Status: On going story. Star Wars fanfiction; sexual situations, violence.

The Channel

Chapter 15

It was not long before they arrived at the Jedi High Council chambers. There they met Yoda and Qui Gon as he said they would. Qui Gon greeted the pair with a solemn look, which changed suddenly when he looked squarely in Selera's eyes. He then smiled knowingly. He concealed his amusement and threw Yoda a look of suspicion.

"Knew powers you had, I did," Yoda chortled to himself as he shuffled across the floor toward the trio. The tap of the small creature's cane was audible all the way across the room.

"Yes, you detected me when you were in the shuttle after I arrived, didn't you?" she said with a smile. Yoda stopped before her and examined her.

"Yes," he put a finger to his mouth in thought. "Surprised companions your presence could not also detect," he looked at Qui Gon and Obiwan. "Very good are you."

"I'm even better now," she said, smiling slyly.

"Believe that I do," he replied. Interesting change this is. Reveal yourself to us for what reason?" he questioned. Selera took a deep breath and pushed down her fears "“ hoping they would not turn her out after what she had to tell them. "My sponsor is of the dark side of the Force," she admitted. All three Jedi responded to her statement. "I have been aiding him in some reconnaissance work. He has trained me in my art, but I do not abide by his treatment of me," she explained.

The Qui Gon and Yoda looked at one another in surprise. She was sure that wasn't what they were expecting to hear.

"I was to bring Obiwan to him this evening." She left the obvious unsaid.

Qui Gon shifted uneasily. "Why are you telling us this?"

"I....I..." she looked at Obiwan, "I can't abide being part of a senseless death. I master, but I don't care for his ways."

"What do you want from us?" it was almost as if Qui Gon already knew the question, he was waiting for her to voice it.

"I will need protection," she said. She looked down at her hands and felt terribly ashamed at what she was admitting to. Bringing her hand to her forehead she tried to rub the guilt from her mind. "I was very naive when I agreed to help him..."

"And now you understand what he is trying to do?" Qui Gon finished for her.

"Yes and no," she admitted, "I understand he has different beliefs. But I had no idea that it involved killing for no apparent gain for his ideological beliefs."

This seemed to catch Qui Gon off guard.

"So it would be ok if it advanced his belief system?" he asked.

"Don't you?" she asked.

This definitely caught the Jedi Knight off guard. "So you are a spy for him, is that it?" he asked. Selera nodded."Train you, who did?" Yoda asked finally.

Selera gracefully pulled her skirts up and sat on the floor, making her about Yoda's height. She offered her hand to the Jedi master. She was going to try something she'd never attempted before, but she felt as if she knew how to do it. As soon as Yoda touched her, the rush of visions made her gasp. He was very strong in the Force and she had to fight to control the visions. The senior Jedi master sensed this and eased his presence in her mind. She flew him past all the stars she had gone by on her way to Coruscant, returning to Dantooine, where Maul had trained her. She showed him some of her training and their relationship. But she revealed nothing of Palpatine's nature. She only wanted to reveal the truth of what she was and how she came to serve the dark side.

"Agreed to serve him, you did?" Yoda asked when she finished.

"I agreed to help him, not be his servant."

"Consummate this agreement you did?" he asked.

Selera scowled. "I don't understand," she answered.

"Intimate with you, he has been?" Yoda explained.

"Oh," she blushed, "yes." She glanced at Obiwan, embarrassed.

"Claimed you, he has?" Yoda asked.

"He says so, but I do not wish to be his slave," she said.

"Ahh, but you call him your master," Yoda said.

"I thought that would better define what our relationship has turned into," she answered. "I will be no man's slave, but I cannot protect myself from him." She looked imploringly to Yoda.

The Jedi master nodded and turned away. "Powerful ally, you are," he said, thinking aloud. "Want to lose you, he will not."

"I do not want go back," she said, shaking her head. She wrung her hands, worrying that the Jedi would turn her out, returning her to her former master.

Yoda was silent for a moment, bringing one of his fingers to his mouth in thought once again.

"Hide you, we can," he said finally. "Help us, you will?" He cocked a questioning eye at her.

Selera sighed. "Exchange one master for another?"

"Slaves, Jedi have not," Yoda explained, "friends and allies only."

"Compulsory or voluntary?" she asked suspiciously.

"Jedi, you are not," he said. "Voluntary your services would be."

"And if I decline any request?" she asked.

"Disappointed we would be," he answered "revenge, we do not seek."

Selera nodded as if satisfied. "I am afraid that he will still find me."

"That good, is he?"

"He is very good. And he has powerful allies," she explained.

"Come to us you would not, if protect you we could not, I think, hmmm?"

"I was hoping," she answered.

Yoda nodded. "Protect you we can," he confirmed and then turned to Qui Gon.

"That shouldn't be a problem," Qui Gon answered. A silent exchange took place between the three Jedi that Selera could not discern. Obiwan stepped over to Selera.

"I need to take you to our own quarters until other arrangements can be made," he explained. "We can protect you better there and we are close to other Jedi who can help if needed." He motioned for her to follow. Selera stood from her sitting position on the floor, smoothed out her dress and followed Obiwan from the room.

"I...I hope you don't think too ill of me," she said, blushing furiously at her own words; the shame burned on her face.

He stopped and turned to face her, "Why would I think ill of you? I think it was an amazingly brave thing to leave a master that sought only to use you."

"Yes, but you must be thinking that I was seducing you strictly for my own master's purpose," she said, stumbling through her words. "And, in fact that's what it started out as, but it ended up being something quite different. I want you to know that my...feelings for you helped changed my mind about not wanting to end up in the Jedi High Council chambers."

Obiwan laughed quietly. Selera looked at him strangely then continued.

"And that I appreciate your not telling anyone before I told them myself," she concluded.

"I knew you would," he said. "That's why I didn't."

"How did you know?" she asked incredulously. They began walking to his chambers again as he explained.

"While you might have a gift of clouding your thoughts, Selera, your heart -- like your mind -- is easily read. It gave you away long before your thoughts ever would," Obiwan opened his apartment door and invited Selera in.

"I guess I would have never made a good spy, then, hmm?" she added as she stepped in.