sun was just setting behind the small woods at the end of the park, making even the dishevelled, more-brown-than-green trees look beautiful. The pair walked side-by-side for a good five minutes, no words spoken. Suddenly, Nick pointed at a spot under a small group of trees. Faith jumped slightly at his sudden movement.

“Let’s go sit under there. I’m bored of walking.” Nick said, chuckling slightly. Faith nodded, before both of the teenagers turned and made their way over to the small spot of grass, sitting down next to each other once they’d reached it. Nick sighed slightly, “So, today’s been good. I enjoyed it.” he said. Faith’s smile grew, as she nodded in agreement.

“Me too. We should definitely do this again sometime.” she replied. Nick’s smile grew wide as the words left her mouth. The pair continued to watch the sun setting behind the trees, slowly getting dark every few minutes. Faith shuffled closer to Nick, wrapping both of her skinny arms around Nick’s small frame. He looked down at her, a frown adorning his face.

“Are you cold?” he asked. Faith shrugged, nodding her head slightly.

“A little. But I’m good now. You’re warm.” she said, giggling slightly. Nick chuckled, wrapping his right arm over her shoulders, pulling her into him more. The pair remained sat like that for several minutes, both content with the warmth of one another. Nick cleared his throat, looking down so he could see Faith’s face. She looked up at him, her head resting on his shoulder. Without a second thought, Nick lowered his face down to Faith’s, pressing his lips softly against her own. Faith froze as Nick applied more pressure against her lips, starting to move them against hers. Not wanting to pull away, Faith pressed back, moving her lips in rhythm with Nick’s. After a few moments, Nick ran his tongue across Faith’s bottom lip a couple of times, before she parted her lips, granting him the access he’d been begging for. The pair moved their bodies so they were both facing each other completely, Faith’s arms finding their way around the back of Nick’s neck, playing with the ends of his hair as the kiss only got more and more heated by the second. Nick placed his hand on Faith’s shoulder, pushing her back so eventually she ended up laying back down on the grass, Nick laying on top of her. The pair never broke their lips apart as Nick ran his hands down Faith’s sides, finding the end of her t-shirt, running his hands up her top. Faith’s body tensed as he did this, instantly knowing that Nick wanted to take this a lot further than she did. She detached herself from Nick’s hungry lips, staring back into his now open eyes. Nick gave her a look of confusion, before simply leaning back down and attaching his lips to hers once more. Faith moved her hands onto his chest, attempting to push him off her, but having no luck. Nick pulled away from the kiss, staring at her.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, confusion lacing his voice. Faith shook her head, before trying to yet again push him off her.

“Get off me.” she scolded. Nick continued to stare back at her with a confused expression. He shook his head, leaning down so his lips were mere millimetres away from Faith’s. He smirked.

“Oh, come on. Don’t be silly.” he said, reattaching their lips. He applied more pressure to her lips than before, making the kiss rough and uncomfortable for Faith. Faith wriggled about underneath him, trying to break free of his kiss and his hands roamed her body more. She felt the tears pricking at the corner of her eyes as Nick continued kissing her. Pulling away one last time, Nick only stared back at her with a look of lust and nothing else. No passion, no remorse, no love, just simply lust. Faith felt a small, salty tear run down the side of her face and Nick noticed this. His facial expression softened as he backed his face away from her own, his mouth slightly agape. He rolled himself off her, quickly turning himself on his side and finally kneeling up and standing to his feet. Faith jumped to her feet as quickly as possible, turning and walking away quickly, wiping away the stray tears that were running down her cheeks.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so here's some drama, haha.
This is kinda lame. I'm really tired and I was stuck on what to write, so this is sort of a filler, I guess. It's not all that long either, I'm sorry. I'll try my best to make the next chapter longer and better, I promise! :)

And yeah, I'm making Nick kinda a douche right now. He might get nicer as the story goes on, or then again he might not.... Who knows? ;)
Comment and subscribe, please! (L)
Oh, and silent readers: YOU SUCK ASS. Yeah, I said it.