A Simple Truth of Emotion

Falling? ... no ...

“What do you mean we’ll see?” I asked incredulously. She laughed to herself and smirked. I glared annoyed at her and half pouted. “I could sleep on the couch,” I moved around and rested my head against the arm rest, “it’s actually comfy.” I said and grinned. She laughed again and shook her head. “Ugh, what is it?” I snapped and she chuckled. She’s really frustrating me.

“You’re going to sleep on my bed and I’m going to pull the mattress out from under my bed and sleep there.” She explained and I just stared at her. Why didn’t she just tell me that earlier? I closed my eyes and decided to ignore her for a couple seconds. I felt the couch shift and I opened one eye. I watched her closely.

She was looking at her phone worriedly, probably reading a text. Her fingers moved over the keys quickly and she waited, staring at it impatiently. She was standing up and facing toward the television. Her phone buzzed in her hand and I opened my other eye, watching her more intently. “What’s wrong?” I asked when I saw her brows furrow.

“I was hoping this wouldn’t happen when you were here.” She whispered and I raised a brow.

“What, Brianna?” I asked.

“My dad got drunk at the party he went to with my mother. He left my mother at the party and he’s heading over here now.” She said and I shrugged.

“So, is that really bad?” She nodded and I waited for her to explain why.

“He hits me when he’s drunk. I don’t want him to hurt you.” She said softly. Her face held so much shame. I understood why, since I’m also ashamed of my father. I stood up and grabbed her hand.

“Let’s get out of here then. We’ll come back later in the night. We can even pick up your mother.” I said trying to save her from a beating. Banging suddenly came from the front door and she ran to turn off the light.

“Back doors come in handy.” She said slyly and I smirked. We left from the back door and snuck around the house watching her father to get into the house. We ran to her car and she reached into her pockets. “Shit I left my keys!” She turned to go back but I grabbed her.

“I’ll go get them. You’re too heavy footed, he’ll hear you.” Worry shone in her eyes but I smiled reassuringly. “I’ll be okay.” I ran to the back door and snuck in. Where did she leave those damn keys? I looked around the kitchen and saw them on the counter. I walked over silently and grabbed the keys. I could hear foot steps walking toward the kitchen rapidly. “Shit.” I whispered and ran to the back door. Just as I got out the light to the kitchen turned on.

As quickly as I could I ran to Brianna and smirked. “Are you okay?” She asked frantically as I breathed in fast huffs. I nodded and we got into her car.

“We’ll pick up your mother first.” I said when she looked at me. She started the car and drove off. The drive was mostly quiet. She looked as if she was in her own thoughts and I just didn’t have anything to say … wait … oh my god. Her father hits her! What the fuck! I clenched my jaw shut trying not to say something that would anger her. When was she going to tell me? I can’t … damn jackass! Touching her like that!

I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down. The car slowed in front of a store and I looked at her. “Wait here, I’m going to get my mom.” I nodded as she walked down the street.

Today was … eventful. A sigh escaped my lips and I pushed back the thought of her getting beat by her dad. I tapped my thigh as I started thinking of my cousin. My finger’s twitched and I smiled. I had an urge to play the piano. Maybe if I remember I could play that song she wrote. I leaned back and closed my eyes.


“Crys, you have to hit this key first.” A hand fell on a piano key and I looked up and grinned. “I’ll show you the rest if you get the first half down.” I smiled at my cousin and tried playing but I couldn’t hit the third note. I started again my hands drifting slowly over the keys. “You got it.” She whispered watching me closely.

I hit the wrong note and swore but I started over. My fingers moved quicker then intended but I hit all the notes. My heart swelled with happiness and I looked at Samantha. “Did I do it okay?” I asked timidly. She nodded with a proud smile. She showed me the rest and I tried it over and over until I memorized and perfected each key.


I opened my eyes to see Brianna sitting in the driver’s seat and her mother lying down in the back seat, watching us. Brianna looked at me worriedly and grabbed my hand. “Are you okay?” She asked and I stared at her. I smiled at her and nodded. She was so adorable when she was worried. “Okay … let me know if something’s bothering you though.”

“I will, I promise.” I whispered and she leaned over to kiss my cheek. I blushed and glanced at her mom. She winked at me and closed her eyes. Whoa, what the heck was that? Brianna drove off heading back to the house to drop off her mother. I closed my eyes and tried to take a nap.

“Brianna,” I heard her mother speak but I didn’t open my eyes.


“Do you like her?” She asked.

“Mom! She could hear you!”

“She went to sleep, Hunny. Answer the question.” She demanded. I could imagine the look of embarrassment on Brianna’s face.

“Yes, I do.” She said lowly. I could barely hear her. But I heard. Everything went silent and I had the urge to open my eyes. “I’m not ready for a relationship, mom. Not when dad is still like this.” I understood now. “I want him sober when he meets her as my girlfriend.”

“We’re leaving tomorrow to your aunts. I want to give you two time to yourselves, hide Crystal till then.” The rest of the car ride was silent. As soon as the car slowed I opened my eyes and yawned. The back door opened and closed and I waved bye as Brianna’s mother entered the house.

“What are we going to do, Bri?” I asked.

“Drive around and talk, unless you want to do something else.”

“We’re not supposed to be driving around at this time of night. Let’s go somewhere and we’ll talk there.” She nodded and I closed my eyes again. She sung suddenly, the words holding such warmth. “Do you know the song ‘All Over Me’ by Lindsey Harper?” I asked looking at her.

“Yeah,” she grinned when she said that. “Requesting a song you want me to sing?”

“Yes, please. That’s my favorite song.” I said happily. She began to sing as she drove. I silently listened, singing along quietly. She drove for a long time occasionally switching to different songs. “Ever thought about the future?” I asked suddenly. I looked at her intensely. She nodded and glanced at me.

“Not really, only when I have nothing else to think of. It isn’t something that plagues my mind.” She said seriously and I nodded. I looked at the passing street and sighed.

“I can’t get the past out of my mind,” I began and looked at her again. I opened my mouth and spoke clearly making sure she heard me. “Mostly my cousin and my father but I usually block him out.” She glanced at me and slowed to a stop having hit a red light.

“You father?” She asked confused and I nodded.

“He left me and my mother a while ago.” I said and gave her a sad smile and she looked at me. “I just miss him at times … but then I wanna hate him, you know?” I said and grabbed her hand with both of mine. I grinned at her and studied her split lip. “Does your lip hurt?” I changed the subject easily.

She passed her tongue over her lip and shook her head. “Not really, but when I touch my cheek it does.” She answered softly. I nodded and dropped her hand on my lap. I clapped them together and smirked.

“Green light,” the red suddenly turned green and she stared at me incredulously. “I got the gift girl.” I drawled and she laughed driving off. The rest of the ride was filled with me attempting to sing like her, didn’t work out too well. I’m sure I broke her rear window trying to hit a high note. She parked outside a park and stepped out the car. I got out quickly and looked around. I opened to speak but she grabbed my roughly and pushed me against the car.

“You’re so goddamned beautiful.” She whispered in my ear. I blushed darkly and tensed. “Loser,” she yelled and ran into the park. I clenched my jaw and chased after her angrily. I was hot on her trail when she tripped and flew forward. My eyes widened and I tried grabbing her hand. “Shit!” She yelled and rolled over to her back.

Worry ate at me and I sat next to her, checking her for any injuries. “Are you okay?” I asked and rested my hand on her stomach. She nodded and smiled at me. “Then get up.” I growled and flicked at her nose. She got up and walked over to a bench. I got up quickly and sat next to her.

“That was a nasty fall.” Brianna chuckled and checked her arms. “I don’t know how I didn’t get any scratches.” I nodded and studied her intently. I scooted closer to her and placed my hand on her cheek. I only wanted to see the bruise but … I wanted to suddenly kiss her. I liked my lips but looked closely at the black and blue on her cheek. It wasn’t big but it was a really dark blue almost purple looking. She closed her eyes as I ran my thumb over her cheek.

“Bri…” I trailed off as she opened her eyes. “Can I kiss you one last time?” I bravely asked. Her eyes stared into mine as she nodded slowly. I leaned forward and planted my lips on hers slowly, taking my time in memorizing the feel of her lips. Her tongue slid across my bottom lip silently asking for entrance. I parted my lips and her tongue slipped in, deepening the kiss. I moved in closer to her putting more pressure into the kiss and eliciting a moan from her. Air became a problem soon causing me to pull away. I sighed and looked into her eyes. She smiled softly and winked. A chuckle escaped both our lips and we got up to walk around. We joked and talked till it was late at night.

Am I falling?
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I kind of rushed so I'm sorry if there are some mistakes! Comment please!!