Status: On going story. Star Wars fanfiction; sexual situations, violence.

The Channel

Chapter 6

Selera woke up and found she was alone. She was thankful for that. The Senator’s sexual preferences left her cold. She looked at the bruises on her wrists before bringing a hand to her swollen lip. Her whole body was sore. And the visions she had of him during their coupling were so disturbing, she did not want to remember them.

“Darth Sidious,” she said aloud. She knew why he was called that and it wasn’t because he was the local vicar.

“You will get use to his ways.”

She looked to find Lord Maul standing in the doorway.

“Your master tries me,” she said.

“Even so, what does not kill you makes you strong,” he replied.

Selera laughed and got up out of bed, bringing the bed sheet with her for modesty. She wrapped it around her and tucked it in front.

“It seems, My Lord, that I’ve been turned back into a whore, and my master wishes to do nothing more than pimp me out to the Jedi,” she said, her voice thick with bitterness.

“He told you?”

“He didn’t have to,” she gave him a knowing look.

“Yes, of course,” he replied. “I assume you saw as much of him as you did of me?”

“More than I cared to, thank you very much.”

“And what did he say when it happened.”

Selera laughed wryly. “He swore. But it didn’t stop him from taking me several times after that.”

Maul raised an eyebrow, but was otherwise unruffled.

“I have brought you more clothes, we will be leaving today.” He laid the bundle on her bed.

“Here today, there tomorrow. Don’t you ever stay in one place?” she asked, picking through it to see what it was.

“That is not the way of the Sith,” he answered. Selera could distinguish no emotion in his voice.

“Do you expect me to be jealous?” he asked.

“I don’t know what I expect,” she snapped. “I should never have come with you. It was not in the bargain to whore myself out to every man who wants me.”

“But you have and that is the way of it.”

“Don’t you have any feelings?” she said, raising her voice. She threw the clothes back on the bed.

“Yes, but they are not of your concern. Get dressed.” He walked from her room back into the living area.

Selera dropped herself onto the bed. Everything was catching up with her and she was beginning to wonder what she had gotten herself into. She was still tired and the thought of getting back on that ship of Lord Maul’s made her stomach turn.

“What do you want?”

Selera turned over and saw Lord Maul in the doorway.

“I want to go home.”

“Not possible,” he said. “What else do you want?”

Selera thought a moment, “I want to get as far away from Darth Sidious as possible.”

“I know a place,” he said. “Will you cooperate once we are there?”

Selera sighed. “Yes,” she answered quietly.

“We have much work before us.” He said. “Now get up and get dressed. I will make sure this trip is more comfortable than the last.”

“Well,” she began as she sat up in bed, “at least I’ll catch up on my sleep.”


Dantooine was a sparsely populated planet and far from any serious dealings with the Republic. The climate was good and Darth Maul had an established apartment on the planet. It was small, but it had everything they would need.

Through her vision experiences with the Sith Lord, Selera learned most of what she needed to know about her surroundings and popular customs. She knew how to treat people and knew what to expect in return. She learned new languages and how to read others’ minds.

Maul taught her how to cloud her mind to others by thinking of very mundane things at the same time she was plotting other things. She became good enough at it to fool him most of the time.

“You must deceive me all of the time,” he admonished. “Jedi are as vigilant as Sith on this matter. Sith never reveal their thoughts to others.”

“But I’m not a Sith Lord,” she protested.

“No, you are not,” he agreed. “But you belong to us.”

Selera was silent. She wondered if they both deliberately marked her to make it so.

“I got the distinct impression that you enjoyed it,” he said.

Selera looked up at him. “I enjoyed it with you,” she answered, “I endured it with him.” She paused before continuing. “Will he want…me on a regular basis when we return?”

“I do not know,” he said. “You are the first woman I’ve ever known him to lay with.”

This surprised her. “And you? Do you frequent many women’s beds?” she asked.

“It is an urge I do not suppress,” he answered.

Selera laughed. “I wonder how many black and red striped bastards you’ve left in your wake?”

Maul made no attempt to disguise his irritation at this, and replied, “Perhaps you will have one as well?”

Selera’s teasing smile waned: she had both men close together. If she were pregnant, she would not know whose it was. What would they do with her then?

Maul moved close to her and placed his hand on her abdomen, being careful not to draw her energy. He felt around carefully and then looked at her.

“You do not carry a child,” he answered stoically. “Now, let’s get started once again.”

Selera moaned, but complied.